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going for it but afraid!

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I have a huge problem. I have feelings for a friend of mine, but I'm afraid that if I tell her how I feel then it would ruin me. I'm 17 years old and I know that I have my life ahead of me, but to me she is a beautiful diamond in a huge pile of coal, a angel among mere mortals, etc.


I have known her for at least one and a half to two years I meat her in history class. I thought she was the most gorgeous girl in the class. She is very shy, but funny, semi-outgoing, and a beautiful ballet dancer. She is my dream girl and I hope she will understand just how much she means to me and that I don't want to destroy our relationship, but to help expand it. I'm also having a problem with the mixed signals she has been giving me, and that a another guy is trying to make his move on her. They both went to prom together, but just as friends. What does that mean exactly?


My Mom has a co-worker who is in the same grade as me and is a good friend to the girl of my dreams and she said that she told my crush that I have feelings for her. My crush's answer was "I didn't Know he liked me that way." Should I tell her that I have feeling for her over the phone or should I tell her in person?

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definetely tell her in person...you don't wanna be a wimp


be ready for rejection...she might just like you as a friend but don't be scared cause who knows?she might want you...there's always a risk involved and it's YOUR decision to decide if this girl's worth it or not...

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her mixed messages may be in response to yours


if you make a move in her direction and then back off


that's gonna freak her out


when you make a decision to make a move you have to follow through


if you switch up its very confusing and scary for the target of your interest


she may not be sure if you like her or not


but if she's like me...if you don't send a clear defined message...your not going to get anywhere with her

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She went to the prom with some else.

She doesn't know you like her like that.

She sends mixed messages to you.

I think if she really liked you like that she would have been more excited in her responce to your friend. Most girls would have said "really? He likes me".


I could be wrong but I think you are in the friends category. You can try. Nothing wrong with that and then you will know for sure.




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Originally posted by Trae

but to me she is a beautiful diamond in a huge pile of coal, a angel among mere mortals, etc.


I thought she was the most gorgeous girl in the class.


She is my dream girl...

Been there, done that, and bought just about every variety of the T-shirt. You feel all this in part because you've had so long to let these feelings develop. The problem is that if you put this girl on this mch of a pedestal, it makes it so much harder to take the risk and ask her out or whatever.


See, it's a problem because while you idolize her, it sounds like she doesn't think of you much differently than she thinks about most other people. This sets things up for a really uneven start even if it does work out. What you need to do is step back, remind yourself that underneath what you like about her she's just an ordinary girl, and if you get rejected by this one, there will be other girls later on whom you can grow to like as much as this one. It doesn't seem possible in the moment, I know, but it's our nature to recover from this sort of stuff.


Believe me, I've run the "develop raging crushes, wait a long time and finally blurt them out at their full strength" plan too many times myself, and it's never worked. Not to say that it won't work for you this time, but you should do what you're going to do soon. And if it doesn't work, the next time you find a girl you like, act on it sooner.

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There are 3 billion women in the world, so it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things if one of them turns you down - especially when you're only 17! So stop being such a wuss and just ask her out. Faint heart ne'er won fair lady. Go for it and - win or lose - learn from the experience.

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