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kitty kat t

o.k. heres my story i have been going out with this man for three months and yesterday on my birthday he cames to see me but when he got here i didnt want him to stay i was annoyed by him i wanted to dump him but when we are on the phone i love him so much i think i just love his voice and not the the rest because on the phone we will talk for like 8 hours non stop but in person its like i treat him like a brother so should i break up never see him or something else let me know please

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well, if you're not into hanging out w/ him in person, i would say it's not fair to lead him on. what's the point?


let him go.... but first, tell him to leave you a long message on your answering machine, so you can play it over and over. ;)

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kitty kat t

but when i have dumped him before 3times and every time i do so i cant stop but think about him so we always get together

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Are you attracated to him sexually? If not and you dont like hanging out with him often maybe you should tell him that you like him as a friend and you would like to continue talking to him but that you dont think you interested in him for a long term relationship.

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