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has your ex ever contacted your mother?


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We're both over 40. He's way over 40. We've been apart for almost 9 months, and then he contacts me about about a bunch of books in his storage that I haven't needed or wanted in years. He also suggested we talk. I tell him very simply to toss the books and that there was no need to talk.


A week later, he emails my mother essentially to say goodbye, that he'probably won't be seeing her again'. what a weird thing for a man his age to do.



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Someone who is finally starting to realize that the relationship is really over. It has been months, but some people can be in denial for a long time. Breakups can make people do and say stupid things, regardless of age.


Now that he knows where he stands, he is starting to tie up loose ends, starting with saying goodbye to your mother. It could be one last attempt to get you to change your mind, but it doesn't matter because you are done.


I would try not to judge him too harshly, as long as he doesn't continue to contact you or your loved ones. Hopefully, he can move on now and leave you in peace.

Edited by Scarlett.O'hara
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