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Is it appropriate to be chatting to a married woman like I am?

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I am 27 and she is 30. Is this shady? We "met" online. We send each other texts and pics every day all day long for the last 3 weeks or so. "Hey boo what are you up to?" "Hey babe, I miss you" etc.


She lives across the country and says I'd "love" her husband if we ever met. She's coming to my city to visit her family over the summer and we plan on meeting up.


She wouldn't give me her Facebook or #, only Snapchat, so all our messages vanish.

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Come on buddy, take a step back and look at what your asking!


Simple answer to your question is..... 'NO'.

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You know the answer.


Let me ask you this:

what makes you want to keep chasing married women?

Do you ever think about how that behaviour affects other people?

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Sounds like shes looking for an affair. Are yoy okay being the other man? Sounds like yes if all this "honey boo" talk from a taken woman isnt weird to you...

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Well - let's see here. If I were to cheat I wouldn't want these women on my Facebook page sending me messages and I wouldn't want my phone going off with text messages either. Geez how would I explain that to my wife? Is that any clearer for you?

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Also, calling each other babe, etc when you have not even met is just creepy.


And do neither of you work? Who has time to send pics and texts "all day every day"?


Sometimes I fell like society is on the very of collapse.


Or a descent into idiocracy.

Edited by joseb
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Sometimes I fell like society is on the very of collapse.


It is. Rome is falling. When in declining Rome, do as the barbarians do...


I've had this ethical debate with my mates a few times. Some guys find it completely deplorable. I'm of the opinion 'her responsibility, her problem'.


I've been cheated on before, and I didn't blame the other guy. He had no responsibility to me. I didn't care to get him or anything - as long as he stayed away from me. It's only different when the 'other guy' is a friend, or someone that makes it count as a betrayal.


Understand that every attractive woman has options. For every woman that I sleep with, there are many guys that will be disappointed. These other guys might be orbiters, boyfriends, whatever. If I worried about that, I'd never approach another woman in my life.


Her responsibilities are her problem - not mine.


OP do whatever you want. Her marriage isn't your problem. If it starts to be your problem, dump her.

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IMO, it's electrons and her gender and/or marital status are apparently completely unverifiable so I wouldn't worry about appropriate, rather how you want to spend your time and, concurrently, how you manage your expectations. If this is fun in the moment, leave it there and don't be concerned about it.


Expect, if anything, something to come up and the family to be vaporware.

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With all the billions of women in the world why would you mess with a married woman that lives across the country? Can't you do better than that? Aren't there single women any closer? Why are you attracted to immoral people (she's married and shouldn't be flirting with you)? You need to look deep inside yourself and figure out why you are bothering with a long distance married woman.

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It's highly questionable. If you were talking about a subject you both cared about, it would probably be OK but this nonsense about calling each other pet names, & saying you miss each other is at least skirting the line.



BTW, after only 3 weeks of chatting OL how the heck can you miss somebody? You don't even know each other.

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Let's put it this way... what do you think her husband's view would be about this?


Or..... if you were married and someone sent your wife such messages...would it be okay with you?

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