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Is She Leading Me On?

Confused Guy23

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Confused Guy23

Me and my ex broke up about mid November of last year. We argues a lot, mainly because I spent more times with my friends than with her. After we broke up she immediately started dating one of her coworkers. I figured it was a rebound and I started to move on. Went into NC about two weeks after the breakup. Within a couple days she texts me saying she misses me but I tell her that we shouldn't be talking so we both move on. She was mad I mentioned moving on. But fast forward to the end of last month I text her just to see how she's doing and to catch up a little. A couple days after that text convo she texts me again saying that her and the current guy broke up because she couldn't say anything bad about our relationship and that he was texting other girls. I ask for a meetup and she agrees. We go to dinner and at the end of the night I ask would she be interested in rebuilding our relationship. She says yes but we have to move slowly. We planned another date for a couple days later but I had to cancel. We made another date for this weekend but each time I suggested we go out she seemed distant the minute I asked. Is she leading me on? Or am I moving too fast? Sorry for the long post but some advice would really be helpful.

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This girl sounds immature and kind of terrible. Make sure this is what you want.


With that said ... she might just be playing "hard to get" after you cancelled your plan with her. Games are the worst.

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You broke up for a reason. Unless the underlying issues and incompatibility are completely resolved, attempting to get back together will be pointless. The end result will ultimately be another breakup...after a lot of push-pull ambivalent behavior, angst, confusion, being in limbo, and more hurt.


Your initial reflex was the right one--no contact so that you can both get over the breakup, heal, and move on with your lives. Remember, someone can be a great person, but not be the right dating partner for you.

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Confused Guy23

We went on a date Saturday morning and it was going well. At the end of the date I went to kiss her expecting a longer kiss but she ended up just giving me a peck. The next day I ask her to go out for V Day next weekend and got no reply. I then found out from a friend shes back dating her coworker. I wish I hadn't reached out to her and kept with the no contact. She didn't even have the decency to tell me she got back with him. I want to send her a text saying I know they're back together and that she should have had the respect for me to at least tell me but it's probably not worth it.

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