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Justifying actions....what?

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I just have a question, a simple one, why do cheaters try to justify their reason behind cheating? I get it there's problems in a relationship or whatever, but why cheat and add more problems? It makes no sense to me whatsoever. Why is there this need to justify that?

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People cheat for different reasons. The ones that are serial cheaters usually are narcissists and don't have the mental complicity to be loyal. Some cheat because they are influenced by drug or alcohol abuse. When people abuse drugs or alcohol, usually have some kind of mental illness, like BPD or Bi-polar, or depression. Some cheat because they suffer from low self esteem. They get a temporary boost from cheating because of feeling needed, desired, special.


Being desired, taking a risk of gettin caught can also give a very addictive release of dopamine....it's so addictive to some they can't see the damage it's doing....kinda like a drug addict chasing a high. A lot of cheating is biological, chemical reaction. Now most people, don't fall into that cheaters trap. They can recognize it before it has a grasp on them....like workplace bonding/crushes. People generally just remove themselves out of the situation because they understand what they are not willing to risk losing.


Hell some use cheating as an escape in times of emotional stress, grief, painful event, etc.

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It is human nature. We (humans) don't like to admit we are wrong by nature and we try to justify every step we take to hurt someone else... To be a cheater you need to be quite selfish and selfish people usually have a very high opinion of themselves...

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I have to agree with smackie9. It is such a generalised question that unfortunately you're not going to get a straight forward simple answer. Relationships, like people, are never just simply black and white. Unless you have walked in another person's shoes, then you are not going to be able to understand as to why they make the choices that they do. From an outside perspective it is very easy to pass judgement or give advice, but ultimately everybody has their secrets and everybody has their reasons for the choices they make, even if the reasons are completely absurd.

Most of the time, a person who cheats, is someone who I would say is selfish and self centred, but again, until you know the full story who is to say what is right or wrong. I agree that cheating creates more problems then it solves, but people are not robots. We are an incredibly stupid species at the best of time and the most obvious path is not always the path that we take. The best advice is to look within. If you are considering an affair or close to one then maybe take a step back and re-evaluate your life and priorities. There are rarely any winners in this game.

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I just have a question, a simple one, why do cheaters try to justify their reason behind cheating? I get it there's problems in a relationship or whatever, but why cheat and add more problems? It makes no sense to me whatsoever. Why is there this need to justify that?


The same reason people rob banks and then say they did it because they needed the money.

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A totally amazing psychological breakthrough after many years of diligent research:



People cheat because they want to.



You heard it here first.

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There's a range of reasons..but people justify anything in life to make themselves not look so bad.


Years ago as a student I was doing temp work for a law firm. This guy committed credit card fraud and said AMEX deserved it and that infact they were the real thieves with their extortionate interest rates.


You can justify anything and even convince yourself it's true.

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