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Mixup with exchanging numbers


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So, I just got back into the dating game after a terrible breakup. I'm in college and I went to a sporting event yesterday. While there, I talked to a girl and some of her friends who happen to be athletes here. I told the one girl I'd enjoy getting to know her and asked for her phone number. She seemed a little hesitant, said she had a busy schedule (which is true when being a division one athlete). I said that I'd be willing to find a time to do something whenever she was free. So she gave me her number, but typed it a little fast. As I left I assumed it was a fake number.


Flash forward about twenty minutes and I'm back into the swing of things again at the game and cheering on in the student section. I was essentially being the outgoing leader and I looked over to her and her friends throughout this. It definitely seemed like they were talking to me as one of her friends was looking at me multiple times during their conversation. A few minutes later an entirely different friend from her group walks up to me and said that she may have missed a digit when putting in the phone number. She asks for mine and sends it to her (which stupid me may have not said the number clear enough because of the loud environment).


For some reason I looked up the area code and it was all the way from Georgia. So obviously a fake phone number. Which means she was interested enough to actually get my phone number later on. I'm just concerned if she has the wrong number of mine.


So here's my question, if I don't hear anything, do I facebook message her or something. It's very unlikely I'll see her around the school (30,000+ undergrads). Maybe I'm just overthinking this way too much.

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