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No Strings Sex or Possible Relationship?

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Okay there's this guy in work that I've liked since I started back last August. I never really had the guts to speak to him much but over the last few weeks we've gotten quite close. He split with his girlfriend and now we talk and flirt even more, and have exchanged Email addresses and talk on MSN outside of work.


When we talked on MSN for the first time we were really flirty but it ended up with him asking me for no strings sex til he gets his head sorted after the split (He's been in relationships since he was 18 without a break, he's now 22 and single for the first time in all that time). I said I'd never done anything like that before but I don't think I could turn him down. Since that happened he's constantly been hanging around me in work etc, phoning my work number from wherever he is in the building messing about as though I've put a tannoy call out for him when he knows I haven't etc etc. I don't mind this, we have a good laugh and it makes work go that bit faster!! He's not mentioned the no strings sex since and all he has talked about are his insecurities and things. We now talk an awful lot and I feel we are both beginning to really enjoy each others company.


I've now well and truly fell for him and I don't know what to do next to try and progress this! Do I opt for no strings sex or do I hold back til his head is sorted and try to forge a relationship from it? I'm so confused!

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So, no strings attached???? You say that you have liked this guy since last August, no strings may not be attached for him but for you having sex with this guy will make it seem like you are attached with super glue! Do not do it. If you have feelings for him already all that sex will do is intensify your attachment.


In some cases no strings attached can be a good thing but when feelings are involved you will get hurt, he is basically telling you that he is not going to committ and he will be sleeping with other people.


SORRY. I know that it is a hard situation because you like this guy but if you make it go any farther you will get hurt.


Take Care Chic

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It sounds like maybe this guy doesn't want to commit to anything, but he's also completely forgotten how to act single. He might be feeling lonely and projecting the attentiveness that he usally reserves for his girlfriends on you.


Also there is the work factor. Beware that if you let him break your heart, you're stuck sharing a work environment together. When emotions get heated, this is especially difficult.


This doesn't mean that you can't bask in his attention. If you think you can keep it light, there's no reason why you can't let him spoil you and be his friend, all while seeing other men. I just think that whatever you do, never assume that he's forgotten about his no-strings-attached request. He's set his limits, and if he wants more, he should tell you. At which point you can make him beg for it :p

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