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i need help! my best friend is makin moves on me nad im not sure about it

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im really confuzzled... my best guy friend has been flirting with me more often now adays, and i've started to like him...but im not sure where his intrests are...in me or what... usually it gos pretty far in flirting...but then hes back to being my best friend the next day... i dont understand wuts goin on... he calls me all the time and hangs out with me alot...but i dont know if its cuz he likes me or if its cuz hes my best friend....help me figure it out PLEASE!

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Originally posted by NakedAndFamous

im really confuzzled... my best guy friend has been flirting with me more often now adays, and i've started to like him...but im not sure where his intrests are...in me or what... usually it gos pretty far in flirting...but then hes back to being my best friend the next day... i dont understand wuts goin on... he calls me all the time and hangs out with me alot...but i dont know if its cuz he likes me or if its cuz hes my best friend....help me figure it out PLEASE!


Real guy friends do not go over the line. He probably is unsure of your reaction and lays low seeing how you react to his flirting. I would say his interests are in you. How do you feel about him? Do you want it to go to a romantic level? If you do then let him off the friends hook so he knows where he stands.




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i really like him, and im pretty sure im the only one of all the chick friends hes got that he does that with...i flirt back and stuff, like telling him hes hot and crap like that but usually he doesnt believe me when i say it (hes really self-consious about his looks even though hes really cute, and hes got girls who like him) how can i drop the friends barrior between us? i dont want to destroy our friendship and i dont believe in "once a friend always just a friend" but should i wait for more signs?

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well just drop your pants.........er..... i mean ...uh........... :eek:


Actually if you want to break through that kind of mental barrier go to a dance and make sure theres lots of really close dancing. After a while i think he will get the picture, especially if you kinda work your way closer to him..does that make sense?( i dont mean that in a sexual way, i mean you initiate dancing closer and closer)


That would probably be the easiest situation because physical contact is a given with dancing. So that whole thing is outta the way.


Any other way i can think of would be easily dismissed as doing a friend thing. Like going for coffee or a movie, or to the park, ect.


Then you can pull one of those super close face sliding things like in the movies. .....not grabbing his face and raking it on the concrete, i mean go from having your head on his shoulder and sliding your cheek along his until you are face to face at the end of a slow song, even get some freeby side lip contact. If he dosnt figure that one out i think you should rake his face on the ground.

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Originally posted by NakedAndFamous

how can i drop the friends barrior between us? i dont want to destroy our friendship and i dont believe in "once a friend always just a friend" but should i wait for more signs?


I would complimant him in a sexual way. Tell him how hot he looks or that you think he's sexy and you could lick him like an ice cream cone(LOL). Lick your lips alot around him and make lots of flirty eye contact. Play with your hair and hang on his every word. If this doesn't work just ask him if he could see you as his G/F.



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lol thanks...i'll try some of that and if he doesnt get it than i'll wack 'em upside the head :D

thanks guys and im still open for more suggestions

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