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I wish I can show you videos so you can see how hard it is...The cheerleading I'm talking about is not the type where you just bounce around..Oh no it's more than that, as a matter of fact on ESPN and on the Sunshine Network here in FL (dont' know for other states) competitions are always on...

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A lot of posters here are saying it was a fab time. That sounds great. :)


I hope you give her the opportunity to try it out and see if she likes it


That's solely her choice, with her mom and dad of course. I'm a step-mom, so no decision making for me. :) I just get to pretend-parent whenever she's around. I let her mom make all the crappy decisions...that's her job. Then her dad (my H) can just sit there with a blank look on his face. He's so good at that!

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Originally posted by IhavenoFREAKINclue

I think its absolutely a sport. I did cheerleading for 12 years until I broke my knee. I would be doing it in college right now if that didn't happen.


What qualifies a sport as a sport? Cheerleaders compete, practice, train just as much as football players do. I would say its more dangerous than any other sport. Try falling 25 feet on your butt. Or, like me, landing on your knee wrong and watching it pop out of the socket. I have had a broken nose, sprained wrist, fractured collar bone and a bruised ego. (falling on your face in front of 1000 people is not fun) We went to nationals in Florida and got 6th in the nation out of all HS cheerleading squads. HS cheerleading is some serious s***





I've sprained my ankles, 3 concusions, water in my knees, messed up maniscus, a bad back, you name it...It's f***ed up :p

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I tore my meniscus and ACL when I dislocated it. 2 knee surgeries to fix it. Water in the knee SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was a tumbler and there was a tumbling pass when i had to do a back handspring full twist and i didn't pull myself all the way around and landed on my neck. Hyper extended it and got a concussion. That was not pretty. I once got punched in the throat and it lodged my bone out of place.....Its just such a magical time!

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Originally posted by IhavenoFREAKINclue

I tore my meniscus and ACL when I dislocated it. 2 knee surgeries to fix it. Water in the knee SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was a tumbler and there was a tumbling pass when i had to do a back handspring full twist and i didn't pull myself all the way around and landed on my neck. Hyper extended it and got a concussion. That was not pretty. I once got punched in the throat and it lodged my bone out of place.....Its just such a magical time!


I was a stunter...I did partner stunting and basket tosses...


OUCH ACL that hurts...I tumbled but I only got up too a full...Round off back hand spring tuck/full that kind a stuff...I love all this terminology.. :love:


I miss it soooo much!!!


Well I got a black eye really bad... a guy tumbled into me and knocked me out cold..I was out for 5 min and the paramedics got their they were so cute...lol

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My paremedic was cute too! I was sitting in the back of the ambulance with him talkign to him about sex and rugs and stuff......I got lucky ;)

I was a base. I was able to do partner stunts with the smaller flyers. I could do a walk-in to an extention. Me being the base. I was on co-ed We had more guys than girls and we were kick ass. We were on ESPN when they televised nationals in Florida. I can go on for days!!!!!!!


Sorry for the Hijack Tiki!

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Originally posted by IhavenoFREAKINclue

Sorry for the Hijack Tiki!


No! It's okay. I know nothing about cheerleading really...my momma forbid it Not that I could've made it anyway...lol). :D

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