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Depression, should I stay or go


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I have been with my BF for 3 years now, divorce to W isn't getting anywhere, it is at a standstill.

My BF has bouts of depression on and off, they are becoming more frequent and getting deeper each time. He will have a few drinks, and take a larger dose of his anxiety meds then he should just to sleep. He admits that he believes he is depressed but refuses to seek help. I have realized that I can't baby and coddle him anymore, I simply let him know I am here for him, that I love and care very much. He just wants to simply get through his day, and then come home to sleep. I don't want to walk away, but by him not getting help, it is taking away from our relationship, effects his work and time with this kids and I am at the point that I realize that I can only do so much for him. It has taken such a toll on me that I started seeking therapy. I am not sure how much more I can take. It's hard when you love and care for someone to make a decision to stay or go.

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I have never had depression myself but know a lot of people who have. One common theme when speaking to them is people trying to either tell to snap out of it or get help. You can only seek help when you are aware there is an issue. I know you said he thinks he has depression but he won't seek help until he realises he needs it.


All you can do for now is wait to see if he will get help - having lived with someone suffering from depression - I understand what you are going through, and the strain it must be putting on you.


Only you can decide what to do, have you told him how you are feeling?

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Why is his divorce not progressing after 3 years and what's your deadline with it being finalized?







How old are you two and does he have any kids?

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Alcoholics have lost control over their lives & Will drag you down with them, if you allow them to. Go seek an Al Anon meeting & get some control back - spouses or partners of alcoholic people. Oh, anxiety & dépression meds don't Work if alcohol is abused.


Really Really Check Al Anon. Life saving !

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