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Help?! I need advice!!

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[font=arial][color=blue]ok...well over the weekend an old flame came to my boyfriends house...they talked and stuff...and I didnt know abuot it. Well he started getting feelings for her. And he told be to break up with him. So I did. Then the day after that she told him that she wasnt going to break up with her present boyfriend for him. He came home and apoligized to me for not listening to me and for lying to me. I love him with all my heart and today would have made 3 months that we've been together. Im going to his house today to talk to him and everything. And what time I'm there I want to try to win him back over. How can I do it?



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sparkle & fade



I definately would not try to get back with him! Only because he didnt seem too interested in your relationship the day before. But thats just my opinion. Obviously the other girl has a strong pull over him to make him lie to you and then ask you to break up with him! Whats to say this isnt going to happen again??????? I would be worried but if you are really interested in going back to him, give him time to sort out his obviously puzzled feelings. Tell him how you feel, that you love him but that you dont want to be second best in his life. Tell him to sort it out if he tries to get back with you. As far as the lying and secret keeping, if he cared enough, he wouldnt of did this behind your back. Ask him if he just wants a girlfriend. ANY girlfriend. Tell him to be honest with you about the answer. Tell him anything you want, what do I know?!!!

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he said he cared for me. Yeah. but he said he was just caught up in her and he realized what a mistake he made. He still dont know what hes going to do tho. I maen when I go to his house today do I look him dead in the eyes and tell him everything. or do I just act like nothings wrong with me. Im confused. lol

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sparkle & fade

THE only reason he said that he realized what a big mistake he made was because SHE would not break up with HER boyfriend, you know???? I wouldnt go freaking out on him, of course look him in the eyes, tell him how you feel, he already knows what he did was wrong but tell him again anyway and then dont over stay your welcome. Dont fall back into it. But it is up to you. When you get there, you will know what to do, it will be instinct. Just be honest and point out the reasons why he is NOT ready for you. Dont wait for him to decide. YOU decide for him!

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Honestly, it seems to me like you are his 2nd choice....Since he couldn't have her, he's coming crying back to you.....If it were me I wouldn't try to win him back. Go out and find someone that will want you as his first choice....

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miss fortune

Dont *you* want to be the one he is pining after? He obviously has feelings for this other girl still, otherwise the issue would have never evolved. Get out before you invest years with him only for him to leave you for someone else (or her!).

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