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Should I steer clear?

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I used to work this guy over a year and a half ago...we both connected but were in relationships so nothing ever happened and when we stopped working together we didn't really keep in contact.


I got out of my relationship in March and I contacted him in April just to get reaquainted...he was like 'Im so glad you've got in contact'...he tells me he is in the early stages of seeing somebody at his work but used to really like me and we arrange to meet up as friends although he was hesitant and I said I understood if he didn't want to meet up because of his situation but he was making a big deal considering that we have never dated and haven't seen each other for over a year.


So we meet, have a great time...then he says I've confused him about the girl he is seeing because it had only been a few weeks of seeing her but has known her for along time...then we kissed.


You might think this is bad but if he is telling the truth they have only been seeing other 2 weeks, he text me after saying it was really good seeing me again..although I haven't heard from him again but haven't got in contact with him because I feel he is the one with baggage and if he likes me that much he'll nip this other relationship in the bud.


Do you think now he has satisfied his curiousity he has decided he is really into this other girl?

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Should you steer clear? Yes.


If he wants to be with you, he will be. Give it some time - if another week goes by and you still haven't heard anything, then you'll know for sure its time to cut your losses.

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Ok so he got in contact, just when I had started to write him off! He was like 'I keep thinking about you & wanted to say hi'.


So do I still back off?

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