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Questions about divorce

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I am on the verge of one with my wife of two years,for those who have been through this how do you know that's it's time to stop trying and end it?


I don't blame her and she doesn't blame me it's just the fact that we were two really different people when we maried and we have grown apart.We have no common intersts that we share.We haven't had sex in over a year we try not to spend time together and recently i have started to sleep on the couch (my choice)I do love her but I think it is more like a friend than anything more.She says want to stay together but doesn't really show that she wants it to last


just very confused


thanks in advance

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It sounds like it may be time but you have to decide. When a battery is totally dead, you have to change it. If there's still some life in it, you can give it a charge and get more use out of it.


But don't think your next marriage could be any better. You have to be the type who can put energy into the relationship, you must be with someone who can engage you in stimulating conversation, be able to enjoy activities together and apart...it's just not an easy thing to pull off.


Don't marry somebody just because you are madly in love or in lust. You have to look way beyond that. It takes two very special people to make it work. Learn from your mistakes.


There is just no way for anyone else to tell you when it's time to get a divorce. That's a decision you have to be completely responsible for. However, if you are not fulfilled in the relationship and you see no way of giving it some life and energy it may be time to move on.


And don't think you have to be married. Lots of people are extremely happy in the single life and they often have very nice friendships and relationships with the opposite sex. Never do anything because friends, relatives and society tells you that you must.


You have to make yourself happy!!!

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