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Caught sexting...now what?

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Hello everybody.


I'm here to hopefully find some guidance. This is my first post so I'm sorry if im in the wrong place for this. Just trying to find my way through a difficult, horrible situation of my own making from people who have been here...that is both betrayed partners and wayward partners.


My (ex...I dont know. its why im here) gf found that I'd exchanged pictures with female Id briefly talked to online. The pictures weren't naked...no genitals but were nude. The pic the woman sent me was a bit more revealing than I thought it would be. I stupidly reciprocated.


When she confronted me about it, I confessed that I'd been using a dating site. I have always struggled with low self esteem, poor self image and a need for validation.


I have talked to a few women but it never really gets past a couple of conversations. I know I shouldnt be doing it and frankly, I'm glad its out in the open. I thought I'd beaten this before (internet dating) we met, but I now realise that in fact, I've never dealt with my own issues...I've already been in touch with a counselling service. I have also opened up my internet devices and restricted them where possible. Someone else is now in control of what I can and cant access.


Naturally, my gf was devastated. We had a solid 3 year relationship and the woman basically saved my life. Having been cheated on a lot by my ex before her, she really built me back up and believed in me. She is the most beautiful person I have ever known inside and out. My time with her are some of the happiest moments of my life. I took her things back to her house Friday. We hadn't talked since she found out, so i wrote her a letter in an effort to say goodbye properly.


My letter genuinely expressed my grief, remorse, shame and sorrow at destroying what was a beautiful partnership. I acknowledged that she's hurting and made sure she knows I accept full responsibility for that. It wasn't a plea for reconciliation. It wasnt to hurt her. It was to say goodbye and just let her know that I am devastated that I hurt her. One last chance to let her know what she means to me, that I love her and I'm sorry.


Friday was hard. I couldn't stop the tears....and I know that's nothing compared to how she must be feeling. In my mind it was truly over. I couldn't shake the pain I was feeling because I'd hurt her and shattered her world view.


She got in touch Saturday by text. I never expected to hear from her again. She just said she'd like to talk with me. I hadn't seen it straight away. She'd also rang my mum. She was distraught on the phone and said that "she can't imagine life without me" and "doesnt know what to do". She has hardly slept and hasnt eaten since she found out. Needless to say, I havent either.


I emailed her and said that we can talk but it may be best to wait a few days. She hasnt got back yet which is fine. I know she's very angry.


I dont know how to handle meeting up with her. I know I owe it to her. I've broken her heart. Im petrified that Im clinging on to false hope and that once she has answers as to why I did what I did, she'll basically tell me that it's over. I'd already accepted that once.


I've never been in this sort of situation, not on this side of the fence anyway. I'm bouncing between thinking what I did was totally unforgivable and there is no way forward, to (and please forgive me...I'm not trying to minimise...just getting my thoughts out) thinking that there's no question that we're not dealing with A.N. Other. She doesnt need to wonder about my having feelings for another woman because there isnt one. This wasnt a fully blown affair....I suppose its more akin to ONS. Again, I know I cheated. But she doesnt have to picture me in bed with another woman or anything because it didnt happen...I believe it never would have.


So that's where I am. Please help. I know we cant jump straight back in and that it would be kind of a mistake if we tried. I'm more than willing to work and help rebuild the trust but I have no idea what to say to her. I dont want to come acress as disingenuous.

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Oh and please understand...if this post sounds a bit clinical and not sincere, its simply because I wanted to get the facts out there. I'm exhausted and just dont know where to put myself. I miss her so much.

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There are two things here that are completely incongruent:



"She is the most beautiful person I have ever known inside and out. My time with her are some of the happiest moments of my life."




"I'd exchanged pictures with female Id briefly talked to online. The pictures weren't naked...no genitals but were nude. The pic the woman sent me was a bit more revealing than I thought it would be."


One might think that these two things would be mutually exclusive...


Somewhere in there sits a lie. A lie you're not even aware of.



There is a split in your consciousness.


You would be wise to do some therapy, to learn more about yourself, and the forces at play in your deeper psyche.


I'll leave you with a quote from Jung:



"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."


—C. G. Jung



Take care.

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Funny that you are only remorseful now that you've been caught. Do you genuinely feel her pain, or do you just feel your own loss?


Don't expect to regain her trust anytime soon. I hope you enjoyed the texting because you'll probably have to rely on it for a while, whether she takes you back or not.

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There are two things here that are completely incongruent:



"She is the most beautiful person I have ever known inside and out. My time with her are some of the happiest moments of my life."




"I'd exchanged pictures with female Id briefly talked to online. The pictures weren't naked...no genitals but were nude. The pic the woman sent me was a bit more revealing than I thought it would be."


One might think that these two things would be mutually exclusive...


Somewhere in there sits a lie. A lie you're not even aware of.



There is a split in your consciousness.


You would be wise to do some therapy, to learn more about yourself, and the forces at play in your deeper psyche.


I'll leave you with a quote from Jung:



"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."


—C. G. Jung



Take care.


I love it when you quote Jung.


Yeah, it's called wanting your cake and eating it too.

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I love it when you quote Jung.


Yeah, it's called wanting your cake and eating it too.



Thanks for that :)



Here's one just for you:



“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.”


― C.G. Jung :)

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It's good that you've initiated therapy, and you seem to be aware of what motivates you to go to these sites (you may be right or wrong).


From what you've said you also seem to care about your GF.


I'm not sure if it's best for her to get back into it though. You have some work to do, emotionally, if you plan on having a successful relationship.


Also to consider, if you're looking for self esteem/image:validation on line, then perhaps it's lacking in your relationship. I'm not suggesting your GF is doing anything wrong. It's up to YOU to express your needs openly and honestly with her and give her the opportunity to address them. She gets right of first refusal. To seek those things online while she is consciously not fulfilling your needs is one thing (still sketchy BTW); doing it when you haven't explained your needs to her is just selfish and lazy, and it suggests you've taken her for granted.



Stick with counselling.

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Thank you for the response. I can tell you read my post. I do care for her immensely. I think it's too easy to say that someone who did what I've done doesn't care about or love the other. It's too black and white. Human emotion is more complex than that. On the other hand I don't want her to compromise her dignity.

I agree that I have to work on my issues and as you have acknowledged I am doing that by initiating counselling.


I think having cake and eating it is too simplistic a view.


Anyway, I know my turmoil pales into insignificance compared to her pain. I just hope that we can move on from it.

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Thank you for the response. I can tell you read my post. I do care for her immensely. I think it's too easy to say that someone who did what I've done doesn't care about or love the other. It's too black and white. Human emotion is more complex than that. On the other hand I don't want her to compromise her dignity.

I agree that I have to work on my issues and as you have acknowledged I am doing that by initiating counselling.


I think having cake and eating it is too simplistic a view.


Anyway, I know my turmoil pales into insignificance compared to her pain. I just hope that we can move on from it.


Do you feel a bit disconnected from your feelings at the moment?


You sound as if you are.

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Hey OP, a lot of posters here have been hurt badly in the past so it is nothing new that they could be very extreme towards the so called "cheaters."


It is very very black and white for them. So their advises will generally evolve around "give it up," "let her go," "you are the most horrible human being," etc.


To me, I think if you can learn from your mistakes, and realize what is right and wrong, and seek proper help to develop yourself, then definitely you can turn things around and rebuild the trust.


Like you said, human emotion is complex and it should not be treated black and white.


Most cheaters find excuses on why they cheat. You straight up know it is wrong and try to fix it. So, I don't believe you are truly a bad person...until I guess if you do it again =)

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Hello everybody.


I'm here to hopefully find some guidance. This is my first post so I'm sorry if im in the wrong place for this. Just trying to find my way through a difficult, horrible situation of my own making from people who have been here...that is both betrayed partners and wayward partners.


My (ex...I dont know. its why im here) gf found that I'd exchanged pictures with female Id briefly talked to online. The pictures weren't naked...no genitals but were nude. The pic the woman sent me was a bit more revealing than I thought it would be. I stupidly reciprocated.


When she confronted me about it, I confessed that I'd been using a dating site. I have always struggled with low self esteem, poor self image and a need for validation.


I have talked to a few women but it never really gets past a couple of conversations. I know I shouldnt be doing it and frankly, I'm glad its out in the open. I thought I'd beaten this before (internet dating) we met, but I now realise that in fact, I've never dealt with my own issues...I've already been in touch with a counselling service. I have also opened up my internet devices and restricted them where possible. Someone else is now in control of what I can and cant access.


Naturally, my gf was devastated. We had a solid 3 year relationship and the woman basically saved my life. Having been cheated on a lot by my ex before her, she really built me back up and believed in me. She is the most beautiful person I have ever known inside and out. My time with her are some of the happiest moments of my life. I took her things back to her house Friday. We hadn't talked since she found out, so i wrote her a letter in an effort to say goodbye properly.


My letter genuinely expressed my grief, remorse, shame and sorrow at destroying what was a beautiful partnership. I acknowledged that she's hurting and made sure she knows I accept full responsibility for that. It wasn't a plea for reconciliation. It wasnt to hurt her. It was to say goodbye and just let her know that I am devastated that I hurt her. One last chance to let her know what she means to me, that I love her and I'm sorry.


Friday was hard. I couldn't stop the tears....and I know that's nothing compared to how she must be feeling. In my mind it was truly over. I couldn't shake the pain I was feeling because I'd hurt her and shattered her world view.


She got in touch Saturday by text. I never expected to hear from her again. She just said she'd like to talk with me. I hadn't seen it straight away. She'd also rang my mum. She was distraught on the phone and said that "she can't imagine life without me" and "doesnt know what to do". She has hardly slept and hasnt eaten since she found out. Needless to say, I havent either.


I emailed her and said that we can talk but it may be best to wait a few days. She hasnt got back yet which is fine. I know she's very angry.


I dont know how to handle meeting up with her. I know I owe it to her. I've broken her heart. Im petrified that Im clinging on to false hope and that once she has answers as to why I did what I did, she'll basically tell me that it's over. I'd already accepted that once.


I've never been in this sort of situation, not on this side of the fence anyway. I'm bouncing between thinking what I did was totally unforgivable and there is no way forward, to (and please forgive me...I'm not trying to minimise...just getting my thoughts out) thinking that there's no question that we're not dealing with A.N. Other. She doesnt need to wonder about my having feelings for another woman because there isnt one. This wasnt a fully blown affair....I suppose its more akin to ONS. Again, I know I cheated. But she doesnt have to picture me in bed with another woman or anything because it didnt happen...I believe it never would have.


So that's where I am. Please help. I know we cant jump straight back in and that it would be kind of a mistake if we tried. I'm more than willing to work and help rebuild the trust but I have no idea what to say to her. I dont want to come acress as disingenuous.


You call a counselor today and make an appointment. You say "I cannot express how sorry I am that I've hurt you. What I've done has undermined the trust in our relationship and I will be attending counseling sessions starting X day. Here is the name of the counselor. In addition, you have complete access to my phone and computer and here are the passwords. I realize that I would be living under a microscope for quite some time if you decide to stay with me and am willing to accept the consequences of my actions. I understand if you choose to move on and will respect that decision."

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No I don't feel disconnected at all. My feelings are very raw. I know what I'm feeling and why.


I understand what it's like to be betrayed. I have been there several times in a past relationship. I chose to forgive a full blown affair and managed to trust my partner again. It was thrown in my face when she did it again. It nearly destroyed me.


I do understand emotions run high and those thst have been betrayed hold on to a lot of hurt and anger. I know that's he my (ex) gf is feeling and I wish I could take it from her.

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Just don't contact her again.


If she wants anything to do with you, then you'll be the first to know.


What strikes me is that you say you have been a victim of cheating and knowing how much it hurts yet having a GF of three years you went and pulled this stunt with sexting or a pic of all things.


All the wonderful things you said about her, and yet you took her for granted and did your thing. Were you finding the relationship stale or did you just take her for granted and wanted the excitement of someone else finding you attractive other than your girlfriend? That's the thing about relationships. They take a LOT of work to make them as exciting on day 1000 as it was on Day One.


And now all those wonderful things you said about your GF are just a fart in the wind because you just HAD to find out for yourself.


And what is this crap abut YOU wanting to take a few days? Right there is your biggest problem, as it usually is with people..it's all about them. Well they think it is.


What you don't get is that by your extracurricular activities you effectively lost any ability to determine the course of your relationship with this girl. Because it is NOT about YOU anymore, because YOU caused this and caused the relationship to end because of your actions.


Leave her be. If she wants another go at your rodeo, she'll let you know. In the meantime, go grab a bottle of Whiskey, roll around in a blanket and cry to Michael Martin Murphy's "Wildfire" asking yourself over and over how you could be this dense by the third verse.


Come on man...Jeeze.




I don't think you need therapy, you just need to grow up.

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To me it seams your making excuses for your actions "human emotions are so complex" and while that may be true there is a clear line between acting on them and not your not the poor tormented soul who just couldn't help yourself you made a conscious choice to disregard your gf and do something that made you feel good you need to own that and live with the consequences.


In my opinion I wouldn't contact her anymore if you are genuinely sorry and worry for her welfare let her move on and find some one who will treat her better you had your chance you blew it with her get yourself in a batter place and start over with some one else..

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I totally understand how people lose their way. Attention from another can be like an addiction where you do it once and before you know it, you are knee deep in it, not really realizing what is at stake until you get caught. The desire is so overwhelming it casts a cloak over what would be the consequences from your actions. A lot of people fall into this trap on some level.


I have been a witness to infidelity way worse than this and they were able to rise above it, and rebuild a relationship that is stronger, with more respect for each other than they ever had before.


IMO there may not be issues in your relationship but there probably could be some changes needed. If you two do talk, and agree to work through the cheating, also include reassessing your relationship and see where you both can improve, like spending more one on one quality to romance each other, spend more time talking, sharing, really enjoy each others company. Try doing things that takes you both out of your comfort zone, do things that will challenge you to work as a team. Hopefully this will help you both grow a stronger bond. I wish you luck, and please keep us up to date on your progress.

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The best thing for you to do if you meet or talk to her is to force her to not take you back or forgive you right now. That is the best thing you can do for her, and the ability to be forgiven, and the possible chance of reconciliation. I'll explain why


If you went in and did the "I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I know I hurt you and you mean everything to me, I'm terrified of losing you forever" etc route, then you can pretty much expect her reaction and the foundation of trust being destroyed. She'll cry, you'll cry, she'll tell you she's broken hearted and can't trust you going forward and doesn't know if she'll ever be able to, and you'll part ways with a little less weight on your shoulders, but just as many questions about your future with her, and she'll have just as many about you.


Now if you go in and say "this isn't the man I was raised to be or the man I want to be. Certainly not the man you deserve. If I could go back in time and just take it all back I would but I can't. If I could let you inside my brain so you could see and believe that it was an emotionless mistake that focused around being a selfish ego boost to my self esteem I would. The last few days have been the worst of my life and I have to stop myself from thinking about not having you in my life because it's too unbearable. I'm not gonna say that I've realized how amazing you are and how much you've done for me because honestly I always have known that since I met you. But what I will say is that while I hope and pray with all my heart you can forgive and realize it was a senseless mistake that I'll regret forever, I also don't want you to have to be with someone that ever hurts you like I did or treats you in any other way than his utmost priority and queen that you are".


Basically tell her that you're not the guy you want to be regardless of if she forgives you or not. And that the therapy you're scheduled to go to is something you hope can uncover why you didn't think about what you already have and needed that outside validation from another girl. I think if you illustrate that you had been feeling less self confidence and unattractive (if your sex life with her declined or wasn't a lot then reference that as reasoning) and the knowledge/ego boost you got from flirting to another girl was making you feel more worthy of yourself and even your gf in a crazy twisted way.


Explain that you're terrified of losing her and will allow her any amount of time required to just talk and be cordial to you. And will allow complete transparency to your phone/email/social media if that would do anything. But more than anything you want to work at and mature yourself so that if you ever are given a second chance, she can tell and eventually erase all questions about your loyalty and love for her.


That will take away the uncertainty of whether or not she takes you back. And sorry if the girls here hate hearing this... But if you tell her that you can't date her right now or for a bit even if she wanted to give you a second chance, then you are going to make her eventually worry or think that you might never want to go out with her again even after she's gotten over the mistake you made.

After all, sexting a naked picture is bad and def something you messed up doing, but it's also not the worst thing a guy has ever done and honestly is a low level of cheating. It's more of a concerning emotional level of cheating than it is physical.


Once you do that, just let her tell her how much of an ******* you are and how you hurt her and how she did everything for you etc etc. She deserves to lay into you for sure . Don't argue . "You're right, I don't know what's wrong with me I'm so sorry" is how you respond

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You were in a supposed committed relationship and created a profile on a dating site in order to sleaze around behind your girlfriend's back. Those were all calculated decisions you made. I'm assuming your girlfriend wasn't spending 24 hours a day 7 days a week fawning all over you and telling you that you're God's gift to women, so you had no choice but to seek it out elsewhere.


You took MANY calculated steps to get where you went.


You made the effort to reach out to women and connect with them - another calculated decision. Once you had one on your line (I'm assuming you also LIED in your profile claiming to be single to con innocent women - another calculated decision), you continued your flirtation with her via text - yet another calculated decision.


This crap didn't happen in the spur of the moment. You worked to make it all happen. And you misrepresented yourself to innocent young women as a single guy just to feed your poor, little ego and get that validation you so desperately crave.


I hope you learned a lesson from all this. Your need to feed your ego does NOT entitle you to lie to innocent women on dating sites nor does it give you license to disrespect your girlfriend.


You got what you deserve.

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I was kinda being swayed by the low level of cheating argument, until Lois pointed how calculated all this was.


Not a nude pic from some random besotted girl he sort of knew, or even a drunken kiss or fumble on a night out, this was stone cold sober calculated behaviour.

Joining a dating site, filling in the form, concocting a suitably attractive profile, contacting a girl, spending enough time persuading her to send some nude pics of herself and then following up with a nude pic of his own ... which is the conclusion I draw from " I stupidly reciprocated."


As Lois says calculated decisions that say a lot and cannot therefore be viewed as "low level" cheating by anyone IMO.

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I have to say, the allegation that I was talking to "innocent young women" is grossly misinformed and a wild assumption. The two women I talked too were older than me and my partner. I sent them pics of my torso....for reasons stated. I'm sorry but making those sorts of assumptions helps no one. I wasn't seeking out women to drool over. I certainly wasn't attracted to anyone else. It was, in a very immature selfish way, about me and poor self image.

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Not once did you say that tbis girl os the love of your life.


You claim that you " care for her deeply ". Well I can see that you're not madly in love.


My ex ex felt this way about me. He merely " cared for me deeply". He wasn't in love with me. He had grown to love me through time spent together ( 3 years nearly) and we had grown very close.


He also went and texted: sexted other women from adult sites. He skyped women. He cheated on me.


He eventually dumped me because he clearly wasn't passionate about me or in love with me.


MOST men that are in love just don't cheat. When I say " love" I am talking about true love..with the right, rare and special type of chemistry. Someone you're head over heels for and " IN love" with.


Maybe you're a sociopath who would/ will continue to cheat in ANY woman. But something tells me that you are empathetic and have a healthy conscience and simply didn't feel passionate enough about your girlfriend so sought attention elsewhere.


I don't think wanting validation was a fair call. I was mercilessly bullied and told my entire life how undesirable I am. When I am actually slim and attractive now as an adult after getting my teeth fixed. Believe me, I wanted to male up for lost timeand bask in the new adoration I now receive so commonly from men! And I did; I left guys easily because I loved exploring my new found options. ....


Until I met my boyfriend. I have genuinely fallen in love and no longer let my desire for validation rule to the extent of cheating or dumping him in order to seek more male attention ( the urge which is definitely there. ..given I was an ugly duckling that suddenly started getting male attention later in life). I just care for my boyfriend and feel for him so intensely that I put THAT ahead of my strong desire for male validation.


You feel guilty. You have a conscience. It is because you're just not passionately in love with her enough to control your urge for validation. If you met the love of your life snd had the right chemistry and compatability levels in place, you wouldtotally put the desire to make things thrive in the relationship ahead of all else.


Think about it.


3 years. Most couples aren't passionately in love to begin with. And even the most heated chemistry dissipates after years together at which stage only those who are mature enough to actually WANT a long term partnership, stay on and accept that passion waxes and wanes after years with the same sexual partner.

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I have to say, the allegation that I was talking to "innocent young women" is grossly misinformed and a wild assumption. The two women I talked too were older than me and my partner. I sent them pics of my torso....for reasons stated. I'm sorry but making those sorts of assumptions helps no one. I wasn't seeking out women to drool over. I certainly wasn't attracted to anyone else. It was, in a very immature selfish way, about me and poor self image.




Young man, attempting to minimize the damage you caused by protesting observations by posters is the least of your problems.


You realize you did all of this not because of some poor self image, but because of some overinflated self image. You are not fooling anyone around here. You can try to deflect all you want and want us to feel sorry for you but it just does not wash.


People that have poor self images do not send pictures of their torso. Unless you are doing a UNICEF ad. Then they are doing it because they need food.


Again, you are making this all about you. You simply want help in getting your GF to come back to you when even Stevie Wonder can see the only reason you are showing anything close to humility in this situation was because you got BUSTED.


Please just leave this girl alone.


And a word of advice since it is obvious you are only looking for advice on how to weasel your way back in this girl's life:

The next time you feel the need to send pics of your 6 pack to somebody, have the good sense to delete them after sending them so the next poor girl you pull this stunt on won't stumble across them

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Thanks for that :)



Here's one just for you:



“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.”


― C.G. Jung :)


Oh, priceless!

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What strikes me is that you say you have been a victim of cheating and knowing how much it hurts yet having a GF of three years you went and pulled this stunt with sexting or a pic of all things.


This is what stuck out to me too. You KNOW that pain well, yet you chose to give it to your gf, who you say is wonderful. Why?????


It's very possible you have destroyed your relationship.


It's up to her now.

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You realize you did all of this not because of some poor self image, but because of some overinflated self image. You are not fooling anyone around here. You can try to deflect all you want and want us to feel sorry for you but it just does not wash.


People that have poor self images do not send pictures of their torso. Unless you are doing a UNICEF ad. Then they are doing it because they need food.




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I gotta say. The level of anger and bitterness here is really unhealthy. I don't think this would do me or anyone any good. Isn't that key? Doing good?


I recognise that this is a safe place to vent frustrations and anger which is a good thing. But you really shouldn't make strangers who come for help who's situation you really don't know the finer details of, the subject of your rage and a scapegoat for your bitterness. That isn't fair and says more about you than it does about anyone else.


Encouraging people to question their motives etc. is a good thing to do. Challenging mind, moodset, thoughts, feelings is a good thing to do. I missed the alcohol comments, but that is disgusting. You have no idea the effect that something like that can do - it is tantamount to online abuse and bullying and whoever made that comment should be thoroughly ashamed. I would suggest not posting here as comments like that can do real harm out in the real world. On many forums a comment like that should at least warrant a warning. Fortunately alcohol isn't something I struggle with so that vile response has no effect on me.


Whatever happens I want to learn and grow from this experience for myself and yes, because I don't want to hurt anyone. I am devastated and remorseful for hurting my gf like i did. Nothing anyone here says will change that.


To those that actually offered hard words of advice yet fair encouragement, I'm grateful even though I had to wade through a lot of rage in this thread to find it. I get the feeling there are a lot of people on this forum that are doing more harm than good. I can transcend that as I know this is not who I want to be.


I'm bowing out. I'd be better discussing my love life on a YouTube comments section.

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