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dream of ex ...


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I have been with my boyfriend for over 3 years, we live together and have a 2yr old. We don't have much of a passionate relationship like in the beginning. But the other night I had a dream of one of my ex boyfriends. The whole dream made me feel like I would be in a more attentive relationship with him. But reality is is that he's immature and not too much of a future. I love my boyfriend very much, but it seems weird to have a dream of me being in a more passionate relationship with an ex. Does this really mean something? Is my innerself trying to tell me something or was it just a trippy dream?

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Dreams are your subconscious. They would not come just out of the blue. Maybe because you lack passion with your current Ex, your mind is subconsciously thinking of your Ex


Who knows

I have been with my boyfriend for over 3 years, we live together and have a 2yr old. We don't have much of a passionate relationship like in the beginning. But the other night I had a dream of one of my ex boyfriends. The whole dream made me feel like I would be in a more attentive relationship with him. But reality is is that he's immature and not too much of a future. I love my boyfriend very much, but it seems weird to have a dream of me being in a more passionate relationship with an ex. Does this really mean something? Is my innerself trying to tell me something or was it just a trippy dream?
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I don't think it means anything. I've had dreams about guys I work with, ex boyfriends, guy friends of mine, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, you name it. Were you thinking about your ex before you had the dream?


I doubt it's your innerself trying to tell you that you should get back with your ex. It may, however, be your innerself telling you that you need to add some spice to your relationship. (I usually have passion filled dreams when there's a lack of passion in my life.) You say you don't have a passionate relationship now. Well, bring it back. Buy some sexy clothes, have a candlelit dinner, buy some massage oil, whatever. Relationships change over time. You can't always have that early stage passion because life's responsibilities get in the way. If you truly still love your boyfriend, you must be willing to work on your relationship.

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YOU ASK: "Does this really mean something? Is my innerself trying to tell me something or was it just a trippy dream?"


Sometimes dreams mean something and sometimes they don't. In this case, the dream may just indicate what you already know consciously...that you wish there was more passion in your relationship. However, your relationship is not unlike a great majority of those that flatten out after a period of time.


There's lots of things you can do to put some spark back into it but it will take work on the parts of both of you. Dreaming about other men won't help matters one bit. Even in a dream state, the grass is always greener elsewhere.


Find new things to do together, find new ways of expressing your love. This love stuff isn't easy.

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