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dressing opinions plz!


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Based on the previous message... let's do a lil survey on how men like women to dress!


I often doubt what to wear to university b/c if I dress nice, i feel a bit silly next to ppl in ripped jeans, etc


SO =)


what do u think is appropriate for a girl to wear to :


(i know it all depends but still)




party at a house




1st date


regular date






Anything else u guys wanna inform us girls of? :p



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Sorry to jump on your question, JustAGirl, but I'm curious about this, too. Do guys prefer classy or trashy? (I don't mean 'hooker' trashy, but 'overall dressed to the 9s' classy (with skin here and there) or 'showing a lot of skin' trashy.) I'm curious, because I tend to dress 'overall dressed to the 9s classy' and every guy that hits on me comments that I look classy. (At least compared to some of the hoohas here in L.A.) But, it's a little unclear what's preferred. My friends who dress trashy get hit on a lot, too. Depends on the guy, I guess, but I'm curious what all you guys on the board think.

Based on the previous message... let's do a lil survey on how men like women to dress! I often doubt what to wear to university b/c if I dress nice, i feel a bit silly next to ppl in ripped jeans, etc SO =) what do u think is appropriate for a girl to wear to : (i know it all depends but still) college/uni party at a house club 1st date regular date movies etc? Anything else u guys wanna inform us girls of? :p Thanks!!!
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hi girls!


i have actually heard from a lot of guys that they prefer a girl who looks well-groomed with a bit of class.


i questioned one of my male friends on this oneday and he said to me even though the average guy will look at a girl who is wearing a mini-skirt or a boob tube, a lot of guys prefer to look at a woman who is dressed WELL (obviously a woman who knows how to dress according to her body shape).


one of my ex boyfriends once said to me that he would rather perve at a woman in a business suit or in smart casual clothes than at a woman wearing next to nothing. next to nothing is not classy (just like i can't stand guys who walk around clubs with their shirts undone - give me a break!!).


personally, i am a real "pants girl". i wear a lot of hipster pants and jeans, with either high-heel boots or sneakers and i have actually found that i attract a helluva lot of nicer guys than if i was wearing a short skirt and had my boobs hanging out of my shirt (cringe).


for example, last new year's eve, i went interstate with my cousin. we got all dressed up in our black hipster pants, high heel shoes and snazzy tops and had a few admiring glances from guys. then we went back to our hotel, changed into our casual clothes (hipsters, sneakers and halter-neck shirts) and we were both wolf-whistled at and approached MANY times. i couldn't really understand why, but then my cousin said that she's always found guys are very attracted to girls who look comfortable as well as well-dressed.


oh, and i know a BIG turn-off for guys is too much make-up. ewww! it looks so unnatural. less is best, just enough to emphasise your best features.


i think that guys like a bit of mystery about a girl too...and there's not much mystery about a tarty chick (or class!).

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I would just like to say that men don't have it as bad as we do. How much of an attire do they have to pick from, jeans or dress pants - t-shirt, polo shirt, dress shirt! Us women cannot just slip into pants and a shirt and be ready. It all depends on where we go, how comfy we want to be, and sometimes what the guy is wearing. As for how "trashy" you want to look depends on your taste or how bad you want the guy. Everybody has their own taste.

Based on the previous message... let's do a lil survey on how men like women to dress! I often doubt what to wear to university b/c if I dress nice, i feel a bit silly next to ppl in ripped jeans, etc SO =) what do u think is appropriate for a girl to wear to : (i know it all depends but still) college/uni party at a house club 1st date regular date movies etc? Anything else u guys wanna inform us girls of? :p Thanks!!!
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