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Question: sexual scratching or strech marks?

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Help, I've found these on my husband's back this morning ( and it wasn't me) We already have a history of cheating - he cheated on me 2 years ago before getting married - it is a long, complicated and nasty story...


I would really appreciate your views. What do you Guys think - nails or stretch marks ( hè gained 1 or 2 kilo recently), :( I feel so confused and down right now...


please check the photo here: http://i1318.photobucket.com/albums/t643/Deborah2016/image_zpsrghbjhgm.jpeg

Edited by Deborah1985
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To me they look like stretch marks, but not sure if gaining 4 pounds would cause that. Did they just appear? When was the last time you saw his back prior to finding this?

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They seem a bit high for stretch marks on a man. They usually occur lower, nearer the butt. That's not a lot of weight to gain.


What are those things that form two sides of a triangle? Moles?

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They don't look like either to me.


Stretch Marks (Striae) in Adults: Condition, Treatment and Pictures - Overview | skinsight




They look more like the effect of recent trauma/friction/chafing


PS I hope you are keeping an eye on those moles for him?

Edited by Arieswoman
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Help, I've found these on my husband's back this morning ( and it wasn't me) We already have a history of cheating - he cheated on me 2 years ago before getting married - it is a long, complicated and nasty story...


I would really appreciate your views. What do you Guys think - nails or stretch marks ( hè gained 1 or 2 kilo recently), :( I feel so confused and down right now...


please check the photo here: http://i1318.photobucket.com/albums/t643/Deborah2016/image_zpsrghbjhgm.jpeg


Apply something on a cotton wool ball perhaps that will sting on an open wound like perfume, surgical spirit, if he reacts then the skin is broken, with stretch marks he will not react.

Make sure the substance applied is not too cold/hot as he may just feel the cold/hot.

If he has a physical job then he may have been hurt at work.

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To me they look like stretch marks, but not sure if gaining 4 pounds would cause that. Did they just appear? When was the last time you saw his back prior to finding this?


They look like stretch marks to me too, but there going the wrong way for a weight gain. My son had some that looked like that when he gained a lot of height!!

They could be indentation marks from a back brace, or leaning on rippled/heavily creased fabric or tight clothing.

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