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so bronzepen,

how do you suppose a cure could be found for all these insecure people wandering around?

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Originally posted by newbby

so bronzepen,

how do you suppose a cure could be found for all these insecure people wandering around?



No, no.



Never said it was "bad" to be insecure or that there is something wrong with insecure people. I only pointed out the differences of opinion.



I call a spade a spade. :p

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Originally posted by Bronzepen



The concept of right and wrong is a human invention. We made it up. Self interest.


Buttom line, there is no right or wrong, only difference of opinion.





but you cannot accept others who may have a different interpretation of the word judge :laugh:

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Originally posted by jj003

but you cannot accept others who may have a different interpretation of the word judge :laugh:



Sorry, that's your insecure interpretation.


You kept questioning me and I kept answering.



We just agree to disagree.

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Originally posted by Bronzepen

Sorry, that's your insecure interpretation.


You kept questioning me and I kept answering.



We just agree to disagree.

as usual, you have to label another person something if they do not agree with you

what does that make you?

I wonder

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Originally posted by jj003

as usual, you have to label another person something if they do not agree with you

what does that make you?

I wonder



Like you care. Oh wait, you are insecure so I guess you do care. :rolleyes:

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bronzepen if you set out to prove something you will prove it,

you began with your theory that to question society means one is insecure, now everything you say is trying to prove that. jj cannot say anything without you saying she is insecure, because you are set on proving your theory.

one could reasonably argue that to be so intent on proving your own theory and continuing this discussion until you do, you have a certain insecurity. however the purpose of these discussions for myself is to explore the issues in question.

i have found alot of what you have to add to the discussion very interesting, however, with this "an insecure person..." stuff i dont see what the purpose is.

this is after all an advice and support forum, if you are saying that the individuals must find their own security within themselves and not look to society for their guides then i agree that this is a valid point. you may have something very useful to offer people with this viewpoint. it seems to be a little stuck here though.

after all, although we have to look to ourselves for guidance, the discussion of others viewpoints can expand the mind, at least. ultimately i think the best guide comes not from the mind but from the soul, however, that too is a thought.

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Originally posted by newbby

bronzepen if you set out to prove something you will prove it,

you began with your theory that to question society means one is insecure, now everything you say is trying to prove that. jj cannot say anything without you saying she is insecure, because you are set on proving your theory.

one could reasonably argue that to be so intent on proving your own theory and continuing this discussion until you do, you have a certain insecurity. however the purpose of these discussions for myself is to explore the issues in question.

i have found alot of what you have to add to the discussion very interesting, however, with this "an insecure person..." stuff i dont see what the purpose is.

this is after all an advice and support forum, if you are saying that the individuals must find their own security within themselves and not look to society for their guides then i agree that this is a valid point. you may have something very useful to offer people with this viewpoint. it seems to be a little stuck here though.

after all, although we have to look to ourselves for guidance, the discussion of others viewpoints can expand the mind, at least. ultimately i think the best guide comes not from the mind but from the soul, however, that too is a thought.



I never questioned anyones thoughts but if one is going to question my theories then I will be more then happy to answer them.


If they still question my theories I will still try to provide an answer. If my answer is that a person is insecure then that is my answer.


It the person disagrees then that is fine with me. We agree to disagree. But if the person disagrees and asks for clarification then I would be more then happy to explain to them other forms of their insecurities.


If a person doesn't like my answer then they should stop asking me questions.

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I never questioned anyones thoughts but if one is going to question my theories then I will be more then happy to answer them.


If they still question my theories I will still try to provide an answer. If my answer is that a person is insecure then that is my answer.


It the person disagrees then that is fine with me. We agree to disagree. But if the person disagrees and asks for clarification then I would be more then happy to explain to them other forms of their insecurities.


If a person doesn't like my answer then they should stop asking me questions.


this doesnt really have anything to do with what i was saying :confused:

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Originally posted by newbby

this doesnt really have anything to do with what i was saying :confused:



You said I was set on proving my theory. This is could not be further from the truth.



jj003 keeps asking me questions about my theory, so in turn I answer.


If she doesn't like my answers then she should stop asking me questions.


I never said my view is the only view. I encourage other viewpoints. If I disagree with a view point I will just simply understand what the view point is without having to accept it.


In other words, I will just agree to disagree.



As for your view of the best guide coming from the soul and not the mind.


I believe the soul is raw chaotic emotions and the mind is the conscious that filters/sorts/creates order from the soul.


Think of the soul as a car without a steering wheel and no brakes, careening down the highway. The mind is the wheel and the break.


At the same time, the soul is what defines us and makes us unique. That's why there is no two humans alike.


But these are just my thoughts.

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very interesting,

in my experience the best guidance comes from the soul,

i dont know if i would call that the same thing as the subconcious which i think you are talking about, possibly there are many layers. i mean more the collective conciousness. the universal language.

the mind is a machine, it can sort through and filter, it also never stops running.

when you take a moment of deep meditation, you can see the kind of crazy stuff it throws up.

best not to follow it too faithfully,

but that is just my opinion.

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Originally posted by newbby

very interesting,

in my experience the best guidance comes from the soul,

i dont know if i would call that the same thing as the subconcious which i think you are talking about, possibly there are many layers. i mean more the collective conciousness. the universal language.

the mind is a machine, it can sort through and filter, it also never stops running.

when you take a moment of deep meditation, you can see the kind of crazy stuff it throws up.

best not to follow it too faithfully,

but that is just my opinion.


Agree, don't follow the mind too faithfully.


But I think one cannot function without the other.


The soul by itself leave a person with an overflow of random emotions with no valve or regulator to control it.


While the mind by itself is a machine and/or powerfull tool with no fuel (soul) to power it. You can turn the wheel, press switches, pull levers but in the end your not going anywhere.


hmmm. I will meditate on this.

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Originally posted by newbby

you are confusing the soul with emotions


Remember I said earlier that the soul is raw chaotic emotions.


Just my take on it.

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Originally posted by Bronzepen

Like you care. Oh wait, you are insecure so I guess you do care. :rolleyes:

Trust me, I don't know you, I don't care a bit at all, but i am curious ! you know? there's something call curious in this world

People are curious about someone who talks so beautifully while they have prove otherwise in their actions

curious about someone who like to impose their ideas on others

curious about someone who is so stuborn that he would not accept that there are other opinions out there in the world other than his own

curious about someone who MUST be right .....

Ha, don't start arguing about te word curious, my dear

for action speaks louder than words


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Originally posted by Bronzepen



I never said my view is the only view. I encourage other viewpoints. If I disagree with a view point I will just simply understand what the view point is without having to accept it.


In other words, I will just agree to disagree.




what a joke, if anyone disagree with you, you call them insecure and you would not stop !!! THUS BY YOU DOING SO, you make others believe that your view is the ONLY view

the only thing i need to say to you from now on is


you want to convince us? prove with your actions, not your words !!!

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Originally posted by newbby

this doesnt really have anything to do with what i was saying :confused:

yes, he is very good at changing the subject...when it is not to his adventage

oh, don't argue...

actions speak louder than words :laugh:

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Originally posted by Bronzepen

Remember I said earlier that the soul is raw chaotic emotions.


Just my take on it.

exactly, just your take on it !

as with many things ! :laugh:

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Originally posted by newbby

if you are saying that the individuals must find their own security within themselves and not look to society for their guides then i agree that this is a valid point. you may have something very useful to offer people with this viewpoint. it seems to be a little stuck here though.


Agree, the individuals must find their own security within themselves and not look to society for their guides

but how would these individuals feel if someone keep telling them that the society will always think they are wrong?

we should offer encoragement to those who wish to stand up for themselves, not otherwise... :)

talk positive, not negative...

so be happy, newbby, do what you think is best for yourself and you will in the end make the right choice. what ever your choice maybe.

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i am not happy, but it has nothing to do with what society thinks of me.

i have learned in my life that society is often cruel to anybody who is not the "norm", there are many examples of this throughout history. society should be questioned, take apartheid as a perfect example.

should nelson mandela have been more secure in himself??? :D

i have lived in many places, sometimes people accept you, sometimes they dont, yet you can be exactly the same! society is like sheep at times. thats just the way it is. if everybody was more open to listening to others viewpoints then perhaps the collective mind will evolve. as for the collective (sub) concious, that is already fine.

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Originally posted by newbby

i have learned in my life that society is often cruel to anybody who is not the "norm", there are many examples of this throughout history. society should be questioned, take apartheid as a perfect example.

should nelson mandela have been more secure in himself??? :D

:laugh: that's a good one !

Changes only occure when we question the society, this is true throughtout history.

we are secure because we dare to question the society, :rolleyes: not the other way around.

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Originally posted by jj003

Trust me, I don't know you, I don't care a bit at all, but i am curious ! you know? there's something call curious in this world

People are curious about someone who talks so beautifully while they have prove otherwise in their actions

curious about someone who like to impose their ideas on others

curious about someone who is so stuborn that he would not accept that there are other opinions out there in the world other than his own

curious about someone who MUST be right .....

Ha, don't start arguing about te word curious, my dear

for action speaks louder than words




Oh dear, this is never ending.


I don't remember putting a gun to your head and saying, this is my idea so you better believe it.


But since your insecure and perceive any interaction with you as some form of personal attack then so be it.


Be a bitter person. Please continue to view someone's POV as trying to supersede your own.


Be a self centered person because you think all discussion is about you.


Be a person who jumps to conclusion and quick to label without even taking a moment to ponder a thought.



Your actions have spoken volumes but in the end it's meaningless because an insecure person will never be content with their actions.

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Originally posted by jj003

what a joke, if anyone disagree with you, you call them insecure and you would not stop !!! THUS BY YOU DOING SO, you make others believe that your view is the ONLY view

the only thing i need to say to you from now on is


you want to convince us? prove with your actions, not your words !!!


No, you didn't just disagree. You took it personally and came to the conclusion that I was attacking you. Then you proceeded to say that I think my view is right and everyone else is wrong.


All signs of an insecure person.

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Originally posted by jj003

yes, he is very good at changing the subject...when it is not to his adventage

oh, don't argue...

actions speak louder than words :laugh:



Again, quoting out of context.


Now your just being foolish.


You have a chip on your shoulder for whatever reason.

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Originally posted by Bronzepen

No, you didn't just disagree. You took it personally and came to the conclusion that I was attacking you. Then you proceeded to say that I think my view is right and everyone else is wrong.


All signs of an insecure person.

should we count how many times you said I am insecure? just because I disagree with you ? Haha

actions speak louder than words !!!!!

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