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Unanswered Mail


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this has been bothering me for a month now and i don't know what to do. i have been corresponding through email with a guy (that i like and he doesn't know) but this is just for awhile because after exchanging a few emails...i received nothing.


HISTORY: we're classmates in 5th and 6th grade, we're friends but not that close. That was 7 yrs ago and i have no feelings for him at that time. Not until i met him again after 4 years...i like him (physically and all). And after that never heard a news from him again. That was 3 years ago (when we met)and for 3 years i've been thinking and dreaming about him. i think i'm falling for him. He has everything that i've been looking for in a man...an ideal i guess. so i searched for him over the internet...it's so weird...i can't beleive myself typing his name in a search engine. and know what?? i found his email add!! i can't beleive it!! i'm so happy!! i emailed him (said hello and and what's up..that's all)and he replied saying he's glad to hear from again and to keep in touch and telling me about his life now. i'm so happy!! then i emailed him back...he replied (short reply telling me how busy he is)...i emailed back...he replied (short reply telling me the same busy thing). i emailed again...but received nothing. UNANSWERED EMAIL...i've got no mail!! Why? what happened?? i don't know! I'm sure i sent it successfully and i received no error, returned mail. i'm confused and frustrated. will i email him again? just wait? it's been over a month now and received no reply. what might be the reasons why he did not reply? Please help...

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For many people email represents more of a nuisance than a friendly way to communicate. Commercial spam Email, for all kinds of stuff including adult websites, work at home scams, etc. make their way into people's mailboxes. Always make every attempt to change an email relationship quickly into a telephone or in-person relationship.


Email him one more time and suggest the two of you meet for lunch one day. Tell him you'd enjoy visiting with him and have him suggest a day. If he replies, great. If he doesn't, no big deal either. You can then just forget him.


There are lots of reasons people don't reply to email. Volume, business, accidental deletion, forgetfulness, etc.


Don't press this too much. Initially, you should have emailed him once a week at the most. But now, your only alternative is to email him with the lunch proposal.


Don't get in the habit of building things up so big in your mind. You hardly know this guy. (People are a lot different in the fifth and sixth grade than they are as adults.)


It's been three years since you've seen him and you dream of him on a daily basis??? You think he's everything you could love for in a man??? Give me a break!!! So are you saying your ideal man in all the world is one who won't answer your email? That's not a good thing. Before you start dreaming about somebody that often, get to know them well...in person.


I hope you can get a lunch date with him. Meanwhile, come down to earth a bit and get a reality check from someone close to you.

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You clearly have a romantic thought in your head about this guy. I've been there too, sending a random email to a guy I had feelings for at one time. But the reality is, life is not a romance novel/movie. You are probably bored at this stage in your life, which is why you persued this. He clearly doesn't have the same romantic novel in his head. It would be cool if he did, but he doesn't. If he did, he would write you more engaging emails, and he would keep the correspondence up. My advice, let it be, be proud of yourself for following your heart, but keep face by not being THAT psycho girl who can't take a hint. Men love to call women PSYCHO (that's what they call us when they don't understand our passion :) ). Anyway, don't be so bored, find ways to spice up your current life (try writing poems, painting, dancing, making new friends, go to church, join an organization, volunteer your free time to homeless or Planned Parenthood or something). You'll meet cool people the more you get involved in life.

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maybe he's involved with someone, even married, and doesn't feel right emailing you. or maybe his wife or gf found your email to him and freaked out. made a big deal out of it and toldhim to block you or ignore you. i wouldn't keep wasting your time. it's not like you've had a real warm reception from him. just short answers. take the hint i'm afraid to say.


this has been bothering me for a month now and i don't know what to do. i have been corresponding through email with a guy (that i like and he doesn't know) but this is just for awhile because after exchanging a few emails...i received nothing.


HISTORY: we're classmates in 5th and 6th grade, we're friends but not that close. That was 7 yrs ago and i have no feelings for him at that time. Not until i met him again after 4 years...i like him (physically and all). And after that never heard a news from him again. That was 3 years ago (when we met)and for 3 years i've been thinking and dreaming about him. i think i'm falling for him. He has everything that i've been looking for in a man...an ideal i guess. so i searched for him over the internet...it's so weird...i can't beleive myself typing his name in a search engine. and know what?? i found his email add!! i can't beleive it!! i'm so happy!! i emailed him (said hello and and what's up..that's all)and he replied saying he's glad to hear from again and to keep in touch and telling me about his life now. i'm so happy!! then i emailed him back...he replied (short reply telling me how busy he is)...i emailed back...he replied (short reply telling me the same busy thing). i emailed again...but received nothing. UNANSWERED EMAIL...i've got no mail!! Why? what happened?? i don't know! I'm sure i sent it successfully and i received no error, returned mail. i'm confused and frustrated. will i email him again? just wait? it's been over a month now and received no reply. what might be the reasons why he did not reply? Please help...

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