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My heart is broken....

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I can not kill myself....


I am better than that...


3.5 years of bliss turned into carap in a few days time...



She told me we needed some space about 3 weeks ago...


I called her repeatedly throughout


one week ago she saw some other guy as friends


I asked her if she kissed him she said yes...she didn't lie to me


She said she isn't in love with me anymore and my body won't let me be...


I told her that I would fight for her, but I would play by her rules...


Is this wise or am I just playing games with my heart...


I am not calling her anymore and its only been 24 hours and I am losing myself and my bestfriend(her) in the process


She previously mentioned that she wasn't looking to be with anyone at this point


Should I fight or give up and medicate myself to forget her?


Thank you for your help....

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I know where you are coming from. 4.5 yrs ended the same way for me.


What you need to know:

She has no idea what she wants.

She gave you a BS answer for ending a long relationship.

She still has feelings for you.

Whatever the outcome, you're better off without her until she proves she has mended her ways.

She'll probably call you again in the future.


What you need to do:

Not talk to her. No seeing her. No writing, phoning. Nothing. You'll get over her, but it'll take time.

Hang out with friends and stay busy.

When she makes contact, tell her she hurt you.

Find someone else if you can. Even if it's just for a little while.

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Originally posted by jasony1980

I can not kill myself....


I am better than that...


3.5 years of bliss turned into carap in a few days time...



She told me we needed some space about 3 weeks ago...


I called her repeatedly throughout


one week ago she saw some other guy as friends


I asked her if she kissed him she said yes...she didn't lie to me


She said she isn't in love with me anymore and my body won't let me be...


I told her that I would fight for her, but I would play by her rules...


Is this wise or am I just playing games with my heart...


I am not calling her anymore and its only been 24 hours and I am losing myself and my bestfriend(her) in the process


She previously mentioned that she wasn't looking to be with anyone at this point


Should I fight or give up and medicate myself to forget her?


Thank you for your help....


You should first identify why the relationship failed.


Were you soft, clingy, etc? Did you have a spine with her? Did you hold her accountable?


If not, I suggest reading: "No More Mr. Nice Guy" - By Robert A Glover


You need to give us more information on why YOU think the relationship ended and why SHE said it did. That would be a good start.

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Man that shat she pulled was really beat. I would let her know she hurt you, and then start the NC. She said she no longer loves you, so f*** her...let her find someone else, or whatever she plans on doing and go your seperate ways. You ARE better off without her.


If she finds someone else and that doesnt work out with him, DO NOT let her come back to you. Dont make her think she can always come back to you when she f***s up again. Good luck.


Oh, and I know you said you couldnt kill yourself, but even thinking in that direction because of some retarted woman is not healthy at all.

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im kind of going through your game right now, its a little further along, she dumped me, got back with a guy, and now basicly plays with my feelings, giving me little scraps here and there, it feels terrible, the best bet for you is to make a choice. do you want to go through it? is it worth it to you? take a week of not contacting her and ask yourself again, you wanna ask yourself this when your in a little more clear headed state. i KNOW how terrible it feels to lose someone you love(especially when its out of no where) it hurts like hell... i contemplated suicide too DONT DO IT!


a lot of people care about you including the people here, and all of us at one time or another have been through some rough times...whichever you decide to do, break all contact, or later on decide to choose to fight for it, dont act like a crying complaining, begging, person. she isnt attracted to this, shes attracted to what she had at the beginning, your best bet is do as they said, stay busy, get out with friends, meet new people, it might feel like it sucks for a while, but youlle get through it like so many of us have, good luck and hang in there.

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Thank you all for your words I know I am acting like a little bitch right now, but I was going through depression before we ended it and I can truly say that it can't get any worse...I hope

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Well you say it ended in a few days, but in reality you have been screwing it up for months....am I right? Look it's your fault she left, you became a bad bf. Just learn from the mistakes you made and get a rebound girl fast. If she's been gone for 3 weeks then she ain't coming back, face it dude!

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