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Should I move on???

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I met this guy at a club about 9 months ago we started just seeing eachother at the club a couple times then we liked eachother so we exchanged numbers and went on one date after that we hung out at the bar a couple more times and then we had the lets be just friends talk. I was fine with the fact he wanted to be just friends cause I wasnt sure if I liked him or not. We basically would just see eachother on the weekends.But during all this time we did makeout on a couple of occassions. On New Years we both really didnt have plans and he called me and said he wanted to spend it with me and we both had a blast and ended up basically making out the whole night. The next day he called and said how much fun he had. Over the next couple months it got more intense and we would basically fool around every weekend.


During the months of February and March he stopped calling me and texting me. He did contact me occasionally to wish me a happy birthday and he said he was sorry he wasnt keepin in touch cause he was busy with work. Lame excuse I know. In April though we started hanging out again and things were more hot and heavy we almost had sex twice but stopped. He really has me confused though, he acts very jealous and doesnt like it if I talk about other guys. My ex called me when we were together I was a little drunk and answered the phone when I was with him and talked to my ex for about 5 minutes with him right there. After I got off the phone with my ex he acted strange and asked me what was going on with me and my ex. I assured him nothing was. He even asked my best friend about my ex too. She said he seemed really hurt. Well about a week later we had a talk and he said during the 2 months we didnt talk he just wanted to meet other girls. He did tell me though how confused he is and that he does like me and explained to me we are sorta stuck in the middle we are more than friends but we arent boyfriend and girlfriend.


Right now I just dont know what to do. I dont want to be with anyone else just him. I just dont know whats really preventing him from us taking the next step. I know he would probably be jealous if i started dating someone else. I know its a bad idea but I even thought about telling him that I am seeing someone just to see how he would react and maybe then he would realize how much he likes me. I dont know what to do. Should I wait around for him to make a choice or should I try to move on, eventhough thats gonna be extremely hard for me to do.


Thanks for any help

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Don't wait around for him. That will make you more miserable. Don't lie or pretend you're seeing someone like your ex either! Just be patient and in the meantime if another guy catches your interest, see where that goes.


It's not fair for you to put all your hope and wait around for him - what if a year goes by and he's still not sure, then all of a sudden he starts to see someone else, just like in February and March when he was wanting to see other girls? For all you know, he probably was and when it didn't go anywhere, he came back to you and if someone else comes along, he'll leave again. He might end up wanting to be with you in a relationship, but don't put your life on hold in the meantime.


By not waiting around, you won't end up miserable and you'll even look more appealing in his eyes that you put your needs first, which is what you should do, especially when he's not even your boyfriend. Why sacrifice so much when the chances are slim he'll all of a sudden be into you? Give it some time and let him know you're still interested in him, still be friends but take care of yourself too.

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Thanks HotCaliGirl. Your advice seems like the right thing to do. I'm gonna try to move on and meet other guys and see where it goes. It's just hard cause when I am around other guys I just want to be with him. I'm gonna still be friends but I think I am gonna stop fooling around with him. My feelings were getting too intense. I keep thinking what if he does find another girl? I would be so hurt and think of all the time I wasted on him. I guess I'll try to be patient and in a few months hopefully I'll be in a much happier place. Thanks again.

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