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Is he playing me ..?

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About a month ago I was on Instagram and this girl that follows me (she goes to school with my boyfriend) messaged me and said, "look at my page" so I did, and when I went on there, she had pictures of her and my boyfriend on there so of course I talked to my boyfriend about the situation and only thing he said was "I didn't mess around with her it was just for fun, she likes me" and to this day I still don't believe it. When we're together in person I ask to see his phone and he'll snatch it and go delete stuff. What do I do? Am I getting cheated on? Please help!

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Yes. He is cheating on you. You are being played. And from the way the other girl contacted you , which sounds a bit taunting, you are being laughed at behind your back. My advice... after you take out the trash, open the windows to air out the place, and then spray some Lysol on any stubborn germs that weren't killed by the fresh air. Good luck.

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If it quacks like a duck.......Behavior speaks volumes. He may not be having sex with her, but he is emotionally cheating on you. He has stepped out of your relationship. I doubt he will shed a tear when you dump him.

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About a month ago I was on Instagram and this girl that follows me (she goes to school with my boyfriend) messaged me and said, "look at my page" so I did, and when I went on there, she had pictures of her and my boyfriend on there so of course I talked to my boyfriend about the situation and only thing he said was "I didn't mess around with her it was just for fun, she likes me" and to this day I still don't believe it. When we're together in person I ask to see his phone and he'll snatch it and go delete stuff. What do I do? Am I getting cheated on? Please help!


End with him. He's up to no good and you can't trust him.


That girl was showing you that he is messing around on you. Why else would she knowingly contact you and ask you to look at the pictures?


He is jerk and not worthy of your time and love. Break up with him!!

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