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I don't know what to do!

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Hi, everyone.


I'm in a situation where I know what I should do, but I'm not sure about the outcome. It's kind of a long story.....


I saw this girl, K, a while back when school started. We were both university in coming freshmens and I saw her at an orientation that the school was holding. Anyways, when orientation was over, I never saw her again. Then the school year started it turned out she was a friend of a friend of mine. From there, we exchanged numbers and started to hang out with each other more often, like working out and going out with friends. She even asked me out to a movie and to a party too, but I never had the chance to go with her. I stared to like K.


Well anyways, things were going great with her. Then I met another girl, D. I ended up dating D and soon after that things were going great with her. However, when we started to go out, I barely knew D and as the relationship progressed, it turned out that she wasn't really my type of girl and that was when the relationship started to go bad. I had to break up the relationship because I realized that I wasn't in love with D.


After the break up, I went back to life, focused on nothing but school. However, K and I started to talk again. At random times, she'd call me and I'd call her. We eventually started to hang out again and last Saturday, we even went out with a couple of friends to see a movie. My friends were all telling me that she was giving me signs that day that she liked me. I like her too.


My sitution here is..... D still talks to my friends and they tell me that she still misses me. I made a decision not to interact with other girls just for D's sake so she won't get hurt. However, many of my friends know that I like K and encourage me to ask her out. I really like K after getting to know her better, but I don't want to hurt D's feelings. I've been meaning to ask K out, but I'm not going to do that just yet until school starts again (since she's going back home to chico and I'm in Anaheim (9 hours away)) and I don't want to hurt D.


Well, I've been contemplating about this for a while and decided that I won't ask K out until D has the chance to get over the break up. Some of my friends told me that if keep this up, instead of protecting D's feelings, it'll ironically hurt her even more. I don't want to lose this chance again with K like I did at the beginning of the school year when she asked me out to the movies. So.... my decision is to keep it at a normal friendship level with K and ask her out when D is cool with things between us. Is this alright to do? Thank you for answering my post

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If you liked K but hadn't gottent he chance to go

out with her yet, why did you start up with D?

I would have checked things out with her first.



she (D) wasn't really my type of girl and that was when the relationship

started to go bad. I had to break up the relationship because I realized that I wasn't

in love with D.


If you know for sure that you don't Love D, then that is settled. Case closed, as long as

you broke things off in a good way (on your part) then that chapter should be closed.


Don't keep yourself from dating other girls like K, just because you feel bad

for D. Why should things have to be cool with D, in order for you to ask K out?

You don't owe her anything. If you were a prick and were rude about it and just flat out

dumped her in a lame kinda way, then yeah, that's pretty f*cked up asking another girl out

right after you just dumped another. But if you handled yourself well and broke things off

like a gentleman, ask K out NOW! You don't even know for sure if it'll even take off. Just

because there's a few signs, doesn't mean you and K are going to start this huge relationship

right away. A few hang-outs to see where it goes is not out of line.

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You are not in love with D. You realize that she is not your type of women and you ended the relationship. You like K and would like to ask her out but are afraid of hurting D. This happens all the time and you can't base your life on the feelings of another person. K might get tired of waiting on you until you think D is over your relationship . She might see someone else she likes and you might miss you chance.

Take the risk of hurting D and ask out K. This is about you and you can't help it if D is upset. If D had broken off the relationship and then she saw a guy she wanted to date, would she not date him if she thought you might be upset? Live you life. D wll get over it and you and K might just hit it off and be happy. :)




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