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Me and a long time best guy friend of 8 years and I where at a party and we where sitting on a couch, REALLY close, he put his arms around my waist we had a really long personal conversation untill we fell asleep, when we had woken up it was 5:00am, the party was over and everyone was gone, we just sat there. he turnd and wisperd in my ear " can i kiss you?" i turnd and looked at him and we kissed. Dont get me wrong, it was great. But since then we just acted normal around each other, but once in a whiel I can feel this realy strong force kinda thing when where together and alone and i just want to kiss him again or something like that. Any advice???

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Me and a long time best guy friend of 8 years and I where at a party and we where sitting on a couch, REALLY close, he put his arms around my waist we had a really long personal conversation untill we fell asleep, when we had woken up it was 5:00am, the party was over and everyone was gone, we just sat there. he turnd and wisperd in my ear " can i kiss you?" i turnd and looked at him and we kissed. Dont get me wrong, it was great. But since then we just acted normal around each other, but once in a whiel I can feel this realy strong force kinda thing when where together and alone and i just want to kiss him again or something like that. Any advice???

Dear Drew,


Please read the response to Patti's message regarding best friends becoming more. :) Best wishes to you!



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