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how long do I wait?

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I've been separated from my husband since March 1. He refuses to move out out the house but we no longer share a bedroom. I signed divorce proceeding papers on May 31. He has received the papers but refuses to open the envelope.

My question is this......technically I am still married but emotionally the marriage has been over for years. Now it's just a matter of time for the legal process to be complete.

How damaging would it be for me to date someone else? I have told him clearly that there is no chance of reconciliation at this point. We have no children together. What would be the risk of seeing someone as I wait for this to proceed? He is a procrastinating avoider who is living in denial that this is now our reality. How long do I have to wait before going out to lunch or dinner with another man?

Just wondering.

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I'd recommend starting to date someone else now, if you've a likely candidate in mind. Apart from anything, it would get you out of the house and away from that very uncomfortable situation. Your husband does indeed sound like the King of Denial. Serving divorce papers is about as clear as things can get :confused:


What's the legal situation where you live? Do you have to wait 2 years with consent, 5 years without? If so, then unless you're going to go for a fault-based ground, you've got a long wait ahead of you. Maybe have a chat with your lawyer about this, and explore the different options? You don't want to be living in limbo with your estranged husband for too long.

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