spriggan2 Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 (edited) OP have your tried Tinder? Im having luck there. Read reddit about how to get your profile appealing. Swipe everyone right. Read about moving convos towards potential meetups. You'll get matches and potentally dates. I already have a few dates lined up after 3ish weeks of using the app. I'm 6ft2 though and relatively handsome and I've been told I'm a good texter. But I see no reason why you can't get results. Edited January 24, 2016 by spriggan2 Grammar Link to post Share on other sites
Author AverageJoe1986 Posted January 24, 2016 Author Share Posted January 24, 2016 OP have your tried Tinder? Im having luck there. Read reddit about how to get your profile appealing. Swipe everyone right. Read about moving convos towards potential meetups. You'll get matches and potentally dates. I already have a few dates lined up after 3ish weeks of using the app. I'm 6ft2 though and relatively handsome and I've been told I'm a good texter. But I see no reason why you can't get results. That is hilarious. I'm succesful on Tinder...oh I'm 6'2 and handsome. D'uh! I tried it with a ridiculously flattering photo of myself. No dice. Deleted it. Link to post Share on other sites
normal person Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 I have long been aware that women are just as supericial as men, but the party line from virtually everyone I know/read is to the opposite. I decided to test it out. My shock wasn't so much the superficiality but the utter debasement, willingness to overlook extreme arrogance and rudeness and any number of bizarre character flaws. If you cannot see the distinction then you're beyond reasoning with. I know the distinction, I just don't know why it comes as such a shock. What you're "discovering" isn't anything particularly revolutionary. Women fawning over good looking, aggressive, crass men has been the burden of unnoticed average and/or "nice" guys for decades. Your experiment isn't exactly novel either, I've seen a lot of variations of it before, a few even on this forum. Your last paragraph makes next to no coherent sense. You can see how many people view your profile beyond the main photo. I could have written a dozen of the greatest love sonnets and a business plan for the perpetual motion machine and I still would only have had my profile perused but once a week. Maybe where you're falling short is your assumption that the contingent of women using OLD want egregious displays of your brilliance like great love sonnets and perpetual motion machines. By "looking good on paper," I didn't mean "looking good on paper for an application to a doctoral program." I meant looking good on paper within the context of OLD and what's actually attractive to most women. Women will want to go out with a guy who can generate a particular feeling or feelings inside of them, not necessarily the guy who can recite pi to the most places. Being a genius isn't a magic bullet, sorry. I'm certainly no genius and my experience with OLD has been overwhelmingly positive. 4 Link to post Share on other sites
Author AverageJoe1986 Posted January 24, 2016 Author Share Posted January 24, 2016 I know the distinction, I just don't know why it comes as such a shock. What you're "discovering" isn't anything particularly revolutionary. Women fawning over good looking, aggressive, crass men has been the burden of unnoticed average and/or "nice" guys for decades. Your experiment isn't exactly novel either, I've seen a lot of variations of it before, a few even on this forum. Maybe where you're falling short is your assumption that the contingent of women using OLD want egregious displays of your brilliance like great love sonnets and perpetual motion machines. By "looking good on paper," I didn't mean "looking good on paper for an application to a doctoral program." I meant looking good on paper within the context of OLD and what's actually attractive to most women. Women will want to go out with a guy who can generate a particular feeling or feelings inside of them, not necessarily the guy who can recite pi to the most places. Being a genius isn't a magic bullet, sorry. I'm certainly no genius and my experience with OLD has been overwhelmingly positive. Crass? Arrogant? I got asked out by a woman after I told her, and demonstrated, that I had a mental age of 7. Is that beyond a level of willingness to ignore flaws in an attractive member of the opposite sex than I imagined? Yes. If that seems fine to you then good luck to you. My love sonnets/perpetual motion machine was clearly exaggerated for rhetorical effect. You said: 1, OLD is a god send if you look good on paper, meaning how your profile is wrtten and presented. 2, If you have to message a woman you're doing OLD wrong. What reason has a woman got to click on a profile beyond the main photo? I am not 6ft and I don't earn tonnes of money. The only way of getting her to look at it is to message her. Your point is incoherent. Link to post Share on other sites
DatingDirection Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 This is one of the best posts I've read on here. What you did was very clever!!! I've been on plenty of sh*t before. Both men and women are shallow. Women are ruiening it for themselves and other woman by chasing out men, and allowing men to take advantage of them. Also, men have become lazy as anything, and even more shallow then women at times. I had 800 people wanting to meet me, I got about 10 messages per week, mostly just hi. This is totally annoying. Hi hi hi. ..or men wanting a hook up. Anyways, try a different site, and try to find happiness in our new hook up/shallow culture, thanks to those spoiled baby boomer generation who brought up those spoiled bratts, of today who enjoy instant gratification, and above all have a sense of entitlement. Link to post Share on other sites
thecrucible Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 Leigh could not be more correct. After my divorce, I did the male version of what she did. Good god it works. My inbox looks just like what you describe. Ooodles of new girls all the time, every girl on snapchat who follows me watches every story, lots of instagram followers, lots and lots of girls (none right, but that's a different story!) It was never like this for me until I decided to put all the work in to look my absolute best. Lots of gym time. I bought the topical botox face cream too, but always forget to use it. Looks are the most important thing in getting first dates, so if you want them, you have to put the effort in. Exactly. I have gained weight recently and I get less attention than I used to (I am working on getting back to my finer self ). I also get way more attention when I am dolled up and my eyebrows, nails and hair are immaculate. I get more attention wearing tight clothes, hoop earrings and a push up bra. I have perfected the kind of look which will get me more attention. When I don't have that look, I get less of it. It's taken me a while to figure out what works best. It's like applying for a job isn't it? Your first step is to put forward a good case to get yourself an interview by working on your 'packaging'. I have seen plenty of people who aren't incredibly beautiful (well that's pretty much everyone) and they get lots of attention because they present themselves well in terms of personality and style. And when you know that you look your best you project a different kind of energy and I think that's what Leigh is getting at. Link to post Share on other sites
fitnessfan365 Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 I am a slim woman with an amazing body shape and a nice teeth and smile yet I didn't just go for men that had a 6 pack. I went for many chubby men. Again, I wanted to aim for men who would be more likely to feel LUCKY to have me and enamoured with my looks. . Fat or fit, how a guy treats you is based on who he is. Not what he looks like. Also, purposely focusing on chubby guys just so you can feel safer when they kiss your ass is pretty self limiting Leigh. What's interesting is that you stress you went for "many". So doesn't that prove your choices aren't successful? This is just a theory. But I think the reason why the "sparks" are always short lived with guys you choose, is because the pedestal they put you on feels good at first and then eventually gets boring. If a guy is constantly enamored, he won't ever be real or treat you like a person. Just a pedestal princess. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
thecrucible Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 OP, can you share a message you have sent using your normal profile i.e. not within this experiment? It would be interesting to see as people here may be able to give advice and help your response rate... Btw I don't think all women would be the like the ones you mentioned. I mean, firstly, I would question why a ridiculously hot guy would message me but I also would be thinking "do I actually have anything in common with this guy?". There's no point in dating someone you find hot if you can't even have a full conversation with them. Link to post Share on other sites
Leigh 87 Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 Seriously, there is no one like you in the dating pool I'm working in. It's funny because there were two revealing conversations I had today. Both with attractive women who hadn't messaged me back 'as me'. The first one I really connected with. She loved theatre and we both loved Shakespeare. She was totally taken aback when I discussed the relative merits of Rosalind and Juliet. We talked for a while about our favourite paintings in the National Gallery. The thing is, my profile with the hot photo had none of this info on it. But the profile with my own photo had my love of Shakespeare and Renaissance and Baroque art. Yet she almost tripped over herself to talk to the former and ignored the latter. Secondly, I discussed the idea of looks vs personality with another woman. She felt she could admit that she would just never be attracted to a guy who she didn't find physically atrractive. And that by that she meant conventionally so. She did feel a fair degree of (totally unprompted)shame over this fact and felt incredibly pressured by society to toe the party line over the prioritisation of 'personality' whatever that word actually means. I am attractive but I am by no means a beauty queen. So I realize that being shallow and disgustingly lenient when it comes to "hot men" with bad personalities won't serve me well. These women will soon learn that being shallow and closing themselves off from non conventionally attractive men will lead to heartache. They are properly up themsleves and think that they deserve the guy that all the other girls want. Let me give you an insight based on my own experience with men and dating. I was once shallow with men. Yes, I admit it:o I tried to date a hot body builder once. Great right? Well, although he was attracted to me, he admitted that I was the first *non skinny* chick he'd seen. Better yet, it was delightful how he exclaimed " Leigh, you're the ONLY girl I have f*cked and not dated. It's good that I can't be bothered to pretend like I am into someone for a change" My fave is when we were lying down and he mentioned that"I'd look just splendid at 50 kilos"? Whichis 110 ish lbs. I am 5"6 with massive large breasts and curves. I was 54 kilos at the time. I was already very very slim. So I decided that the intense chemistry didn't have to come from *hot* men. True Chemistry can be felt by simply being open to EVERYONE. Having a pre concieved ideals as to what you SHOULD be attracted to kills it. Begin open to feeling Chemistry with ANY body type, changed my life. I am not Gods gift to men so I knew I couldn't sit there and limit myself to the men that all the women were chasing. I wanted to get treated like a queen by a man who was enamoured with me. So... When I went online, I didn't limit myself to a certain men. I still had to like the look of them, but I realized that they didn't need to have perfect teeth or have a 6 pack in order for me to feel the instant attraction for them....... So ever since body builder guy:sick: I have focused on men who are actually super into me. Smitten with me. Yes, sometimes they happen to me the "really hot" men, but I certainly don't limit myself to men that the most women tend to venerate. So unlike the women who fawn all over the men that are "Hollywood " hot, my friends and I are slim, attractive women with nice smiles yet we went for chemistry;and chemistry isn't confined to what is socially deemed as "hot" There are many women like me. We will go for men who we like the look of and have an instant feeling of attraction towards. We are still somewhat shallow. But we are open to feeling Chemistry and attraction for ANYONE. It so happens that we have all fallen the HARDEST for men who aren't hot by conventional standards, but had something that drive us wild! I am so much more into/attracted to my bf than I ever was for body builder guy:sick: my bf made me swoon upon first glance. I learnt that chemistry doesn't require movie star looks! I am not rare. It's just more common for attractive women to want what they perceive is their "equal ":sick: The thing is... the beauty queens who DO make the highest amount of men enamoured and interested, do NOT USE ONLINE DATING. SO, however "hot" those shallow women think they are, the real top 5% of lookers don't use online...they are snapped up by the most decent people usually. And lastly, no one should accept a psycho sounding guy in the name of perceived *good looks * Sigh. I personally think it's hilarious when women excuse vulgar behavior in the name of "landing a hottie" My friends and I are just three examples of cute and attractive women who aim within their league and go for the guys that they truly click with. Link to post Share on other sites
thecrucible Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 Fat or fit, how a guy treats you is based on who he is. Not what he looks like. This is true. I have dated guys who weren't very attractive who also weren't great boyfriends. So to give a woman the advice of "beware of men you find attractive. You may date a much less attractive guy with a great personality" just sets up a false dichotomy for me. No I will judge a guy on his own merits and I won't be especially disposed to a guy because of his looks, whether he is average or hot. Nor will I date a guy I don't fancy as it's false and not fair on anyone. I refuse to respond to peer pressure on that. I've found that the people who have tried to make me feel guilty about not dating someone they have tried to set me up with, are speechless when I say to them, "if they are that wonderful, why don't you date them?". You can always read between the lines. Anyway, that's tangential... I think though that you'd want to date someone of a similar fitness level with similar degree of interest in personal appearance as you'd want to feel sufficiently comfortable around them and that you wouldn't have to try extra hard to live up to their standards. I like fitness but I'm not obsessed with it. I've had guys reject me because I'm not an Adrenalin junkie and I prefer health against striving for a perfect body. Some people get uneasy with the fact that you feel comfortable in who you are; and some more attractive people can be intimidating that as they expect you to put as much time into your appearance as they undoubtedly do. Btw I do make an effort, I'm just talking about people that make it a big part of their world to look good. Link to post Share on other sites
brothers343 Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 You know people are weird not that is bad....in fact I am weird. If you line up 10 beautiful woman in a straight line, I guarantee that one of tgem will find you attractive. Even if you consider yourself ugly there's is going be one that likes how you look. And ofcourse this goes both ways. One reason for this is that there looking at you in full and not behind a computer. If you feel you need a change in your appearance than do it but don't do for other people. The world is full of couples that look in different but that doesn't stop them from having a relationship. Have a good sense of humor, eat right, get fit, and that will bring you confidence. And when you begin to radiate that confidence.....thats when your life will change for you. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
thecrucible Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 So ever since body builder guy:sick: I have focused on men who are actually super into me. Smitten with me. Yes, sometimes they happen to me the "really hot" men, but I certainly don't limit myself to men that the most women tend to venerate. So unlike the women who fawn all over the men that are "Hollywood " hot, my friends and I are slim, attractive women with nice smiles yet we went for chemistry;and chemistry isn't confined to what is socially deemed as "hot" That's exactly my perspective. I know when chemistry is there and I know when it isn't. I know I can't force myself to feel something I don't. I have sometimes felt great chemistry with not very conventionally attractive guys and zero or very little chemistry with very attractive ones so it really depends. I am open minded to see who I meet and how we click. I am more into a man's face than his body although I like to feel he is strong. Objectively I don't find men's bodies as attractive as women's even though I am straight. The guy could be packing extra weight and I wouldn't mind if I felt like he was a strong guy and not skin and bone. Link to post Share on other sites
Leigh 87 Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 Fat or fit, how a guy treats you is based on who he is. Not what he looks like. Also, purposely focusing on chubby guys just so you can feel safer when they kiss your ass is pretty self limiting Leigh. What's interesting is that you stress you went for "many". So doesn't that prove your choices aren't successful? This is just a theory. But I think the reason why the "sparks" are always short lived with guys you choose, is because the pedestal they put you on feels good at first and then eventually gets boring. If a guy is constantly enamored, he won't ever be real or treat you like a person. Just a pedestal princess. Oh, I don't limit myself to ONLY chubby or unattractive guys:lmao: They are still all cute.. I just don't have superficial and too high stardards.. I don't shut myself off to sterotypical hotties; I dated at least 3 of them last year. One of them is still devestated over me and is fcking around with super models to get over me. The other was a lecturer at my uni. 25 yr old with a PHD, 6 foot 3 and a cute face. Women regular approached him in his office with unbuttoned blouses I can recognize what society deems as "Hollywood " good looking. I just don't need that type. And despite dating that type, I felt more intense chemistry with lesser good looking men. I still need the instant chemistry and amazing sex life. .. I have just discovered that it doesn't matter if a guy is chubby or has non perfect teeth. I am definitely not limiting myself to the men who cannot get hot women; my bfs exes were all hot. He just isn't an ego maniac who expects supermodels and neither am I. We have substance. We are both the types who don't believe you need a supermodel look alike in order to fall head over heels in love. For those overly shallow women, even if they are hot (me and my mates are all considered hot after all). That doesn't mean that only focusing on 6 packs and perfect teeth will lead them to true love. So make no mistake, I still need to feel the magic.... I am just more open to finding it with different body types and paycheck levels than many shallow women I have met. I have honestly fallen the hardest for men that weren't ripped, fit and perfect. I am not perfect or beautiful by most guys standards yet I have managed to find me that don't need Megan Fox look alikes and who genuinely thought I was drop dead gorgeous. What works for me: following your heart. Not what you think your mates will be the most impressed with. And those other men that I felt the spark for yet lost interest in? Their personalities just killed it for me. I didn't feel a click. As you know, chemistry is multi faceted. ...it can be instant and hot yet burn out just as fast and after a few times, you learn just how rare it is to feel a true click. A connection on all levels. Women that the OP has encountered that continue to chat him up despite his crazy antics should maybe take a leaf out of my book. Link to post Share on other sites
Author AverageJoe1986 Posted January 24, 2016 Author Share Posted January 24, 2016 OP, can you share a message you have sent using your normal profile i.e. not within this experiment? It would be interesting to see as people here may be able to give advice and help your response rate... Btw I don't think all women would be the like the ones you mentioned. I mean, firstly, I would question why a ridiculously hot guy would message me but I also would be thinking "do I actually have anything in common with this guy?". There's no point in dating someone you find hot if you can't even have a full conversation with them. I have deleted my old account so I don't have any messages I sent. But really I'm certain that's not it. I may be wrong but I was sending really specific things about their profile that they just would have answered if they had been attracted to me. One of the great things about the experiment I've done is that I've essentially got many of the women I originally messaged to admit to me that they don't care about the message sent. I have my answer and I can move on from it without wondering what happened. To be honest your second paragraph is why reading these forums can be so frustrating sometimes. That's not to have a go at you. At the beginning of the thread people were having a go at me: 'D'uh women like hot guys, quel surprise!'. Now, you're really surprised that this should be true. Now I know you're all individuals but often in these threads the receieved wisdom wants to have it both ways: Don't be surprised that women are as shallow as men/ I can't believe that women would be so shallow 'cos I/my female friends always go for average looking men. I never said that ALL the women I messaged responded or that ALL of them tolerated arrogance/rudeness/offensiveness/crudeness et. But a significant percentage did. Over 80% I'd say. Link to post Share on other sites
Leigh 87 Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 That's exactly my perspective. I know when chemistry is there and I know when it isn't. I know I can't force myself to feel something I don't. I have sometimes felt great chemistry with not very conventionally attractive guys and zero or very little chemistry with very attractive ones so it really depends. I am open minded to see who I meet and how we click. I am more into a man's face than his body although I like to feel he is strong. Objectively I don't find men's bodies as attractive as women's even though I am straight. The guy could be packing extra weight and I wouldn't mind if I felt like he was a strong guy and not skin and bone. Well the fact those women hang onto talking to the OP despite him uttering uttwr nonsense goes to show that conventional good looks trump all else for many. In Bolivia recently, a British girl a few years younger than me told me that "hot guys "were her thing. In all honesty, she was at about my level or only slightly prettier. There is actually a good chance that she'll find her "hottie" yet she could be missing out on the love if her life by instinctively turning away from the men that don't look like soccer stars. Link to post Share on other sites
Reitteg813 Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 I feel like it depends on the app/dating site you use. I tried an online site just to see what its like. In 3 days I got 1 message. On tinder I have about 230 matches I downloaded this thing called Bumble a few days ago and in 3-4 days I have 16 matches, but the thing is only the girls can initiate a conversation, you cant message them first. Every one of them messaged me. Weird how it works Link to post Share on other sites
normal person Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 (edited) Crass? Arrogant? I got asked out by a woman after I told her, and demonstrated, that I had a mental age of 7. Is that beyond a level of willingness to ignore flaws in an attractive member of the opposite sex than I imagined? Yes. If that seems fine to you then good luck to you. I didn't say it seemed "fine," I just implied that I've seen it plenty of times before and therefore it isn't a shock. I've taken the temperature of the market before and I'm well aware of this sort of thing. What reason has a woman got to click on a profile beyond the main photo? I am not 6ft and I don't earn tonnes of money. The only way of getting her to look at it is to message her. Your point is incoherent. 1). Sure, sometimes she does just want to click on the main photo just because it looks nice. The other times it could come down to curiosity and circumstances, so you have to give yourself the best odds. First, optimize your visibility. if you don't live in a largely populated metro area then it's a nonstarter because your dating pool will be infinitesimally small (also in larger metro areas attitudes towards dating and sex tend to be less conservative). So that's one thing you need working for you. Next, go online when most single women will be online (weeknights 9-12 or so) and use a boost or top spot (most aps have some form of this) to make yourself the top result in your whole city's search. Do that once or twice a night and you'll have your hands more than full, assuming your profile is good. 2). I'm not 6' and I don't list my income. I'm no movie star and I have a wide nose. Yet I've gotten messaged by/gone out with doctors, soap opera/broadway actresses, Ivy League grads, and a girl who won a lot of money on a national quiz game show. I've currently got 130+ unread messages with on OKC. http://s10.postimg.org/sqhc2mjk9/okcupidscreenshot2.jpg Here's what I did: Took a basic knowledge of women and kept that in mind throughout, aped the best qualities of other appealing profiles I saw and tried to work them in with my own touch, gauged the style, tone, and themes of a lot of others to make mine fit within the current "profile environment," (ex: didn't make it too long/short, didn't say "X," don't fill out "Y," etc), added a bunch of jokes, added aspects to then tastefully differentiate myself but stay similar stylistically. I gave a lot of things to prompt women to comment on and inquire about it. I made it funny, unique, honest, a little mysterious, etc. Basically I just crafted a profile I'd want the female version of myself to read -- I made myself look good on paper based on my knowledge of what women like and don't like and within the context of the current OKCupid environment. I crafted it meticulously down to the word. Most guys are completely clueless when it comes to appealing to a women's sensibilities in the OLD world. All I did was put in the effort to write a funny, unique, memorable, engaging profile that I knew women would like. I didn't tarnish it by bragging about accomplishments, quoting Shakespeare pretentiously, listing my income, or posting post shirtless pictures. I just applied my knowledge, personality, and used common sense. Such makes me "look good on paper." You just have to know what they want to see on said paper. Edited January 24, 2016 by normal person Link to post Share on other sites
Author AverageJoe1986 Posted January 24, 2016 Author Share Posted January 24, 2016 Well the fact those women hang onto talking to the OP despite him uttering uttwr nonsense goes to show that conventional good looks trump all else for many. Actual intereactions I had today: Woman 1 (who had 'must be able to make me laugh' and 'no hook ups' on her profile): 'Hi, how's your weekend?' Me: 'Sorry I am not at all funny, I only come on here to find sex when Tinder dries up. I don't want to waste your time'. Woman: 'Hey I'm always open to suggestions :-)' Woman 2: 'Hi, I love your smile' Me: 'My bum hole hurts' Woman 2: 'Your funny, are yougoing out later?' Me: 'A squirrely tried to bite my nuts off'. Woman 2: 'Lol, you in South London? You funny' Woman 3: 'Hey :-)' Me: 'Hi, what's up?' Woman 3: 'You off out tonight?' Me: 'No I'm just gonna find some premium snatch on Tinder' Woman 3: 'Haha, naughty ;-)' Me: 'Do you like bum fun?' Woman 3: 'Now that's a question to ask a lady you've just met :-) Where do you like to go travelling? Link to post Share on other sites
Leigh 87 Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 Actual intereactions I had today: Woman 1 (who had 'must be able to make me laugh' and 'no hook ups' on her profile): 'Hi, how's your weekend?' Me: 'Sorry I am not at all funny, I only come on here to find sex when Tinder dries up. I don't want to waste your time'. Woman: 'Hey I'm always open to suggestions :-)' Woman 2: 'Hi, I love your smile' Me: 'My bum hole hurts' Woman 2: 'Your funny, are yougoing out later?' Me: 'A squirrely tried to bite my nuts off'. Woman 2: 'Lol, you in South London? You funny' Woman 3: 'Hey :-)' Me: 'Hi, what's up?' Woman 3: 'You off out tonight?' Me: 'No I'm just gonna find some premium snatch on Tinder' Woman 3: 'Haha, naughty ;-)' Me: 'Do you like bum fun?' Woman 3: 'Now that's a question to ask a lady you've just met :-) Where do you like to go travelling? Wow. How hot is your picture? It's ironic that the women most likely to be online are non stunners yet they are the most superficial. Yet my friends are totally gorgeous and stumbled upon non conventionally hotken in real life and went for them. Link to post Share on other sites
Author AverageJoe1986 Posted January 24, 2016 Author Share Posted January 24, 2016 I didn't say it seemed "fine," I just implied that I've seen it plenty of times before and therefore it isn't a shock. I've taken the temperature of the market before and I'm well aware of this sort of thing. 1). Sure, sometimes she does just want to click on the main photo just because it looks nice. The other times it could come down to curiosity and circumstances, so you have to give yourself the best odds. First, optimize your visibility. if you don't live in a largely populated metro area then it's a nonstarter because your dating pool will be infinitesimally small (also in larger metro areas attitudes towards dating and sex tend to be less conservative). So that's one thing you need working for you. Next, go online when most single women will be online (weeknights 9-12 or so) and use a boost or top spot (most aps have some form of this) to make yourself the top result in your whole city's search. Do that once or twice a night and you'll have your hands more than full, assuming your profile is good. 2). I'm not 6' and I don't list my income. I'm no movie star and I have a wide nose. Yet I've gotten messaged by/gone out with doctors, soap opera/broadway actresses, Ivy League grads, and a girl who won a lot of money on a national quiz game show. I've currently got 130+ unread messages with on OKC. http://s10.postimg.org/sqhc2mjk9/okcupidscreenshot2.jpg Here's what I did: Took a basic knowledge of women and kept that in mind throughout, aped the best qualities of other appealing profiles I saw and tried to work them in with my own touch, gauged the style, tone, and themes of a lot of others to make mine fit within the current "profile environment," (ex: didn't make it too long/short, didn't say "X," don't fill out "Y," etc), added a bunch of jokes, added aspects to then tastefully differentiate myself but stay similar stylistically. I gave a lot of things to prompt women to comment on and inquire about it. I made it funny, unique, honest, a little mysterious, etc. Basically I just crafted a profile I'd want the female version of myself to read -- I made myself look good on paper based on my knowledge of what women like and don't like and within the context of the current OKCupid environment. I crafted it meticulously down to the word. Most guys are completely clueless when it comes to appealing to a women's sensibilities in the OLD world. All I did was put in the effort to write a funny, unique, memorable, engaging profile that I knew women would like. I didn't tarnish it by bragging about accomplishments, quoting Shakespeare pretentiously, listing my income, or posting post shirtless pictures. I just applied my knowledge, personality, and used common sense. Such makes me "look good on paper." You just have to know what they want to see on said paper. So I'm tarnishing my profile by mentioning that I love Shakespeare...when I love Shakespeare? If we live in a world when that's pretentious then I'd rather get no responses. And did you miss the part where I totally connected with a girl over Shakespeare...who had totally ignored my actual profile with all the pretentions to a literary and artistic taste? You have a wide nose? Well come on post a photo. I bet you're downgrading how attractive you are significantly just to prove a point. It's the standard line on all these forums. If I see a photo of you and you really are not good looking then what you say has credibility. If you are good looking then it does not. I bet you are. Link to post Share on other sites
Author AverageJoe1986 Posted January 24, 2016 Author Share Posted January 24, 2016 Wow. How hot is your picture? I know, I got lucky. I had to find someone with 4/5 good pics. Lived on the other side of the world. Friend of a friend of a friend on Facebook. Lucky, lucky guy. Link to post Share on other sites
Author AverageJoe1986 Posted January 24, 2016 Author Share Posted January 24, 2016 I know, I got lucky. I had to find someone with 4/5 good pics. Lived on the other side of the world. Friend of a friend of a friend on Facebook. Lucky, lucky guy. And the weird thing is that just a tiny sample. I began to kind of feel how it must be like to be one of the beautiful people. Not only could I say or do whatever I liked and most of them would stick around but I knew that whenever I did totally annoy someone and they left I had another 10-20 options just waiting to take their place. Now I had expected to have to work hard and cultivate interactions yet it was just such a flood of women, every other minute that I could afford to offend one with the opening line and write it off. One woman was 5'0. She messaged me 'Hi'. I looked at her profile and it said 'I only date tall men, sorry'. I responded with 'Too Short!' and she ranted at me for being shallow. I said that my preference was no more shallow than hers. She didn't see it that way. Link to post Share on other sites
Leigh 87 Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 I know, I got lucky. I had to find someone with 4/5 good pics. Lived on the other side of the world. Friend of a friend of a friend on Facebook. Lucky, lucky guy. Well considering that a lot of up themsleves shallow women tend to go for the top 5% of guys, maybe they aren't so lucky? Maybe they attract the type of women that don't mind too much if the guy is an animal f*cker so long as he's hot:lmao: Link to post Share on other sites
Author AverageJoe1986 Posted January 24, 2016 Author Share Posted January 24, 2016 Well considering that a lot of up themsleves shallow women tend to go for the top 5% of guys, maybe they aren't so lucky? Maybe they attract the type of women that don't mind too much if the guy is an animal f*cker so long as he's hot:lmao: Maybe but it's his choice. He can choose to reject these women or date them. Judging from his Facebook profile I'd say he is in a healthy place. Link to post Share on other sites
ChickiePops Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 1, I have messaged women of all levels of attractiveness. Do you really think I just message really hot women? That'd be pretty stupid. I never messaged the most attractive women, I live in the real world. 2, Today, I have had the ugliest level of women message me. When I called them out on it they weren't prepared to own it. On what planet did they think they had a chance? What do you mean you called them out on it? You told them they were ugly? Link to post Share on other sites
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