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Consolidated Discussion: Height in Dating


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Yup! Conversely why do all these 5.4 women need men that are 6 feet tall when there are plenty of really hot men at 5.6-9?


Leave the 6 feet tall guys for us tall girls.:laugh:

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In would say the majority of women feel more feminine when with a man who is bigger than they are. Usually that means taller, but there are some bulky guys with a lot of presence.


For example I am a solid 5'6", and prefer that guys have a few inches on me. I can honestly say I would hesitate before dating a guy a few inches shorter than me.

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In would say the majority of women feel more feminine when with a man who is bigger than they are. Usually that means taller, but there are some bulky guys with a lot of presence.


For example I am a solid 5'6", and prefer that guys have a few inches on me. I can honestly say I would hesitate before dating a guy a few inches shorter than me.


Well, that's unfortunate. I'm only 5'6" & 5'7" with shoes on & always see women my height or taller that I find really attractive. So it honestly stings a bit knowing that whenever I even interact with a woman I find attractive that's taller that they wouldn't find me attractive.

Edited by NJ123
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:laugh: Not only taller women, but shorter women and all women want taller men. The taller the better.


"The vast majority of women say a man 'wouldn't stand a chance' in the love stakes if they were under 6ft in height, and 'would struggle' to get their attention."


I made a fake account on POF once with my real height, and I looked at some statistics the site provides. Only around 50 per cent of women six inches shorter than me would consider dating me based on height... and ten per cent of women my own height. When it came to women taller than me, it was two or three per cent.


With these numbers, you are simply kidding yourself if you're aiming for a taller girl, unless you are amazingly appealing in some other way. You have to aim for a petite girl, and even then you will be rejected often based on height... just not 97 per cent of the time. :D

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There are of course outliers - but I am gonna say blame biology.


Men are attracted to youth, beasts, hips and other signs of fertility.


Women are attracted to larger / powerful.


When I am with a guy who is smaller than me (I have given it a chance!) I just feel "big" and not very feminine. It's more about the way *I* feel about myself than a judgement on them.

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:laugh: Not only taller women, but shorter women and all women want taller men. The taller the better.


"The vast majority of women say a man 'wouldn't stand a chance' in the love stakes if they were under 6ft in height, and 'would struggle' to get their attention."


I made a fake account on POF once with my real height, and I looked at some statistics the site provides. Only around 50 per cent of women six inches shorter than me would consider dating me based on height... and ten per cent of women my own height. When it came to women taller than me, it was two or three per cent.


With these numbers, you are simply kidding yourself if you're aiming for a taller girl, unless you are amazingly appealing in some other way. You have to aim for a petite girl, and even then you will be rejected often based on height... just not 97 per cent of the time. :D


I know I'm just saying though that height wouldn't matter to me since there's so many attractive women taller than me that I find really attractive. Some of them I think are in heels though but it wouldn't bother me at all if I was dating a woman that was taller.

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Besides, why would you prefer taller women? If you were 6'6" or something and had to date a 6' girl so she wouldn't only come up to your shoulder I would understand. I love petite women. I find them much more feminine.


Look at Agne Kagame, daughter of the President of Rwanda. She's like 6'2" or 6'3". She's a beautiful girl, rich, famous, but her choice of dating partners is going to be extremely limited. I feel sorry for her.

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There are of course outliers - but I am gonna say blame biology.


Men are attracted to youth, beasts, hips and other signs of fertility.


Women are attracted to larger / powerful.


When I am with a guy who is smaller than me (I have given it a chance!) I just feel "big" and not very feminine. It's more about the way *I* feel about myself than a judgement on them.


So it's mainly women's insecurities about not feeling feminine is what gets in the way of it happening? It's just kind of sad how basically I'm assuming most of the time I have to interact with a woman that's taller they automatically don't find me attractive which just sucks. It's like I can do everything in my power to be the best person I can be & it still wouldn't be good enough.

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I think a lot of times it is true, but I've seen exceptions. A close friend of mine was married for a while to a girl who was 1.5"-2" taller than he was. He's been hit on by girls up to 4" taller, although he prefers girls who are around his height.


I think it gets ridiculous when girls who are 5'0" are chasing guys who are foot taller. Ideally, you would think most people would choose partners around their own height, but the "big and tall" thing seems to be a common fantasy for many women. Honestly, at 5'6" you're only a touch shorter than the Average American Male, and exactly the height of the Average American Female. Plenty of partners to pick from without worrying about the height thing.


*On a side note, my friend often complains about not finding clothing that works for him, and that everything is geared toward larger men. He's joked about opening a store called "Napoleon's" that would sell clothes for average and shorter guys. :laugh:

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Besides, why would you prefer taller women? If you were 6'6" or something and had to date a 6' girl so she wouldn't only come up to your shoulder I would understand. I love petite women. I find them much more feminine.


Look at Agne Kagame, daughter of the President of Rwanda. She's like 6'2" or 6'3". She's a beautiful girl, rich, famous, but her choice of dating partners is going to be extremely limited. I feel sorry for her.


I'm not saying I only prefer taller women, I'm just saying I do find a whole lot of them really attractive. Height wouldn't matter to me at all with the exception of if she was like 6+ inches taller than me. If she was like 5'9"-5'10" I wouldn't care at all.

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I would call BS on the 6ft thing. I think it depends on the area you live in. Lots of shorter guys where I live (fewer Nordic genes, I guess), and they have no problem picking up girls. As far as I know, my friend who is 5'8"-5'9" has never had a girl turn him down based on height. And frankly, if someone is that superficial, would you really WANT to date them anyway? Not me, thanks.


As a girl, let me tell you that confidence is your number one asset. If you can act like you own your environment without coming off as an awful jerk, then you are miles ahead of your 6ft tall competition. Practice approaching girls no matter their height. Seriously. Practice. Go at it with the attitude that you're just going to have fun and make conversation. You'd be surprised how well it works once you get a feel for it.

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I'm 5'7 and am a little taller than my partner. My BFF is about 5'9 and is substantially taller than her husband.


Don't make the mistake of thinking that women who care about this stuff represent us all.

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OP unfortunately, that's just the way it is. Women can be incredibly superficial and I would caution you against feeling bad because you're looking at yourself through their eyes. We're worth much more than what most women see in us (which is usually limited to the presence or absence of key physical and financial traits), but to prove it we need clear heads. Look at Putin, Sarkozy, Berlusconi... How much time do you think they spent feeling bad about their lack of stature?

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I think a lot of times it is true, but I've seen exceptions. A close friend of mine was married for a while to a girl who was 1.5"-2" taller than he was. He's been hit on by girls up to 4" taller, although he prefers girls who are around his height.


I think it gets ridiculous when girls who are 5'0" are chasing guys who are foot taller. Ideally, you would think most people would choose partners around their own height, but the "big and tall" thing seems to be a common fantasy for many women. Honestly, at 5'6" you're only a touch shorter than the Average American Male, and exactly the height of the Average American Female. Plenty of partners to pick from without worrying about the height thing.


*On a side note, my friend often complains about not finding clothing that works for him, and that everything is geared toward larger men. He's joked about opening a store called "Napoleon's" that would sell clothes for average and shorter guys. :laugh:


I honestly can't remember seeing it myself when I think about it now. The guys that are shorter that I see have short girlfriends. I remember seeing about 2 months ago some woman that had to be like 6'3" while wearing heels I think that had a boyfriend that had to be about 6'4". He was just only slightly taller than her. So it just sucks that shorter guys seem they won't stand a chance with women taller than them.

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So it just sucks that shorter guys seem they won't stand a chance with women taller than them.


And again with the generalisations! We're not all a bunch of shallow women. Sure, some are, but it's a mistake to think that all women are alike.

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And again with the generalisations! We're not all a bunch of shallow women. Sure, some are, but it's a mistake to think that all women are alike.


I didn't mean to generalize, sorry! I meant to say the vast majority or at least a whole lot of taller women wouldn't want a guy shorter than them it seems.

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I would call BS on the 6ft thing. I think it depends on the area you live in. Lots of shorter guys where I live (fewer Nordic genes, I guess), and they have no problem picking up girls. As far as I know, my friend who is 5'8"-5'9" has never had a girl turn him down based on height. And frankly, if someone is that superficial, would you really WANT to date them anyway? Not me, thanks.


As a girl, let me tell you that confidence is your number one asset. If you can act like you own your environment without coming off as an awful jerk, then you are miles ahead of your 6ft tall competition. Practice approaching girls no matter their height. Seriously. Practice. Go at it with the attitude that you're just going to have fun and make conversation. You'd be surprised how well it works once you get a feel for it.


I'm 5'7 and am a little taller than my partner. My BFF is about 5'9 and is substantially taller than her husband.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that women who care about this stuff represent us all.


I understand that not all women are like that, and a guy can have a lot going for him in the dating world besides his height. But I do live the life of a short guy here and it's not much fun. I'm 5'7", perfectly average in my country, but I came here and I was suddenly... short! :p I feel like as soon as I walk up to a woman, even on the sidewalk or elevator, and we see eye to eye, she immediately dismisses me as not a real man, as a person who can't be taken seriously. I barely get acknowledged by women and I'm not even talking about romantic settings here, but everyday routine. It's pretty dehumanizing. Now take my brother who's almost six feet, as soon as he walks into something he gets noticed, their eyes just light up.

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OP unfortunately, that's just the way it is. Women can be incredibly superficial and I would caution you against feeling bad because you're looking at yourself through their eyes. We're worth much more than what most women see in us (which is usually limited to the presence or absence of key physical and financial traits), but to prove it we need clear heads. Look at Putin, Sarkozy, Berlusconi... How much time do you think they spent feeling bad about their lack of stature?


Well, the thing is what women see through their eyes is what matters in terms of finding someone for a relationship. Someone can't force themselves to find someone else attractive. The more options someone has, the better chance of finding a partner obviously.

Edited by NJ123
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Look at Putin, Sarkozy, Berlusconi... How much time do you think they spent feeling bad about their lack of stature?

Nonstop. Hence the need for their frantic overcompensating behaviors.

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There are of course outliers - but I am gonna say blame biology.


Men are attracted to youth, beasts, hips and other signs of fertility.


Women are attracted to larger / powerful.


When I am with a guy who is smaller than me (I have given it a chance!) I just feel "big" and not very feminine. It's more about the way *I* feel about myself than a judgement on them.


Me too. I'm 5'9 and I feel like a giant hulking beast next to a guy who's shorter than me. I have nothing against them, it's about how it makes ME feel about myself. I got teased for being tall as a kid and it left a mark.

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Me too. I'm 5'9 and I feel like a giant hulking beast next to a guy who's shorter than me. I have nothing against them, it's about how it makes ME feel about myself. I got teased for being tall as a kid and it left a mark.


So again I'm asking it's pretty much a woman's insecurities about it for why shorter guys usually don't stand a chance with them? Do taller women at least find shorter men attractive, but they just wouldn't want to be with them for relationships?

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So again I'm asking it's pretty much a woman's insecurities about it for why shorter guys usually don't stand a chance with them? Do taller women at least find shorter men attractive, but they just wouldn't want to be with them for relationships?


:laugh: you're asking as if I can speak for all tall women. How should I know??? Everyone's different.


I have a red headed friend who's only attracted to dark haired men. Does that mean all red haired women are only attracted to dark haired men? Of course not!! Quit generalizing and go case by case. Your life will be so much easier and more pleasant if you do.


By the way, ironically enough, both her sons are blond...hehe.

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I wouldn't say it's about insecurities, that wouldn't explain the pretty generalized rejection shorter men go through. It's about aesthetics. Women want a man who stands over them. When I dated girls 5' to 5'4", my height rarely came up. I did fall in love with taller women a couple of times, but I will not do any work to "compensate" for my negatively perceived, perfectly average, genetically determined height. Life's too short.

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I wouldn't say it's about insecurities, that wouldn't explain the pretty generalized rejection shorter men go through. It's about aesthetics. Women want a man who stands over them. When I dated girls 5' to 5'4", my height rarely came up. I did fall in love with taller women a couple of times, but I will not do any work to "compensate" for my negatively perceived, perfectly average height. Life's too short.


True, basically it seems for the most part that as long as you're taller than the woman than it's fine. And when you say your height rarely came up, so it still did at times with some of those women? What did they say?

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It came up very rarely from petite women - maybe three or four times in all.


One time my 5' ex said I was pretty short for a guy. But I like towered over her come on.


Or they would randomly say they liked tall guys.

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