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Feeling emotionally raped because I am Jewish


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I was friends with my neighbor a his wife. They just got married at the courthouse, and I even offered to be their witness. Now I am upset and sick. I was hanging out with them last night, and I told the husband I was Jewish. Then all hell broke lose. He made me leave. He's like, you're Jewish, you need to get the f*ck out. They even pushed some guy into me. (My knee is killing me). I feel so terrible inside. I don't know what to do. They are my neighbors and I am scared to live in my apartment now (some threats were made). Some one please give me advice because I can't stop crying and feeling like an emotional train wreck.


I am scared to live here. Should I talk to my landlord?

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You will want to talk to the police, for sure and tell them everything. Tell them that you don't want to be the victim of a hate crime, and that you fear for your life. Hopefully they can advise you of what to do next. Telling the landlord won't hurt, but I'm not sure legally what he would be able to do to help you.

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Whoa. That's messed up.

I grew up in the deep south and actually was the only minority at my private school so I know a taste of what you are going through. Never understood why race/religion is a factor in determining who are your friends.


BUT if said "friend" turns on you because you said you are Jewish...he ain't your friend. And if you can't physically stand up for yourself (man, I would have your back in a heart beat if you were nearby). Then avoid the situation. If it is easy to move, then move to another place. If you like your place, stick it out and don't take crap from no one. Remember, you didn't do anything wrong. They are the ones in the wrong. If you feel like your life is in peril, I would advise in ensuring that you first look out for your safety. Sometimes you have to fight, but that is only when pushed to that point. Otherwise, there are plenty of other places...and people who don't see race/religion as some sort of scarlett letter.

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Assault based on religion race etc is classified as a hate crime isn't it??? Go to the media if the police won't take you seriously.

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You should definitely go to the police. They have no right to harrass you like that. If anything they should be the one's to get out of their apartment.

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You can actually press the charges and rip them off. Insulting someone based on religious or racial differences is illegal - it's a crime. If you have witnesses on your side it would be good. But in any case, you can call the police and they will deal with them.

Except the fear of physical abuse, don't let their words tear you up inside. It's not your fault that some people are evil.

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Leeloo Lovecraft
Originally posted by RecordProducer

You can actually press the charges and rip them off. Insulting someone based on religious or racial differences is illegal - it's a crime.


It is not a crime to insult people.

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This was not just an insult.


They even pushed some guy into me. (My knee is killing me).

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Yes, it IS a crime! Telling someone "you Jews are idiots" or "you Jews should all die" is illegal. It's also a crime if you don't serve a customer because he is Jewish or black or if you fire your employee for the same reason. Many insults are illegal and can end up in court, but discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, and national origin break the law of civil rights. Encouraging discrimination in public is also illegal.

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Originally posted by moimeme

This was not just an insult.


They even pushed some guy into me. (My knee is killing me).


That's not just an insult but legally borders on harrassment, but the physical portion is definitley assault!!!! :(

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I'm sorry that you had that lousy experience with that despicable, knuckle dragging, sub-human filth that lives in your building and breathes the same air that you do. :mad:


I can't tell you what to do but if I were in the same position I'd be on the phone to the police, the chief of police, the FBI what ever it took to get someone to do something. I wouldn't stop talking, calling and being a searing pain in everyones arse until something was done.


I don't know what the laws are where you live but "threats were made" and "They even pushed some guy into" you and I think you implied that your knee was injured as a result. Last I heard it is illegal to make threats and assault someone (even by pushing another person into them.)


It may be that a hate crime was committed against you. US Congress (HR 4797 - 1992) defined a hate crime as a crime in which the defendant's conduct was motivated by hatred, bias, or prejudice, based on the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity of another individual or group of individuals.


Many States have hate crime legislation that impose harsher penalties than so called ordinary crimes.


So what to do now? You could call the police, call a crisis line to talk to someone, talk to a friend, search the web for information on hate crimes, look in the phone book (blue pages?) for information on hate crime.


Chances are that the people that made the threats won't do anything else to you but what you do now is really up to you. If you do something like talk to your landlord, call the police, etc. the slime that caused all of this will find out so you'll need to make up your own mind if you want to do anything. If you chose to do something always be strong and merciless--if you show weakness it just perpetuates the problem.

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Leeloo Lovecraft
Originally posted by moimeme

This was not just an insult.


They even pushed some guy into me. (My knee is killing me).


I didn't say it was. I was merely pointing out that it's not a crime to insult someone. The KKK does it all the time - they're not thrown in jail for insults.



Originally posted by RecordProducer

Yes, it IS a crime! Telling someone "you Jews are idiots" or "you Jews should all die" is illegal. It's also a crime if you don't serve a customer because he is Jewish or black or if you fire your employee for the same reason. Many insults are illegal and can end up in court, but discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, and national origin break the law of civil rights. Encouraging discrimination in public is also illegal.


It is not illegal to insult someone in the US. It may lead to someone getting sued, but it's not a criminal case.

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Originally posted by Leeloo Lovecraft

I didn't say it was. I was merely pointing out that it's not a crime to insult someone. The KKK does it all the time - they're not thrown in jail for insults.





It is not illegal to insult someone in the US. It may lead to someone getting sued, but it's not a criminal case.


If it's done in an agressive and derogatory manor, It's called harrassment, and it is crime. A misdeameanor but they will put the cuffs on!!!

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Leeloo Lovecraft
Originally posted by Humbledog

If it's done in an agressive and derogatory manor, It's called harrassment, and it is crime. A misdeameanor but they will put the cuffs on!!!


I'm not defending what happened, but what he said was by no means illegal. He was in the privacy of his own home and all he said was that she was Jewish and to GTFO of his house. That is not harassment.

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Originally posted by Humbledog

A misdeameanor but they will put the cuffs on!!!

Just note, an FYI, perhaps not applicable here but counselling someone to commit a misdemeanor is a felony. :)
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Originally posted by Leeloo Lovecraft

I'm not defending what happened, but what he said was by no means illegal. He was in the privacy of his own home and all he said was that she was Jewish and to GTFO of his house. That is not harassment.


I understand your meaning, The combination of events resulting in ultimatley a physical injury makes this at a minimum harrassment, but probably ultimatley assault!!!

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Originally posted by Craig

Just note, an FYI, perhaps not applicable here but counselling someone to commit a misdemeanor is a felony. :)



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Originally posted by Leeloo Lovecraft

I'm not defending what happened, but what he said was by no means illegal. He was in the privacy of his own home and all he said was that she was Jewish and to GTFO of his house. That is not harassment.

Yes he is within his rights to tell her to GTFO of his house but when the THREATS were made and a person was pushed by them into her a crime or hate crime (because their motivation for acting out is because she is Jewish) may have been committed.


The name of the crime depends upon the jurisdiction. Harassment is one word that is used in some jurisdictions to describe this kind of behavior and it need not be repeated. One instance of this kind of behavior may result in a conviction for harassment. It depends on the jurisdiction and facts in each specific case. :)

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I dunno, but I keep having these thoughts the guy or the gf may do something. When I left there, I walked by their apartment later on with the guy who was defending me (the one they pushed into me) and the gf was making threats and screaming at me.


I am just worried. He basically stated Get the F-ck out of my apartment u dirty Jew.


Makes a person feel like $hit mentally :(

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Not to belittle your pain as this is horrible what happened to you, But was there alcohol involved or a previous argument or disagreement? Again, not that this would justify this behavior by any means!!!! Just curious for myself :confused:

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Angeleyez2583, only you can judge your reaction to what happened and what might continue to happen.


This incident may or may not be traumatic for you only your own experience will tell you that. If your feelings regarding this incident begin to interfere with your life, please, for your own sake seek some counselling from someone that specializes in traumatic events.


From what you've said so far, it does look like you have a case for some form of harassment or uttering threats but it depends on what the laws are where you are.


Regarding whether to report this to the police or not here's the scoop. If you do report it the police will likely talk to the slime and the harassment and threats may stop. If you do not report it and the harassment and threats continue the police will probably ascertain that these early events were not serious, did not cause you (a reasonable person) to fear for her safety and can be discounted.


I guess either way you live in fear. If you file a police report you might fear retaliation, if you don't file a police report you live in fear of the threats and harassment continuing or escalating.


If you move you move, then the slime wins and gets stronger to just do the same thing to another person another day--unless you file a police report and then move.

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