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Suspicious about online friend...


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I've had this online friend for about a year now. We have many similar interests, and similar taste in music as well. She has symptoms of anxiety, and I have autism so that means we are struggling with the same difficulties with social situations and we always text each other whenever we have a problem.. But for the past few months I've noticed that she suddenly has changed her personality. I will try to translate the suspicious messages. English isn't my first language so I apologize for grammar mistakes in this thread.


Her first suspicious message:

I'm gonna go to the concert tomorrow, and one of my friends will go with me. I've known her since kindergarten and it's gonna be so exciting!


- The strange thing about this is that she always had mentioned that she has only one friend who is a guy...


2nd message:

I have to get up early tomorrow because I have to drive my friend to uni.. I normally go on the bus with her but I just can't tomorrow. My mother told me that it was none of my business and therefore let me sleep an hour more. I feel really bad about it though


Again, she has never mentioned this friend. I asked her why she felt bad about it, but she said she didn't know.. Then she wrote that it was because she was afraid that her 'friend' would be angry if she didn't do it.. It doesn't really make sense to me.


She is always online when my sister is home too.. Once they both logged off different websites at the same time, and it really makes me wonder if my friend actually could be my sister. My online friend has sent me lots of pics of her horse that she claims to be her own, and I've analyzed them on various websites to check if they could be photoshopped because of my suspicion about her.. And I think I'm right because the time they were taken doesn't add up with what she says.. It also seems like they've been taken with different phones and cameras according to the analysis. I've looked up the horse's name, found its ID but no pics shows up on Google at all. My sister had a friend at home yesterday and I overheard something she said. She said something like: "Taken pics... Edited them..."

Then I got really scared because I've told my online friend everything, including all my secrets... Am I just paranoid, or could my sister actually be my online friend? And what can I do now?

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Definitely sounds like you are being catfished, whether it is by your own sister or not, no idea. But their lies are catching up with them when they can`t keep their story straight.

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