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Torn between guy friend and boyfriend?

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I've been friends with my guy friend for almost 2 years now. He was sorta friends with my ex and that's how we became friends. He knows I used to like him, he told 3 of our mutual friends he liked me back, but he told me himself that he didn't like me in that way. My friends think he's just scared to wreck the friendship because that's what happened with his ex. He constantly flirts with me. He tickles me, sits on me, lays on me, slaps my butt, etc. I love being with him. I honestly think I love him because every time I get a boyfriend, he's always on my mind. But the thing is, I don't think he wants a relationship because he's about to go to the army.


This guy from my high school recently came back into my life. We were friends for 6 years, had kissed on 3 different occasions, but never dated. We decided to try dating for the first time and at first, it was great. It's just, my boyfriend recently told me that he's worried because in 6 months, I will be transferring to a different college, and he's moving to Colorado because weed is legal there. So he basically already has doubts, we've only been dating for a week, and he's worried about distance that won't happen for 6 months and he's choosing weed over me. He's also moving super fast and wants to do sexual things already. I'm a virgin and not ready for this (I'm 19, they're both 20).


My guy friend keeps telling me to end it. He told my roommate to tell me to break up with him. He took a picture of me and him and was going to post it on Facebook and tag my boyfriend in it to piss him off. I haven't seen my boyfriend in over a week and I've already seen my guy friend two times recently. My boyfriend always seems to be busy with work or going to parties and doesn't act like I'm a priority. I know my boyfriend isn't right for me, but I don't want to end it because I really want to get over my guy friend if he doesn't like me and/or want to date. My roommate told me to either break up with my boyfriend or stop being friends with my guy friend because I can't have both. She said my friend is obviously jealous and she got the impression that he wanted her to talk him up to me. Like say how he's the better boyfriend. I know my friend likes me, it's just I don't think he wants to date. But these feelings haven't gone away for 2 years. Every time I get a boyfriend, I constantly think about him. My guy friend told me I need a guy that's confident in my abilities like he was when he let me drive his car on the freeway. He also mentioned marriage the other day and said he wants to get married at 21. I told him it was too early for me and he said how do you know that you haven't already met the person that you're going to marry? He seems extremely jealous of my boyfriend and tries to take my phone and message him. But I'm afraid if I break up with my boyfriend that he'll just continue to mess with me or lead me on and I'm stuck at square one again with feelings that won't go away. My guy friend asked me twice if I still liked him, but I said no. I don't think he bought it. I feel like if my boyfriend and I worked it out, we will be fine. We were friends for a long time, he's just worried about the future. My guy friend will always be a problem unless I can get over him. What do I do? I'm so torn.

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You can do whatever you want. no one, not even them have any say in what you do.


Listen, you don't have to be with any of them. You are 19, you have total control of your own destiny, you are a big girl now. These guys don't have any control over that unless you let them. If you are not ready for sex, marriage or whatever, just tell them no. Never ever let any guy manipulate or guilt you into doing something that doesn't feel right.

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TBH I feel your roommate is wrong. This guy friend wouldn't be a better BF because if he felt you were worth it, he would have the ballz to tell you and not play games to mess with your head. He's being a dip sh it.


BTW your bf is being a jerk for pushing sex on you because he will be going away....he's an ass too. Just my two cents.

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