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random tears

Hey ya~


I have an issue, many to be exact, but one that I need help with right now...





He says I am jealous...he may be right....I believe he provokes me on purpose so he can have a reason to say that. Just when I think I got things under control he provokes me again...It all seems very innocent on his part ie


(he doesnt say these things to me, his actions do)




"wwwwhhhhhaaaaaatttt...I am just talking on the cell phone to another girl in spanish and too bad it is none of your businessss"



"I know we are going out, but where we are going is none of your business, even though we have been there before, you will see when we get there"


"OF COURSE i am not talking about you to my family, it is not my fault they say SSSSHHHHHHHHH! when you walk in the room...ask them"



and when I dont understand something, I ask and here is my answer:


"no, you dont understand, I cant explain it"


If I keep asking:


"you are so nosy"


He seems so closed off with me, so distant..Yet he always says this:


"I love you, I know you dont believe me, but I do"


I hardly get reassurance from him, I sometimes have to BEG him for a hug or a kiss, if I ask him to explain things to me I am considered nosy or I wont understand, He is just emotionally unavailable at times, very distant and cold. He says that my jealousy is my only flaw...but how do you not be jealous when you are hardly reassured, and things APPEAR to be suspicious??????? He says I need to trust him, and believe in him. HOW? Also, how to overlook his seemingly suspicious behaviour? Because I have been feeling that my jealousy has been taking its toll on us.... Standardly speaking, he doesnt have time to cheat, and all of his time is always accounted for...however, there are instances when stuff doesnt add up...I cant figure it out....I think he enjoys me being so needy and clingy, but I feel like a dog...I HATE IT.....Suggestions...on how to make myself as emotionally aloof as him???

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Well I've got to say your BF sounds like an First class A-hole...


BUT to answer your question on how to appear more detached is to BE that way.. stop asking him who's on the phone, or where he's going.. don't ask him to explain what he's saying when he's speaking in spanish... BUT also DON'T give him any explanations for what you're doing either, or who you're talking too...


Seriously this seems like a hella lot of trouble to go through and unneccessary pain to be with the person who's suppose to Love you.. and for real if he says he knows you don't believe him when he says he loves you this only tells me he also knows his behaviour isn't okay...

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This guy is an emotionally unavailable jerk. He wants you to THINK that you wouldnt understand. Or that he knows something YOU dont know. Hes a headgame playin jackass. You can do SOOOO much better than this dweeb. Just tell him you're dumping him. When he asks why,...just say "You wouldnt understand,..I cant explain it"

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