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Why Do People in LTRs/Marriages Stop Caring About Physique

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Well... to offer a different point of view, some of us never cared much about physique to begin with.


It is important to me that my partner and I are in decent health, which includes being of a healthy weight, not smoking, etc. But aside from that, it doesn't really matter to me. I don't need muscles and abs on a guy, they don't factor much into my attraction or choice of partner at all. If he enjoys bodybuilding, great. If he doesn't enjoy bodybuilding, I would rather he spend his leisure time doing what he does enjoy.


It's really just about a difference in priorities and how much looks matter to different people. IMO physiques are very temporary and deteriorate with time - sure you can control that to an extent, and to a certain age. But at some point in your life, for various reasons, it will start to deteriorate. On the other hand, memories that you make and experiences that you have together last a lifetime. And the differences you make in the world, they last forever (or at least as close to forever as human existence gets).

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