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First Anniversary


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Hi Everyone


This is the first anniversary at the loveshack. I love this place, my interest has not waned at all. There are some great people around here.


I came here a year ago seeking solace while sifting through the embers of a bad relationship. Since then I have moved on, had a good look at myself, and really grown as a person. The information I have gained here through the posts and replies has really opened my eyes and given me an understanding that would have normally required years of experience.


It's a bit like cheating, but I'll take it.


Now I have met a wonderful woman who is as into me as I her, and I feel able to recognise and foster a healthy relationship. Time will tell the rest.


I must say a warm hearted thanks to Tony. Your replies have been very educational and your humilty gives it all perspective. And Mate, YOU ARE RIGHT about playing it cool. I have had dates with 5 women this year and made out with three. That's pretty good going when you consider that that is more than I have had in the previous 28 years combined.


I am still the same person inside, and I still look the same, but removing the fear makes all the difference.


Roll back the shoulders and look at the world in a non-judgemental, less serious way and people notice.


Thanx also to Sparkle, Lisa, Taressa, Dejette, Paulie, Reverend Fishbulb and the majority of people that I have forgotten aswell.



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Happy Anniversary and congratulations on all your successes. Also, thank you for the very kind words. It's always nice to have those to balance out the ones I get that are rather critical. It makes me feel so great that this site has made a difference for you.


You brought up several names of people who were here for a while but who have not been seen in a while, Dejette and Fishbulb. Taresa gets by once in a while although she has her Billy to watch out for. I hope they are OK.


I am so happy you posted today. I actually don't remember when my first visit to LoveShack was so I'll celebrate right along with you.


Have a great day!!!

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hi oliver,


happy 1st anniversary with loveshack!


i have to agree, there is some really wonderful insight from so many great people. i know if i have a problem, i can come here and i will get some very sound advice from people. and even most people here are on the other side of the world from me, and i wouldn't know them if i fell over them, it's as though you have friends at the click of a mouse.


i haven't been on here for even close to a year yet. even in my short space of time visiting loveshack, i have learnt a lot of things from people that i didn't know or was ignorant to in some ways. i'm not exactly the most experienced person when it comes to relationships, but some of the advice i have read on here i will definitely put to use when i am ready to get back on the scene.


and what can i say...GO OLIVER!!! you're the date meister! i guess playing it cool does make you a winner after all! it's nice to hear that you have met someone really nice, who you feel suits you and i wish you the best of luck with her!



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I forgot the dear Miss Mojo.


Thankyou for your kind words. There is a nice slice of Anniversary cake just for you too...enjoy the party!





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...i forgive you, oliver (hehe) :)


just send me a biiiig piece of chocolate mud-cake in the mail! (ewww, it would just be mud when i receive it, wouldn't it?)


the cake is on me, my dear! you can have my slice and enjoy! :)

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