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Dream Interpretation, Part Deux


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I don't even know if this belongs in this part of the forum anymore, but here I go.


I am into this spirituality thing, and part of it involves dream interpretation.


Now, I've been in NC with my ex for about a month now, and can happily say I'm about 90% over her. She still comes across my mind now and again, but I've essentially moved in (even went on a 1st date with this gorgeous Latina lady, and our 2nd date is tomorrow)!


Last night, however, I had this weird dream.


I was texting my supposed ex's ex before me (a made up person). I was telling him how she was single and kinda lonely (my ex never had that many friends, and spends a LOT of time by herself--I actually started to think the ONLY reason she let our relationship go for as long as it did is b/c she knew that she'd have nobody if I left).


Anyways, this "ex" texted me how that was great news and how he wanted to have sex with her again. I told him it wasn't a good idea, then he said "how isn't THIS a good idea?"


He sent me MULTIPLE photos of my ex in very sexual poses, pictures of every inch of her body, almost inch by inch. There was a neck pic, an ass pick, leg pic, thigh pic, ankle pic, even foot pics. I was scrolling through what seemed like hundreds of pictures of her in VERY sexy poses and positions.


Then, I woke up. I had this BURNING desire to have sex with my ex. No relationship, no friendship, just sex.


The fight to not text her was ROUGH this morning. It's as if some dream temptress is tempting me.



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Dreams are weird like that. If I acted on the impulses suggested by my crazy dreams, well, let's just say I would have made a real mess of my life. Good luck.

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