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my girl friends goin through a nasty div. he is doing every thing in his power to get me to react....for court purposes there are children envolved slamms me to them as well as others....where do you draw the line!!!!!!

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he is doing every thing in his power to get me to react....


has this man actually got a reaction from you? if he has, he will keep taunting you because he wants to see you react and he likes it when you react. he is a sick and twisted person who needs serious help. try your hardest not to react to him. DO NOT touch him under any circumstances. he could easily use this against you if he is spiteful and even charge you with assault.


as hard as it is in a situation like this, your best plan of action would be to ignore him. if he harrasses you, if he tries to become violent with you or your girlfriend or if he comes to your house and causes trouble, call the police. just don't tell him you've called the police. let them turn up and see him in action.


in the end, it will most likely be obvious who the nutty one is here, and will probably come out in court that this man is a troublemaker.


it's always hard with children involved. if these kids get along great with you, they may not take much notice of what their father says to them about you. there are people around you who would know what this man is saying is only because he is being spiteful.


anything he says about you will only be hearsay in court (it will not amount to much at all). he would have to have evidence of these things he is saying about you. another reason why it is so important you don't touch this man. you don't want a record for assault, no matter how angry you feel.


it's important to act as though the things he is doing don't bother you. this mans actions are obviously hurting you, but you don't want him to see that, because when he sees that, he enjoys it, and he will taunt you even more.


oh, and by the way, keep any evidence of his behaviour (if there is any) and possibly keep a journal of the things that are happening, just in case it does come up in court.


be there for your girlfriend and the children too. this would also be very hard on them and they're going to need someone who can help them through this tough situation. they're going to need someone who can be strong, because divorces can become very messy and really hurt children emotionally.


but this man....he seems to have a serious problem, and it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people already know that.

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Hey, sparkle. This one's real easy to understand. That's why I'm going to skip over it and give you time to formulate your response. I know you can do a much better job on this one than I can.

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