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Getting Ready for Spring! 6-Week Weight Loss Challenge

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All health gains have been erased in one week thanks to day/night partying and drinking, low calorie consumption and general insanity that was Miami Music Week.


Time to rejoin this thread and get my health back.. :(


Well did you at least have fun? How was the girl you invited? I had read a little of your thread about it.


And welcome back! I plan to start a "Getting Ready for Summer" Challenge when this one ends, so hop on board and stay with us. Holidays are nicely spaced out, so I figure this year could look something like...


Getting Ready for Summer! April 1st - May 31st (we'll look and feel great for Memorial Day!)


Feeling Great All Summer Long! June 1st - Labor Day


Feeling so Good it's Scary! Labor Day - Halloween


Thriving through the Holidays! Nov 1st - New Years Eve


Yes, I'm getting ahead of myself. And the names can be changed! I know they suck.

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Getting Ready for Summer! April 1st - May 31st


I like this one. It sounds like everyone is working out to impress me. :o

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If I work out this many days won't I ruin any chance of building up muscle? Unless you mean "low intensity cardio" as simple walking and slow flexibility work.


(Lucky to have Fitnessfan on this tread!!!!)


This is actually a really common misconception. People take way too many "rest days". However, it mostly comes down to calorie intake. If you're eating enough to match your level of activity, you can workout six days a week and still see progress. But the problem is that the average person isn't that dialed into their nutrition and calorie intake.


Now to be honest Summer, it's very hard for women to build "new muscle" because they have such low levels of testosterone. What usually happens is the the average woman will do strength training, start seeing definition they didn't have before, get stronger, and think they're putting on new muscle. But all they're really doing is improving on and maintaining muscle they already had. Remember, you can't be putting on muscle if the scale is going down.


With that said though, you were trying to drop inches/weight right? So my advice would still be the same. Keep a small calorie deficit of 500 under your maintenance for 1lb a week loss. Then three days a week lift heavier using full body workouts and compound exercises as well as more intensity. On the other two, do low intensity cardio and stretching/mobility work just to stay active and help with recovery.

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I had too much fun. :lmao:


I think they closed the thread, so I'll make a little update thread not asking any questions to keep it from blowing up.


Definitely ready for the new thread. :)


Well did you at least have fun? How was the girl you invited? I had read a little of your thread about it.


And welcome back! I plan to start a "Getting Ready for Summer" Challenge when this one ends, so hop on board and stay with us. Holidays are nicely spaced out, so I figure this year could look something like...


Getting Ready for Summer! April 1st - May 31st (we'll look and feel great for Memorial Day!)


Feeling Great All Summer Long! June 1st - Labor Day


Feeling so Good it's Scary! Labor Day - Halloween


Thriving through the Holidays! Nov 1st - New Years Eve


Yes, I'm getting ahead of myself. And the names can be changed! I know they suck.

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Woot! Knocked out my lunch time 5k today, complete with hills and some HIIT tossed in. I still have to walk parts of it, but my times are improving. Each session, I just try to beat my previous time.


Two weeks ago - 41m, 57s

Last week - 40m, 39s

Today - 37m, 46s

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Woot! Knocked out my lunch time 5k today, complete with hills and some HIIT tossed in. I still have to walk parts of it, but my times are improving. Each session, I just try to beat my previous time.


Two weeks ago - 41m, 57s

Last week - 40m, 39s

Today - 37m, 46s


Nice! Running hills is definitely one of the best ways to get lean/fit IMO. I am actually heading out to do a hill workout in a bit myself.


Yesterday my workout :


Push-Up Burpees -


** Done with jumps like towards the tail end of the video


Running High Knee Jump Rope -


** So much harder than regular single unders


Dead Hang Pull-ups -


**Only way to do them IMO


Mountain Climbers -


** Going all out on these for 30 seconds a set is taxing.


Hanging leg raises toe to bar -


** This is a tough exercise. The guy in the video has awesome form actually.


Overall did 5 sets of 12 burpees, 5 sets of 60 second running high knee jump rope, 5 sets of 8 dead hang pull-ups, 5 sets 30 sec mountain climbers, and 5 sets of 10 hanging leg raises toe to bar. Circuiting between the burpees and jump rope was BRUTAL! Also, the pull-up/mountain climber circuit was challenging and doing the hanging leg raises at the end with my grip already tired from pull-ups was HARD. Overall 45 minutes of hell..LOL

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This is actually a really common misconception. People take way too many "rest days". However, it mostly comes down to calorie intake. If you're eating enough to match your level of activity, you can workout six days a week and still see progress. But the problem is that the average person isn't that dialed into their nutrition and calorie intake.


Now to be honest Summer, it's very hard for women to build "new muscle" because they have such low levels of testosterone. What usually happens is the the average woman will do strength training, start seeing definition they didn't have before, get stronger, and think they're putting on new muscle. But all they're really doing is improving on and maintaining muscle they already had. Remember, you can't be putting on muscle if the scale is going down.


With that said though, you were trying to drop inches/weight right? So my advice would still be the same. Keep a small calorie deficit of 500 under your maintenance for 1lb a week loss. Then three days a week lift heavier using full body workouts and compound exercises as well as more intensity. On the other two, do low intensity cardio and stretching/mobility work just to stay active and help with recovery.


Thank you. This is helpful info. According to Fatsecret I'm only eating 52% of my RDI on average from March 12-21. I might be eating too little? My RDI is 1900. And I know I have to up my protein (which is freaking hard.) And lower carbs and fat.

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Nice! Running hills is definitely one of the best ways to get lean/fit IMO. I am actually heading out to do a hill workout in a bit myself.


Yesterday my workout :


Push-Up Burpees -


** Done with jumps like towards the tail end of the video


Running High Knee Jump Rope -


** So much harder than regular single unders


Dead Hang Pull-ups -


**Only way to do them IMO


Mountain Climbers -


** Going all out on these for 30 seconds a set is taxing.


Hanging leg raises toe to bar -


** This is a tough exercise. The guy in the video has awesome form actually.


Overall did 5 sets of 12 burpees, 5 sets of 60 second running high knee jump rope, 5 sets of 8 dead hang pull-ups, 5 sets 30 sec mountain climbers, and 5 sets of 10 hanging leg raises toe to bar. Circuiting between the burpees and jump rope was BRUTAL! Also, the pull-up/mountain climber circuit was challenging and doing the hanging leg raises at the end with my grip already tired from pull-ups was HARD. Overall 45 minutes of hell..LOL


I clicked on the links thinking it was your youtube channel! You should make one.

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I clicked on the links thinking it was your youtube channel! You should make one.


You're definitely not the first person to tell me that. However, there are already a ton of YT fitness channels/videos as is. Instead of going through the effort of filming and editing videos together, it's much easier just to find videos that cover exercises I do/have clients do with form I approve of.


Plus, even though I started doing online coaching very recently and give free tips on various forums like LS to pay it forward, my main passion is actually working with people. So that's another reason why I've never really had a burning desire to get into YT fitness vids.

Edited by fitnessfan365
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I lost weight!!!!


Current weight:


124 pounds :)


I don't think I want to lose anymore. This is a nice weight on me. Maybe a pound just to slim down my abs a bit, but not two pounds.


I do however want to gain muscle.


( I did join a site that I was previously on to post my pictures. If anyone is interested send me a PM and I'll send you a link. But be kind. ;) )

Edited by Summer3
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Summer, you look pretty great! (and I think most of us here are kind. LS is probably the polar opposite of a bodybuilding site)


I had a change in mindset last night: instead of "losing fat," I am viewing my current status as "cutting." It just sounds so much more proactive!


I'll be cutting through the rest of March and all of April, and then I'll need to figure out whether it's time to start bulking or whether I'll need to cut through May as well.


Fitnessfan, master of the burpee, when would you suggest a person move from cutting to bulking? Would you suggest he/she continue to cut until he/she reaches the desired body fat percentage, or it is okay to move to bulking after 3 months of cutting, with the understanding that the person will alternate back and forth for the forseeable future?


At the pace I am going, I'm guessing I'll have a relatively flat stomach in 6-10 weeks.

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MP - You're actually doing things backwards..LOL The standard protocol is to bulk in the winter because you naturally eat more during the holidays, have no reason to have your shirt off, etc.. Then in spring and summer you lean out. You're leaning out now and then want to increase body fat % in the summer. :D


In general though it's a lot harder to drop body fat than to bulk up. So I'd recommend continuing to cut until you reach your desired body fat %, and then slowly increasing your calories - 250 to 500 calorie surplus and gain weight slowly. At least that way, you can keep the fat gain minimal during the summer.

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MP - You're actually doing things backwards..LOL The standard protocol is to bulk in the winter because you naturally eat more during the holidays, have no reason to have your shirt off, etc.. Then in spring and summer you lean out. You're leaning out now and then want to increase body fat % in the summer. :D


In general though it's a lot harder to drop body fat than to bulk up. So I'd recommend continuing to cut until you reach your desired body fat %, and then slowly increasing your calories - 250 to 500 calorie surplus and gain weight slowly. At least that way, you can keep the fat gain minimal during the summer.


I took progress pics today. And in my pictures I think I look too heavy but in real life I look fine. Which do you go by?

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MP - You're actually doing things backwards..LOL The standard protocol is to bulk in the winter because you naturally eat more during the holidays, have no reason to have your shirt off, etc.. Then in spring and summer you lean out. You're leaning out now and then want to increase body fat % in the summer. :D


In general though it's a lot harder to drop body fat than to bulk up. So I'd recommend continuing to cut until you reach your desired body fat %, and then slowly increasing your calories - 250 to 500 calorie surplus and gain weight slowly. At least that way, you can keep the fat gain minimal during the summer.


Damnit! I'm (almost) foiled at every turn!


Looking at myself and various photos of guys on a fitness website (that shows pics of what all the different body fat % ranges may look like), I think I'm currently in the 20-25% body fat range.


Again, looking at various pics, I'd like to get into the 10-12% body fat range. Although it's just an estimate, I'm guessing I'd need another solid 3-4 months of cutting to get there, so maybe by the end of July I might be there. That's just based on what progress I've seen thus far. I really need to get my body fat % checked so I have a better idea of where I am and what is obtainable.


I do have a good amount of muscle under my fat. I'm now daydreaming about how ripped I might look in July.


Oh and I'm constantly starving alllll the time, even when I eat up to 2200 calories. The bodybuilding sites said "Drink lots of water, don't start your first meal until noon to allow some big meals from lunch to bed time, and suck it up!"

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MP - Don't pay attention to bodybuilding websites like bodybuilding.com. Way too much "bro science" on there with a lot of misconceptions. Breakfast is hands down the most important meal of the day so any site telling you to avoid eating until noon is not sound advice IMO. Since you're way more active than you used to be, you may want to experiment with increasing your cals 200 a day. If you're still dropping at least a pound a week on that you're doing good. But it's definitely true about drinking tons of water. At least a gallon a day is recommended.


** For body fat testing, find a local place that does DEXA scans. Most accurate form of testing. Getting one every three months or so is a good idea.


I took progress pics today. And in my pictures I think I look too heavy but in real life I look fine. Which do you go by?


Yeah pics can definitely make you look heavier than you actually are. What I'd personally go by is measurements and how your clothes are fitting. If you're dropping inches from your waist, hips, etc and fitting into smaller clothes, it doesn't matter what the picture looks like. Also, you could just be bad at taking pics. ;) Different angles can play tricks on you.

Edited by fitnessfan365
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Yeah pics can definitely make you look heavier than you actually are. What I'd personally go by is measurements and how your clothes are fitting. If you're dropping inches from your waist, hips, etc and fitting into smaller clothes, it doesn't matter what the picture looks like. Also, you could just be bad at taking pics. ;) Different angles can play tricks on you.


That's so true! In certain pictures I look really fit and skinny then in others I look fat. Well..not fat fat but overweight. My measurements aren't really changing. I might be at the right weight and I'm expecting too much of myself. My waist is naturally small and my hips naturally full. I need to accept certain stuff I guess.

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One more week on the Challenge! As of Monday, I was just 2 lbs from having a "1" in the front of my scale weight. I'm pushing hard to hit that goal but if I come up a bit short, I won't beat myself up!


Summer, I'm going on vacation next Thursday...would you mind starting a new "Getting Ready for Summer" (the season, not you :) ) thread next Friday? It could run from April 1st until Memorial Day. I doubt I'll be on LS much (if any) on vacation but I'd enjoy knowing that a new thread was already going.


And vacation will give me a chance to formulate new goals for the next Challenge. I think cutting from 199 (I hope) down to 189 in two months would be doable, but I'll give it more thought.

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That's so true! In certain pictures I look really fit and skinny then in others I look fat. Well..not fat fat but overweight. My measurements aren't really changing. I might be at the right weight and I'm expecting too much of myself. My waist is naturally small and my hips naturally full. I need to accept certain stuff I guess.


Yep I agree we need to just focus on building our best self, whatever that looks like. I think the true measuring stick is to just do the very best we can do!

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Oh don't worry I ignore the bro science. I'm making good progress as I'm doing. I figured out a good solution to 9:30pm hunger pains - go to bed!


I'll try to focus on drinking more water and keeping my protein consumption up. Last week I averaged 183 grams of protein daily (current weight is 202).



MP - Don't pay attention to bodybuilding websites like bodybuilding.com. Way too much "bro science" on there with a lot of misconceptions. Breakfast is hands down the most important meal of the day so any site telling you to avoid eating until noon is not sound advice IMO. Since you're way more active than you used to be, you may want to experiment with increasing your cals 200 a day. If you're still dropping at least a pound a week on that you're doing good. But it's definitely true about drinking tons of water. At least a gallon a day is recommended.
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One more week on the Challenge! As of Monday, I was just 2 lbs from having a "1" in the front of my scale weight. I'm pushing hard to hit that goal but if I come up a bit short, I won't beat myself up!


Summer, I'm going on vacation next Thursday...would you mind starting a new "Getting Ready for Summer" (the season, not you :) ) thread next Friday? It could run from April 1st until Memorial Day. I doubt I'll be on LS much (if any) on vacation but I'd enjoy knowing that a new thread was already going.


And vacation will give me a chance to formulate new goals for the next Challenge. I think cutting from 199 (I hope) down to 189 in two months would be doable, but I'll give it more thought.


Sure. But you can make one now if you wanted to. I'm sure everyone will accept it.

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Sure. But you can make one now if you wanted to. I'm sure everyone will accept it.


Okay, I will do it right now! It's probably a good idea because it gives other forum members some time to consider joining up before it starts.


And my 5k time went down again today.


Two weeks ago - 41m, 57s

Last week - 40m, 39s

Tuesday - 37m, 46s

Today - 36m, 21s

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Here are my goals:


1) Work out twice a week with weights and cardio once a week.

2) Lose three pounds fat and gain three pounds of muscle.

3) Learn more about nutrition.


The above were my starting goals:


1. I pretty much completed this goal. I did work out with weights twice a week for the most part.

2. I did lose two pounds but I'm not sure if it was fat or muscle or both.

3. I did learn more about nutrition!


(This was awesome!)

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My weight went down!!!


As of five minutes ago my current weight is: 122.8


This is good. I don't need to lose any more weight.


New Goal:


Gain three pounds muscle.

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Well done Summer!! I have my weigh in tomorrow, and although I am only losing about a pound a week, I do seem to be (thankfully!!) losing inches which is even more exciting for me!


I do worry about building muscle tho, and being heavier because of it. I suppose for me it has always been just about losing weight, but I would dearly love to build muscle up to give myself a more toned look if only I wouldn't weigh more if I did :(


I wish I had more enthusiasm for exercising like you do!! I like my yoga, I am trying very hard to use weights (3lb at mo) twice a week, but I have to really fight my laziness to do it!


Am glad a new thread is being started for summer. Hopefully snow and cold weather will soon be over here and I can start walking poor doggy again and make more progress :)

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Lost another pound!!! Am still too shy (even on an anonymous forum!) to actually tell anyone what I weigh now, even compared to when I started last year, but I have managed to lose 26lbs altogether since last June (it should have been more but I broke a rib and couldn't exercise for some weeks, then xmas hit blah, blah, excuses excuses!)


16.5lbs to go to reach the target weight I set originally...

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