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hello i need help trying to figure out what to do ? so this is my problem. i am dateing a forner and he needs his green card or visa ? he has asked me to marrie him but i dont want to get married. i feel like im too young (im 19).the big problem is i dont want him to go but i know he has to get his green card or visa .so what do i do ? help please!!!

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Don't marry anyone that you aren't sure about, especially at your age. You are way too young to get married. And how do you know that he isn't using you to get his green card/visa? It's not unheard of. The fact that you are even considering this shows how naive you are. Maybe he pounced on that? You could find yourself in an extremely unhappy marriage if that's the case.


You say that you don't want to get married, so what's the issue? Don't get married. I'm sure he can figure out some way to stay in the country without getting you involved. And if he doesn't, then you have no other choice than to move on and find someone else. But don't do anything that you aren't comfortable with, no matter how much he begs you.

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Getting married to somebody in order for them to get a green card is only the easiest part of the process. You have to file mounds of paperwork, supply financial statements, show tax returns, supply pictures...love letters...cards, etc. from your courtship, and a whole lot of other stuff you really won't want to do. Go talk to an immigation attorney...they usually give you the initial consultation for free.


The INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) goes out of their way to prevent people from getting married just for this purpose.


Marriage is hard enough without starting it out for such a lame reason. And I really hate to hurt you, but once you tell him no, he'll drop you lot a hot potato and find someone else who may consider it. Many foreigners would DIE for a green card...or screw somebody over.


Maybe he'll offer you money. I'd say the aggravation of dealing with this would be worth $5,000 and you are still breaking the law. A lor of foreigners try this...a few get by but it's hell. The INS usually weeds them out and they prosecute if they find out there's money being paid.


I'd say he's trying to use you. There are enough guys who will use you and you won't have to get them a green card to do it. Go find one of these.

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