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Should I Believe Him or Not?

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Ok...I went to Sadies (a dance where the girls ask the guys) with this guy from ski team, everyone said he liked me, but i didn't really think he did. One night after practice I asked him to the dance, and he said yes, so like a normal teenage girl woud...i freaked out..but of course not in front of him. So we went to the dance, then a week later he came over when my parents weren't home and we fooled around a little bit..but everytime he seemed to call me he always asked "are your parents home". Then I started to feel like he was using me for sex even though we didn't even do it to begin with. I tried to forget about him, and it worked for about 3 months, every now and then he would IM me online, and start to talk to me, and i would get that feeling again, but I told myself i couldn't get hurt again. This past week he IMed me online again and we started talking and he told me he liked me. He told me he's liked me since November. I really couldn't bring myself to believe him, I wanted to believe him but the other part of me said hes lying. He called me the same night and we talked about why he liked me and he said I always have a smile on my face, and he said i was beautiful.But I still didn't know if i believed him. He called back later that night and before he hung up he said "i love you" and i said "no you don't"..and then he told me he would do anything to prove it to me...(but the thing is that he has a g/f, but he told me he loved me more than he loves her) he said he would prove it to me at school...but he hasn't done anything yet, and i asked him why and he said that hes nervous..



I really don't know what i should do, I'm starting to like him again, and i don't know why...everyone thinks "oh shes just a teenager she doesn't know what it feels like, well to tell you the truth i'm really broken up inside.



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Yeah, he's proven it by coming over to fool around when your parents aren't home.


Careful... he's a player.

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I was being ironic... :p


What I'm saying is, his past behavior indicates he doesn't love you. He just wanted some action. Strange that all of a sudden he'd say this to you. I think it's a trick.


However, if you like him and want to give it a go, hang out in public, not in your room when your parents are gone. If he puts up with it, then you'll know he really does like you.


Personally, I think you're too young to hang out with just one guy. High school should be about having fun with lots of people. Don't waste it away on just one person.

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Really, please don't be upset that he likes you with his penis and not his person. It's not unusual for a teenage male to do so. If you don't like that idea, then stop seeing him. Because he'll poke whatever he can get.

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The chances we date someone in high school and marry them and live happily ever after with THEM are freakin astronomical. Of COURSE he wants sex. Tell me ONE OTHER reason he would need to know if your parents are home? You really WANT to believe him. And what the heck could he POSSIBLY do at school that would prove to you that he loved you? There isnt EVER any ONE thing someone can do to prove they love you. That is shown continuously and consistently over time by the way he talks to you,....treats you,....looks at you,....kisses you,...holds your hand,...the way hes THERE for you when you need him. Not by spray-painting some "Joanie loves Chatchi" sign on the scoreboard or something. You'd be suprised at what guys will do just to get sex. Besides,...you guys havent known eachother long enough to be in love. He just wants sex. Sorry,...but it sounds like thats true.

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Thank you all for your great advice I'm really taking it seriously because i don't want to get hurt again..but i really do think i'm starting to like him again and that kind of scares me.


My friends are saying to take a chance and others are saying don't believe him...i want to be with him, but i dont want to get hurt.

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Originally posted by I Got IT

... but i dont want to get hurt.


Join the crowd. :)

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Originally posted by I Got IT

Thank you all for your great advice I'm really taking it seriously because i don't want to get hurt again..but i really do think i'm starting to like him again and that kind of scares me.


My friends are saying to take a chance and others are saying don't believe him...i want to be with him, but i dont want to get hurt.



Fine,..................but will he BE there when you get pregnant? Will he be there when you get a sexually transmitted disease? Will he be there to help take care of the baby you had by him or will you be giving ALL those duties to you mother who thought she was done raising infants? These are things young girls especially must think about. These guys are horny high school kids. THIS IS THE WAY THEY ACT. Its SO cliche',..that movies have been made about it. Do you REALLY think that YOU have found the ONE high school boy who isnt interested in hitting it and quitting it? Please....this guy wants one thing. If you really cant figure it out,..why dont you talk to your Mom about it?

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Originally posted by I Got IT

..but i really do think i'm starting to like him again







My friends are saying to take a chance



1. First of all,....there is a HUGE difference between being in love ,....and being in "like"...."like" is what high school kids THINK is love. How would they know?? Its not their fault,...they just dont know any better. You two,...havent spent any real time together. Haven been THRU anything together. What you HAVE done,..is have sex in your parents home when they werent around. So what does Mr. Sensitivity ask every single solitary time hes on the phone with you? "Are your parents home?" yet you cant figure out if hes asking that because he wants sex or not. WHY ELSE WOULD HE WANT TO KNOW IF YOUR PARENTS WERE HOME? Think perhaps he was wondering so he could come by and have a man-to-man with you father? Maybe whip up some brownies with your Mother? Wake up. Hes horny. How do you know he even cares about you???? What else has he done for you besides try and get into your pants? Did you even ask how he could love you so soon? No. This just all proves that you are waay too young for this stuff.

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