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Coping... 7 months out


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Hi everyone,


I'm about seven months out a heart-shattering breakup.


You can read about all if here if you care to do so: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/breaking-up-reconciliation-coping/coping/562641-5-months-out-still-really-pissed-off


I've been in a pretty bad place for the last six months and have been suffering with depression. I'm still on medication and dealing with it. I haven't had any contact with my ex in seven months. I know nothing about him even though we have many mutual friends (they've been respectful to both of us).


However, I just wanted add that, I woke up one morning last week and thought "I hate the world a little less today." I don't know why, I just woke up a little less angry. Okay, I'm not saying things are great, but that is a smidge better than I had been. Regardless of how little progress may feel, progress is still happening, even if you don't recognize it.


Just this weekend, I hired an interior designer to come do a make over on my house, as I'm ready to move on, get rid of all the things my ex built in my house and even use his old closet for ME!


I also am planning two trips with my girlfriends and I'm actually looking forward to it! I couldn't have said that even last month. I still have no interest in dating, but I'm slowing starting to get back into the world with my friends.


My point is - maintain NC and keep truckin' as eventually things will be a little less awful and you start to laugh and smile again. It really does happen...

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