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My gf cheated cheated on me, but still says she loves me

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My gf of 2 years and 2 months cheated on me with some random guy at a party while she was drunk. She also smoked weed which I am 100% against and I told her that. She also lied and hid it from me. I obviously figured it out and now we are broken up. At first when I asked why she did it she said Idk, but know she says it's because she wanted to see what it would be like with someone else. She really feels awful and I can tell that she really wants to get back together with me. She says she still loves me and I love her. Should I get back together with her

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No, OP, do not get back with her right away. You guys need time apart to learn about life. She cheated on you meaning that she didn't love you that much. Until she can be responsible about the relationship, you jumping right back in with her will not end well.

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She wants to get back?


I want a flying Corvette with lasers.


You're not obligated to provide either.


The weed thing is her business.


The other guy, that's the problem.


She denied


She lied


You deserve better bro.


Give it more time, and you'll get where you need to be.


Just give up the girls for a few more months.


Get comfy with yourself again

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Sorry but this just proves you are both incompatible. Tip: don't date someone who does something you are totally against. Her smoking weed should have been a deal breaker.

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Cheating and love are not mutually exclusive, that is a fallacy.


That said, I have no idea if you two should get back together or not. Humans are complicated, as are our relationships.

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My gf of 2 years and 2 months cheated on me with some random guy at a party while she was drunk. She also smoked weed which I am 100% against and I told her that. She also lied and hid it from me. I obviously figured it out and now we are broken up. At first when I asked why she did it she said Idk, but know she says it's because she wanted to see what it would be like with someone else. She really feels awful and I can tell that she really wants to get back together with me. She says she still loves me and I love her. Should I get back together with her

I am guessing you are young, you are her first bf and she was a virgin when you met.

Wanting to see what it is like with others and trying out drugs is not uncommon, she is young she just wants to experience new things.

Trust is a difficult thing to recover once a person shows you they cannot be trusted, I would let her go.

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OP's story in food:


I used to go to this Vietnamese restaurant around the corner for about two years. I was a total regular there. I knew everyone and they knew me. I was there like 3 times a week or maybe more. You see, I love Pho. The broth... the noodles. So comforting. And they make their Pho without using fish sauce. I'm allergic to shellfish and most fish sauce contains shellfish and I'll have a reaction to it. A bad one.


One day I went it for my usual, NoPhishPho #7 in a big white bowl. I don't actually even have to order it - they just bring it to me because they know what I want. I got about 8 slurps into it and my throat literally closed. I couldn't breathe. I felt like I had swallowed a swarm of bees. I was going into anaphylactic shock! I had to scramble into my backpack for my epi-pen and thankfully I still had it.


I jammed it into my thigh and after about twenty minutes of vomiting my guts out and gagging I felt somewhat human.


I asked if they put fish sauce in my pho and the chef admitted to dumping a bunch of it into the pho today to see if it changed the flavor. You know, other chefs get to use it - he just wanted to know what it was like and if anyone would notice.


He said he feels really bad about it and wants me to come back as a customer. That he misses seeing me every other day. I don't know though - I could have died without my epi-pen.


Should I give them another try?

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I'm sure that's the kind of love you could do without. Leave her be.... don't get back wity her. Cheating is horrible... it's destructive and she's shown she'll open her lower limbs for another man without a problem. You dont need that in your life.

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run away from her.


what if she did this after you were married and had kids?


You would get to pay alimony and child support and she could move her friend in with her.


Get as far away as you can.

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My gf of 2 years and 2 months cheated on me with some random guy at a party while she was drunk. She also smoked weed which I am 100% against and I told her that. She also lied and hid it from me. I obviously figured it out and now we are broken up. At first when I asked why she did it she said Idk, but know she says it's because she wanted to see what it would be like with someone else. She really feels awful and I can tell that she really wants to get back together with me. She says she still loves me and I love her. Should I get back together with her


For every rat you see, there are 50 more behind it or waiting . . . keep moving unless you want to be walking on eggshells every time she goes out, every time she gets a text, every time she gets drunk and stoned. She cheated, she smoked pot and lied about it. What else is she lying about? -- She says she still loves me. She doesn't love you, she loves getting stoned, lying and cheating . . .

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She hid this from you. Then she knew you were going to be hurt. Then she did it even when were going to get hurt. Then she doesn't love you.

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