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He likes me again... will he ask me out :)...or shut me out again!:( shud i risk it?

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I like this guy so much who I've like for the past 2 months. We are in the same class... hes a grade 10 im in 11... About a month ago he told me he liked me, we talked on the internet for hours and hours.... and at school as well... i started to like him soo much but we barely flirted at school.... so anywayz 2 weeks after he told me he liked me i was sure it was going somewhere!!! ... but a few days later... he told me he liked someone else... that he could see him going out with her but not with me.... so i told him we could just be friends then...even though it was killing me to say that... and he agreed....i was so hurt I cried 3 days straight cuz i've never met anyone like him who just fit with me... hes everything i could ever want in a guy!! so anywayz, about a week and a half after that... we talked like normal.. not as much though. It was hard to go to that class with him becuz it was different... he didnt talk to me as much or seem to even notice me or care about noticing me for that matter.. I didn't want to just be his friend. so anywayz one monday it all changed... we got a group assignment... and he automatically asked me to be his partner..and of course i agreed!!!! After that he started comming around again.. he told me the night before the day we got that project that he had a dream that i kissed him.....(maybe that changed his mind.. somehow :confused: ) so anywayz.. after that we started talking alot again and he started comming around... and now he sits with me in class and we spend the entire class flirting and laughing. He'll find any excuse to touch me...and i spent all of today smiling.... we are getting more comfortable with eachother... and now we flirt when we're together.. not just over the internet. but the thing is.... waht id he shuts me out again?! I dont know what to do? I dont know how I'll deal with it if he does.... I dont think I could take that pain again.... I dont think I could be just his friend because it hurt too much to even talk to him after he sed he liked sumone else... i can't keep getting my hopes up like this then letting him just take it all away.... i dont want to be hurt again.... but its way too late if he changes his mind now about me agian... I like him too much again and will get hurt again.... But Today in class... he kept mouthing i love you to me... it was cute!! but my question is.... Will I ever get a chance?? Will he ever ask me out.... because he told me b4 he just liked me but he couldn't see us going out.... Where is this going... If he doesn't want a relationship ....Whut exactly does he want? Why is he doing this..... I need advice and ASAP

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he is young and just looking to flirt and get attention. You should just play hard to get if u really want him. Because then he will realize what hes missing and wont want to see u get with someone else so he will want u more! So dont be his puppet, set him straight.. !

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Today he told me he has a gf but he still flirted with me so much today... we were joking... so i dont know if he was being serious..!! but then again he told me a while ago he couldnt see himself going out with me but he could with her!!! so what if he is with her!!! i cant figure out if hes joking around to tease me... or hes just trying to get it out but is finding it hard to tell me.... if he is being true i dont see why he wudnt have told me earliar.. he was saying he has one yesterday too but i assumed it was a joke... and he didn't calrify that it wasnt...

when he did it again today i started to think what if hes not joking around! just as he was leaving... im like " you aren't lying about this are you?!" and he said... i didnt ask her out and walked away...so does that mean she asked him out?!! he absolutely gave no warning of dating her since hes been flirting SOO much with me!!! Is he teasing me... or being truthful...

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