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Want to date other men not just be w/ mm. help

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Ok, on Monday, the minute I get in, he calls me at the office, WANNA GO OUT TONIGHT? I thought about it and said no, i didnt' have a change of clothes...he kept trying to beg all night..He called my secr. and I again twice that night to try to get me to go.


Then on Tuesday, same thing.....He kept begging, so finally I accepted....but my secr. came as well.


We went for a few drinks, long story short, he didn't have his ring on last night...first time he has ever taken it off...he had it on last time we went out...Also first toast he made with us, he toasted to Divorce, my secr. kept bringing up his wife, as usual, and he says he's done with it and he's getting a divorce.


I'm sure he knows I wouldn't be with him unless he was divorced...but I didn't expect it to happen.


I'm not sure what to make of this? Or if it's even true, I do know he has NEVER taken his ring off since I've known him.

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Originally posted by newbby

i'm sorry bb but he sounds like a nut-job are you really interested in him?


LOL...I am intrigued by him....and weirded-out at the same time....I just can't figure him out.

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Originally posted by BoatingBabe

Ok, on Monday, the minute I get in, he calls me at the office, WANNA GO OUT TONIGHT? I thought about it and said no, i didnt' have a change of clothes...he kept trying to beg all night..He called my secr. and I again twice that night to try to get me to go.


Then on Tuesday, same thing.....He kept begging, so finally I accepted....but my secr. came as well.


We went for a few drinks, long story short, he didn't have his ring on last night...first time he has ever taken it off...he had it on last time we went out...Also first toast he made with us, he toasted to Divorce, my secr. kept bringing up his wife, as usual, and he says he's done with it and he's getting a divorce.


I'm sure he knows I wouldn't be with him unless he was divorced...but I didn't expect it to happen.


I'm not sure what to make of this? Or if it's even true, I do know he has NEVER taken his ring off since I've known him.


He is definitely a control freak...he has upped the ante


Refuse any further advances. now you need the cop. make sure he sees you going to lunch with the cop. And kiss the cop outside near your office.


tell the cop what is going on.


You have gotten yourself into a pickle. do not up the ante anymore with this guy.

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Originally posted by HoneyWheat

He is definitely a control freak...he has upped the ante


Refuse any further advances. now you need the cop. make sure he sees you going to lunch with the cop. And kiss the cop outside near your office.


tell the cop what is going on.


You have gotten yourself into a pickle. do not up the ante anymore with this guy.


it seems like you also need to find out what his wife thinks about the idea of divorce.


its good that he told you this in front of the secretary.


she will be your source of the truth...she will act as his conscience. but beware he is not also after the secretary.


I would tell him very nicely, that you don't date married men. and it would not be good for your integrity to get involved or start anything unless YOU are certain he is free to marry. he needs to give you proof. LIKE A COURT DOCUMENT signed by a judge stating the divorce is final. go down to the courthouse yourself to check for yourself...even if this man gives you proof. its not done unless the judge says so.


BUT only do make this statement if he asks you out on a real date. because then you will know his intentions.

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He knows I am VERY suspicious of all this new info he's been bombarding me with these past 2 days....He's definetly not after my secr. He just uses her for info or to convince me that he's a nice guy and to go out with him.....So basically, he kisses her ass.

He's going full force now that he knows someone else is in the picture. It definetly does sound like he's a control freak though, doesn't it?


Today he was in and out of my office all day, then even came to meet me for dinner in the cafeteria ...he's not giving me any breathing space...Everytime I look up, he is in front of me. He's more determined than any single man I know. He throws jabs at me to try to get me jealous, but I show no emotion or I just roll my eyes. He must either really love the challenge...or I"m a piece of property that he plans to own...and I don't even think it's about sex...it's more like an ownership to him.

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Boating Babe, that is really kinda scary. MMs have no fear and pursue relentlessyly because they have nothing to lose, they have their W as back-up. And their other OW's. My now ex-MM would get really jealous of me too, and it's not even right, they want to control the women in their lives to compensate for their deep feelings of insecurity.


Hope that makes sense and I hope you ditch this guy permanently, he sounds like my ex-MM, bad news.

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