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partner denies access to mail

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my partner of 6 yr has a password on her web channel and refuses to allow me to see or know who she's talking to.everytime i try to talk to her she get defensive and eventually try to make me think it's my fault.what's so bad about wanting to know who she's talking to???



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  • 2 weeks later...
my partner of 6 yr has a password on her web channel and refuses to allow me to see or know who she's talking to.everytime i try to talk to her she get defensive and eventually try to make me think it's my fault.what's so bad about wanting to know who she's talking to???



You need to give her her privacy. Sometimes when people become couples they forget that they still are, beneath it all, individuals. Perhaps her "chats" are a way of maintaining a world where she's not just Steve's partner but her own person. You need to respect her wishes to her own privacy. You don't own her.


If this is an issue of trust, which it does sound like, then you need to talk with her about it. After 6 years you should have the ability to trust her faithfulness to you. If not, I'd have to ask you to question the actuality of your relationship with her. Six years is a long time, but that doesn't mean anything in terms of how close the two of you are. Time doesn't always equate to experiences. Relationships of six months may have more trust than you do right now for each other. Try and confront her in a civilized manner and try to resolve this situation.


Best wishes,



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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldnt be too concerned about this.




It is probably true she has something to hide.




However...it may just be part of a fantasy. In a private fantasy, the partner is rarely involved. So just dont ask.




it is so easy to create new email addresses. You would never be able to find out.




Just ignore it. Look to what is happening in real life.



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