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Scent is still the same.....

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well, as you all know i met my ex this past weekend.... it had been two long years but we managed to maintain contact.


He said something that really caught me off guard. He said that my "scent" is still the same.....


what does that mean?!?! He actually remembers how i smell? LOL

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Yeah, I don't think he meant anything by it, but everybody smells different! all kinds of stuff they may use..fabric conditioner, deoderants..or just your natural smell!


At parties and things like that, if someone else has slept in my bed (in a non sexual kinda way) then i usually know who it is..even if i didnt actually know..if that makes sense. I occasionally still smell my ex, and even though ive still not smelt it for a long time, i remember the smell of one of my first proper boyfriends.. thats like 6 years ago!

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