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A guy friend told me that women

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are more complicated. That they always say they want honesty, but then are not honest themselves.


In general, do you agree?


I said that found guys the same way. But, then again, I am not dating women.


Thanks for any opinions.

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Most men think women are more complicated. Most women think men are more complicated. Now, of course, since men are right most of the time that would indicate that women are definitely more complicated (lol). This complicatedness extends to many areas beyond the one about which you are asking...just wanted to let you know.


YOU ASK: "That they always say they want honesty, but then are not honest themselves.


In general, do you agree?


I don't think there is a general answer. There are many deceitful women and men of different ages but it occurs more frequently at younger ages. And there are many honest younger ladies and gentlemen. There are many honest men and women of all ages. And there are some honest guys and gals who are dishonest about certain things. There are some who lie through concealment...by withholding information.


There was a guy who posted just below who is withholding incredibly inportant information from his girlfriend and wanted to ask in the forum if he should come clean.


Bottom line. I think it is wrong to make a general statement about this issue. Deceit seems to know no sex, age or cultural bounds. But for sure there are many, many people of both sexes who are very hypocritical and demand the truth but are extremely deceptive themselves. So your hypothesis is true for both men and women, in my opinion.


So where do we go with this? There is nothing that can be done about dishonesty and hypocrasy short of nuclear holocaust. And who wants to waste a perfectly good set of bombs?

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