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when my girlfriend and i are in a social situation, we are great together. but when it is just the two of us, it seems quite awkward like we are both trying to think of something interesting to say, but are afraid of sounding too boring, which results in a lot of silence. there is no romance unless we are drinking. i want to add romance to the relationship when we are alone, but i do not know how. i would love any ideas!

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There are millions of things you can talk about when you are together. Pick up the newspaper, a book, or the Internet...and talk. Talk about the two of you, talk about your future, discuss sex, religion...those always set off some hot debate.


There are thousand of things you can do to promote romance. Candlelight dinners, walks around town or in a park, trips to amusement parks, drives through nice neighborhoods looking at houses you like, going to the mall, going to the airport and watching the airplanes, etc. You don't have to be talking every moment you are together. Just being in the same room and doing your own things is fine sometimes.


If both of you are the quiet type, you may just not compliment each other and perhaps both of you should go find someone who can keep things going. But if you want to make this fly, you're going to have to put some energy and imagination into it.

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