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Jailbird.....spouse claims he's innocent

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In short, here's the story,


A coworker of my spouse who is in jail for embezzeling sent a letter to him after 2 years in jail. In this letter she wrote specifically to my husband (he was her boss) and ,not knowing I would open the letter.....in the letter she's apologizing for stealing, and that he (my husband) was the only one who listened to her, and understood her mood, noone else did. Then went on to say she knew she could never have him that he was her mentor, her part-time lover,..........she admired him, she desired him, she loved him.... etc. I read the letter thinking how surreal it sounded, my husband who get nervous just being in the same room as another woman defended himself by saying she' s on drugs and needs to apologize as part of her jail time . I said I understood the apology, but to say she was his Partime lover? She loved him? just flew me off the handle. He begs that he's innocent and doesn't understand why I'm so upset as he claims his innocence.


I somehow can't get that out of my head. This lady was tall, blond, beautiful and sexy, why would I not be upset? He denies everything and thinks I'm crazy for ever listening to it since it's all crazy talk. Something like Fatal Attraction........ I'm not sure what to think, we've been married over 23 years, have 3 kids and I know he'd be stupid to do anything to jeapardize that but anything is possible.......but kick me in the a$$ I never seen the sings as we work together so theres no time to have an affair.......should I just drop this? Can't seem to get it out of my head...those questions........


Eating me........


Any help /advise is appreciate.......

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Embezzling is what? Essentially lying, cheating, stealing and causing intentional harm to a company or person right? If your H is innocent what is this woman doing now?


If your H claims innocence, (begs his innocence not for your forgiveness) you know he gets nervous just being in the same room as another woman, there wasn't time for him to have an affair since you work with him...I'd say drop it. If you want to, you could get you H to take a polygraph and that might satisfy you.


It seems that this is a case of it does NOT walk like a duck.

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Was he acting fishy around the time of the 'supposed' affair?


I don't think I'd let it go, as if it were nothing. I'd demand answers if someone was accusing my H of having an A.


So she hasn't written him before now?

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Having experience with criminals,unfortuneately, rethink this.

Your husband was her supervisor, she gets caught and is doing hard time.A lot criminals will never take responsibility for their actions and will try to take anyone down, they have all the time in the world to think crap up.

I'd bet this women has a long list of people she blames for her downfall, your husband just happens to be on the list.She would have to know that there would be a good chance this letter would be read by you.What better way for a lying cheat bag to have fun.

If you have no reason to believe he was ever in an affair why in the world would you even give a thought to this scumbag?

There are truly evil people out there and it is hard for decent people to understand why, so don't.

Be happy you have a decent husband, the scumbag doesn't, and when your being traded around for a pack of smokes your not that happy.Think about it!

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Originally posted by onlyhuman

A lot criminals will never take responsibility for their actions and will try to take anyone down, they have all the time in the world to think crap up.

I'd bet this women has a long list of people she blames for her downfall


So true!!! Like someone sitting at home with nothing to do. You focus in on everything!

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Thanks for the responses. I don't think my h had an affair, he doesn't have the time, although he does travel alot, it still never crossed my mind until I got this letter. She started the letter apologetically to him for doing wrong, then it just turned to lust, or infatuation or whatever. It blew me up, and I told my h that if I were in his position "someone wanting me, but can't have me" would make me feel good in a way. But those words she wrote haunted me......but I just wanted others advise, I don't think he'd be stupid enough to lose all he's worked for with his family, for a druggy fling cause he knows I'd be gone in a lickety split. She's in jail, and has alot of time to think, she's never written him before this. I just want confirmation that I wasn't wrong in my thinking.


And yes, this time. It did look like a duck.........


Thanks for sharing everyone.

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