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What do MEN want in a woman? Bad girl. Nice Girl?

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Calling all males....Equal time for the "nice guy/bad guy thread."


What do you like in a woman?


Inquiring minds want to know :p

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They want a girl who can be bad and good, and be able to master when and how to be each.

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Yeah, that makes sense... how about some specifics about how that looks?


How would such a balanced woman be/act in certain situations?


What inspires men to want to be with a woman, to commit to that particular one, to say "wow," she's the one?

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Originally posted by nicki

Yeah, that makes sense... how about some specifics about how that looks?


How would such a balanced woman be/act in certain situations?


What inspires men to want to be with a woman, to commit to that particular one, to say "wow," she's the one?



what you are asking can't be done like a model airplane every guy has different wants and needs one guy could want some crazy girl another could want a book worm it all depends.............in my case i want a girl i can take home to mom and when it comes to the bedroom she tries to rape me everytime...... :D:o ..



"be a good girl and come get these whippin's"


my ex was like that i wonder if i will ever find that again

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I'd say we want a balance of both.


"nice" as in friendly, polite, someone we can bring home to mom, cute, girly, etc.


and "bad" as in, can stick up for herself a little, doesn't mind getting a little freaky, outgoing, independent, flirty, confident, doesn't put up with BS.



We don't want the needy, co-dependent, jealous, anti-social, door-mat "nice" girls.


and we don't want to crazy biotch, manipulative predator, "bad" girls.


I'm always smitten with the bad girls, but I know their bad for me... their just so hot...

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Originally posted by NTB

in my case i want a girl i can take home to mom and when it comes to the bedroom she tries to rape me everytime...... :D:o ..


yeah, I want that too. When there all nice and polite around mom, but you KNOW how freaky they get when moms not around.. so hot. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

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Originally posted by NTB

what you are asking can't be done like a model airplane


Exactly. Different strokes for different folks - male and female alike.

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I guess a better way of putting the question is, "What do YOU want in a woman?"


It's interesting to hear what individual men want...some of it seems to be universal, like a good girl socially, bad girl privately....we women love that in a man, too... :p

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Originally posted by nicki

It's interesting to hear what individual men want...some of it seems to be universal, like a good girl socially, bad girl privately....we women love that in a man, too... :p


Have you never heard the proverb "good girl in the streets, bad girl between the sheets"?


I want a good girl who is kind, warm, fun and funny, but able to stand on her own 2 feet. And yes, uninhibited in bed. :bunny:

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miss fortune

I cant believe I am quoting ludacris, but he says it right when he says "We want a lady on the street but a FREAK in the bed".



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Originally posted by LucreziaBorgia

They want a girl who can be bad and good, and be able to master when and how to be each.


*ding ding ding*


We don't want in our women what you don't want in your men:




Overly emotional


Lacking self-confidence


We like some of the same things women want:




Someone with their own life and friends

Someone not clingy

Feminine (we don't want to date "Butch")


Someone very equally balanced.

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they want u to be good - but with a bit of mystery - so not always available ( for the just starting out relationships)


they want you to be fun, easy going and not a know it all-cuz they know it all


they also want u to be a sex kitten in bed....some have no clue tho how hot a woman can get-haha



I think you should be realistic when u think about what men want. Talk to the man your hanging with, ask questions about where he is at in life, what he thinks he wants....generally if he can't communicate or doesnt seem to know what it is- and you do -then I dont think you should invest in that relationship.


Its more fun to hangout with an inspirtational fun loving man who can walk his talk!


Did i help!?

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i need a woman who is a little good and a little bad and knows when to be which.

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Originally posted by nicki

I guess a better way of putting the question is, "What do YOU want in a woman?"


It's interesting to hear what individual men want...some of it seems to be universal, like a good girl socially, bad girl privately....we women love that in a man, too... :p


i am a little different. i consider the term "bad girl" to be someone who has negative qualities, one i wouldn't want to be with. freakiness and intimacy should not have a negative label. there are plenty of good women who can handle their business and still be great socially. likewise, there are a ton of women who are very sexual and completely evil.


a bad girl to me means someone who is too self centered, unbalanced, takes me for granted, too greedy, has no respect for herself or others, oblivious to reality, treats people how she would hate to be treated, and (______ insert whatever else you don't like). and doesn't give a sh*t how this effects her and other people...


a good girl to me is either one who doesn't display negative qualities or better yet... one who recognizes that she may display some of these faults, and is willing to learn, understand that she is a work in progress, and work on herself in order to be a more balanced person...

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Well put, everyone...so, BALANCE is the key. (I'm glad I"m little bit of everything then, just need to stay balanced!)


And not "bad," but "uninhibited, passionate, confident, and a little naughty" ;) when called for.

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Lady on the streets and a freak in the sheets is a given but let's elaborate...


*I need a woman that is passionate, a person with no passion leads to boredom.

* A woman that kisses me like she means it and knows I will be thinking about it until the next one and I don't care how many years we have been together this should never change.

*I prefer a woman that is confidant, she knows she is sexy when dressed up for a night on the town, but knows she can melt me in ball cap and jeans as well.

* An inhibited woman and not just in the bed but in life, a risk taker, a conversationalist where no topic is off limits

* Soft, sensual, takes good care of herself woman but not afraid to rough it for a camping trip for a few days.

* Low maintenance, she can take care herself and is with me because she wants me and not needs me.

* A woman that sees the glass is half full and not half empty...doesn't focus constantly on the negative but rather looks for the upside.

* Fashionable with a wardrobe of outfits fitting for the occasion and not squawking about how she has nothing to wear.

* Not a push over, a woman that knows how to get what she wants and not just from me, I don't want to hear about how you got screwed when buying something because you didn't negotiate.

* A woman that can not only admit her fears but willing to take them on and over come them.

* A woman than can say she doesn't like something because she actually tried it at least once and knows for a fact and not just too afraid to try it.

* A woman that knows even if she puts on few pounds she still knows she can push my buttons instead of whining about being fat and loosing confidence in her abilities to please me.

* A woman that knows an argument is not us breaking up and can duke it out and more importantly looks forward to making up!!

* A woman that stays true to herself and does not just conform her likes and dislikes to my own.

* A woman that doesn't settle for 50/50 but wants 110% from me because she giving me a 110% back.

* A woman with spontaneity and doesn't live her life through a planner or calendar! If you feel froggy, jump!

* A woman that wants to live life and not just survive it.


There are many physically qualities a man will look for but in the end the best looking woman can turn out to be bucket if don't look past those looks. But a truelly sexy woman IMO is one that thinks she is sexy but also feels sexy.

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Originally posted by TUDOR

Lady on the streets and a freak in the sheets is a given but let's elaborate...


*I need a woman that is passionate, a person with no passion leads to boredom.

* A woman that kisses me like she means it and knows I will be thinking about it until the next one and I don't care how many years we have been together this should never change.

*I prefer a woman that is confidant, she knows she is sexy when dressed up for a night on the town, but knows she can melt me in ball cap and jeans as well.

* An inhibited woman and not just in the bed but in life, a risk taker, a conversationalist where no topic is off limits

* Soft, sensual, takes good care of herself woman but not afraid to rough it for a camping trip for a few days.

* Low maintenance, she can take care herself and is with me because she wants me and not needs me.

* A woman that sees the glass is half full and not half empty...doesn't focus constantly on the negative but rather looks for the upside.

* Fashionable with a wardrobe of outfits fitting for the occasion and not squawking about how she has nothing to wear.

* Not a push over, a woman that knows how to get what she wants and not just from me, I don't want to hear about how you got screwed when buying something because you didn't negotiate.

* A woman that can not only admit her fears but willing to take them on and over come them.

* A woman than can say she doesn't like something because she actually tried it at least once and knows for a fact and not just too afraid to try it.

* A woman that knows even if she puts on few pounds she still knows she can push my buttons instead of whining about being fat and loosing confidence in her abilities to please me.

* A woman that knows an argument is not us breaking up and can duke it out and more importantly looks forward to making up!!

* A woman that stays true to herself and does not just conform her likes and dislikes to my own.

* A woman that doesn't settle for 50/50 but wants 110% from me because she giving me a 110% back.

* A woman with spontaneity and doesn't live her life through a planner or calendar! If you feel froggy, jump!

* A woman that wants to live life and not just survive it.


There are many physically qualities a man will look for but in the end the best looking woman can turn out to be bucket if don't look past those looks. But a truelly sexy woman IMO is one that thinks she is sexy but also feels sexy.


Why you're still single with such a modest set of requirements is beyond me :p

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Originally posted by ReluctantRomeo

Why you're still single with such a modest set of requirements is beyond me :p


Requirements no, ideal yes! I'm married to a woman that represents most of those ideal characteristics which is why I married her. The rest well, lets just say they are works in progress. ;)

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Originally posted by TUDOR

I'm married to a woman that represents most of those ideal characteristics which is why I married her.


She have a single sister? ;)

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Guys want the Nice girl outside the bedroom, the Bad girl slut in the bedroom.

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I want a babe (yes, a looker :D ) who's adventurous. She better be able to keep up with my jokes, and when we hike the 2 miles into where the diving cliffs are, I don't want her to complain that her feet hurt except as an excuse to flirt with me and get a piggy back ride. She shouldn't always know what I'm doing, nor should she care, and vise versa. Spontaeous, easygoing, affectionate, outgoing. Oh, and it's best if she can keep me on my toes as well as I keep her on hers. I want a girl who can work a crowd. When I bring her home to momma, I want my mom to brag about this girl later. She's gotta like to throw block parties, because I'm all about the social gatherings. She should appreciate art (music, paintings, a good movie, whatever) and lead an active lifestyle (outdoor fun). And she definitely needs to get freaky beneath the sheets.


I think I'm in love :love:

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Originally posted by BrotherAaron

I want a babe (yes, a looker :D ) who's adventurous

Most "babes" adventurousness starts and ends in the shoe dept of Nordstroms


and when we hike the 2 miles into where the diving cliffs are, I don't want her to complain that her feet hurt

How could they not hurt in her $400 Malono Blahnik slingback pumps? :laugh:


I want a girl who can work a crowd.

yeahh....and while she's "working" the crowd she'll also be getting phone # and giving out hers.


When I bring her home to momma, I want my mom to brag about this girl later.

No woman you're with will be good enough for your mom! Accept it.



And she definitely needs to get freaky beneath the sheets.

most "babes" are avg or below in the sack.


I think I'm in love :love:

No you are not :laugh:

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Well... if I can't find the perfect girl... I'll have to build her.


It can be done. We have the technology (begin inspring theme music) :laugh:


There are a lot of girls out there. I have a feeling I find one who can live without Prada and Louie Baton.

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Originally posted by BrotherAaron

Well... if I can't find the perfect girl... I'll have to build her.

make sure she has big boobies and does anal :laugh:

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