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my boyfriends pics of naked women


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My boyfriend has hundreds of naked pics of women saved on his computer. He recieves emails also from friends with porn and naked women. He had these pictures before I met him. I talked about it with him and he said I have nothing to worry about, that they are just pictures. Is this normal? Should I be jealous?

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It is not unusual for men to admire the female body. Hugh Hefner made a fortune with his Playboy Magazine and many others have followed. It is absolutely natural for men to enjoy looking at these pictures and not out of the ordinary for men to save them. While your guy may have them stored on his computer, countless others have piles of the magazines and pictures in their attic.


There is no good reason to be jealous unless your guy prefers to stay home and look at his naked lady pictures rather than be out with you.


My position here is based on the premise that these pictures are healthy and in good taste. If there are lewd and lascivious pictures of naked women in morbid contortions or with men in lewd acts, then I think your guy has stepped out of the boundaries what might be acceptable.


I know this may bother you and if it does you should strongly consider finding a guy who doesn't collect these pictures. But absent any pathological behavior, having a collection of girlie pictures is actually quite a healthy male thing.


Maybe you ought to pose for his collection.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much unless he's jerking off to them or thinking about the women instead of you. If it really bothers you, get a bunch of pictures of naked guys and see what he says. Good luck.

My boyfriend has hundreds of naked pics of women saved on his computer. He recieves emails also from friends with porn and naked women. He had these pictures before I met him. I talked about it with him and he said I have nothing to worry about, that they are just pictures. Is this normal? Should I be jealous?
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I wouldn't worry about it too much unless he's jerking off to them or thinking about the women instead of you.


guys, please correct me if i am generalising, but i was under the impression that a LOT of guys jerked off over porn magazines. i thought it was common and normal. i mean seriously, they don't buy them solely for the articles and stories, right? on the other hand, i'm not saying that guys buy these magazines or download pictures solely for the purpose of jerking off....actually, what am i saying???!


ok. i guess my question is: what is the point of viewing a naked woman vs viewing a nice woman who is fully clothed? is it for a sexual response?


i just want a guy's point of view, because frankly, i have never "got off" on looking at pictures of naked men. to be honest, those magazines with naked firemen etc are so corny they make me laugh and i don't find them erotic at all.


please fill me in. i'm a tad curious, now. for want of a better expression, i haven't really been exposed to much pornography whilst in a relationship or out of one for that matter.


thank you! :)

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Well obviously the guy is wanking off to the pictures. Why else would he have them? Doh! He sounds like a pervert. And if he has that large of a collection, it could mean he's addicted to porn. sounds like a freak.

I wouldn't worry about it too much unless he's jerking off to them or thinking about the women instead of you. If it really bothers you, get a bunch of pictures of naked guys and see what he says. Good luck.
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